Edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek
[Est.: 17 Oct 1995. Last updated: 5 Feb 2005.]
The purpose of this document, which is a part of the Buddhist Studies
WWW Virtual Library and of the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual
Library, is to provide comprehensive and factual information about
the Ts'ung-jung lu (J. Shoyoroku, E. Book of Serenity) koan
collection as used in the Zen
training. Any additional information, corrections or
comments will be appreciated. Please send email to Dr T.Matthew Ciolek
About the Ts'ung-jung lu (J. Shoyoroku, E. Book of Serenity) koans
Ts'ung-jung lu (C.) (J. Shoyoroku, E. Book of Serenity, Book of Equanimity).
A collection of 100 koans, originally compiled in the 12th century by
the Ts'ao-tung (Soto) master Hung-chih Cheng-chüeh [Tiantong Hongzi] (J.Wanshi
Shogaku). After Hung-chih's death in 1157 editorial work on the
collection was continued by his Dharma 'adversary' and friend, the
Lin-chi (Rinzai) master Ta-hui Tsung-kao (J. Daie Soko). In 1223 the
koans were provided commentaries by Wan-sung Hsing-hsiu [Wansong ] (J.
Bansho Gyoshu), a Chinese Zen master from the Ts'ao-tung (Soto)
lineage, who taught at T'sung-lin (J. Shorin, E. Cloister of
Equanimity) monastery and published the volume under the name of
the 'Ts'ung-jung lu'.
Approximately a third of the Ts'ung-jung lu koans are identical with
koans in the Pi-yen-lu and the Wu-Men-Kuan collections.
English language fragments of the text have been published online, without any bibliographical details [it might be, possibly, a document by Yamada Koun roshi - ed.], by The Sanbo Kyodan Zen-Buddhist Religious Foundation as a 124KB PDF document, http://homepage3.nifty.com/sanbo-zen/Shoyo-Eg.pdf.
General structure of cases within the koan collection:
Introduction by Wan-sung Hsing-hsiu (J.Bansho Gyoshu)
The Case
Commentary by Wan-sung Hsing-hsiu
Capping Verse by Hung-chih Cheng-chueh (J. Wanshi Shogaku)
Commentary by Wan-sung Hsing-hsiu on Hung-chih Cheng-chueh's verse
Known English commentaries to Ts'ung-jung lu koans
Case names are taken from Cleary (1990). Books dealing exclusively with
the koans are referrred to by the year of their publication.
Commentaries embedded in materials dealing with other issues are
referred to by the year and page number.
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 05 Qingyuan and the Price of Rice
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 06 Mazu's "White and Black"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 07 Yaoshan Ascends the Seat
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 08 Baizhang's Fox
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 09 Nanquan Kills a Cat
[This case corresponds to:
Pi-yen-lu Case 63,
Wu-Men Kuan Case 14
Maezumi (in Maezumi & Glassman 1977:100-105),
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1977:100)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 11 Yunmen's "Two Sicknesses"
Loori (1994:147-160),
Maezumi (in Maezumi and Glassman 1978:49-45) [a commentary on the capping verse],
Yasutani Hakuun (in Maezumi and Glassman 1978:41-47),
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1978:37-38)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 12 Dizang Planting the Fields
Maezumi (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:82-97),
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:82)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 24 Xuefeng's "Look out for the Snake"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 25 Yanguan's "Rinoceros Fan"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 26 Yangshan Points to Snow
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 27 Fayan Points to a Blind
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 28 Huguo's "Three Embarassments"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 42 Nangyan's "Water Pitcher"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 43 Luoshan's "Arising and Vanishing"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 44 Xingyang's "Garuda"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 45 Four Sections of the Enlightenment Scripture
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 46 Deshan's "Completion of Study"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:105)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 47 Zhaozhou's "Cypress Tree"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:107)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 48 Vimalakirti's "Nonduality"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:108)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 49 Dongshan Presents Offerings Before the Image
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:109)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 50 Xuefeng's "What?"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:110-111)
Back to Table of Contents
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 51 Fayan's "Boat or Land"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:112)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 52 Caoshan's "Reality Body"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:114)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 53 Huangbo's "Dreg Slurpers"
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:115)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 54 Yunyan's "Great Compassion"
Loori (1994:161-172),
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:116)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 55 Xuefeng, the Rice Cook
Note: The case was also translated into English by Maezumi, T. and D. Fraser (in Maezumi and Glassman 1976:117)
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 56 Spiritual Uncle Mi and the Rabbit
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 57 Yanyang's "Thing"
Ts'ung-jung lu - Case 58 The Diamond Scripture's "Revilement"
Aitken, Robert. 1994a.
'Stuck in a Nest of Reeds - Shoyoroku: Case 68'.
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp. 1-3. Summer 1994.
[Available online from URL
Aitken, Robert. 1994b.
'Knowing and Not Knowing: Nothing to Prove -
Shoyoroku: Case 69'.
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp. 14-16. Summer 1994.
[Available online from URL
Aitken, Robert. 1996a. 'The old monk is properly looking after that
one - Shoyoroku: Case 94'.
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp. 1-3. Autumn 1996.
Aitken, Robert. 1996b. 'A Dream within a Dream - Shoyoroku: Case 90'].
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Center. pp. 1-3. Spring 1996.
Aitken, Robert. 1997. Mountains
and Rivers,
Shoyoroku: Case 100'. Bright Water - The Journal of Maitai Zendo. Winter (Southern) 1997.
[Available online from URL
Althouse, Robert Joshin. 1997. Jumping [Shoyoroku Case 60].
[Available online from URL
Arnold, Geoffrey Shugen. 2000a. The World-Honored One Points to the Ground.
Book of Equanimity, Case 4. Mountain Record 18.3, Spring 2000.
[Available online from URL
Arnold, Geoffrey Shugen. 2000b. Yangshan's Mind and Environment.
Book of Serenity, Case 32. Mountain Record 18.4, Summer 2000.
[Available online from URL
Barzaghi, Subhana. 1996. 'Stepping from the top of the hundred-foot
pole - Shoyoroku: Case 79'.
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp. 14-17. Autumn 1996.
Cleary, Thomas. 1990. Book of Serenity. Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne Press.
Loori, John Daido. 1994. Two Arrows Meeting Mid-Air: The Zen Koan.
Boston, Rutland, Vt. and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co.
Maezumi, Hakuyu Taizan and Glassman, Bernard Tetsugen (Eds). 1976. On
Zen Practice. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.
Maezumi, Hakuyu Taizan. 1977. 'Nansen's Cutting the Cat', in
Maezumi, Hakuyu Taizan and Glassman, Bernard Tetsugen (Eds.). pp. 100-105. On Zen Practice II: Body, Breath and Mind. Los Angeles: Center Publications.
Maezumi, Hakuyu Taizan and Glassman, Bernard Tetsugen (Eds). 1978.
The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los
Murphy, Susan. 1999. How to Keep the Thrown Stone. [A fragment of the text is dedicated to
Shoyoroku: Case 97]
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp.14-19. Winter 1999
Tarrant, John. 1992.
'Yang-shan's Mind and Environment'.
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp. 1-7. Winter 1992.
[Available online from URL
Tarrant, John. 1996. 'Egg dreams and Green Bamboo Shoots - Blue Cliff Record:
Case 16 & Shoyoroku: Case 70'.
Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Centre. pp. 4-7. Autumn 1996.
Maintainer: Dr T.Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek@ciolek.com)
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by T.Matthew Ciolek. This Web page may be linked to any
other Web pages. Contents may not be altered.
URL http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/ZenPages/Koans-TJL.html