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Albuquerque Zen Center Newsletter (, USA)
[An on-line version of portions of the paper Newsletter. The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( copies are, however, available.]
Cambridge Zen Center Newsletter (, USA)
[The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( copies are, however, available.]
Dharma Life (, USA)
[Newsletter of the Missouri Zen Center, St.Louis, USA]
The Dharma Rag (, USA)
[Newsletter of the Springs Mountain Zen Sangha, CO, USA]
The Electric Mountain Journal (,USA)
[An on-line version
of portions of the quarterly journal published by Dharma
Communications of the Zen Mountain Monastery. The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( does not keep a copy of the newsletter.]
Gateway Journal -
The Newsletter of The Engaged Zen Foundation (,
[The Engaged Zen Foundation, Inc., was formed in New
Jersey, USA as a not-for-profit corporation in 1994 for the purpose of
serving the spiritual needs of prisoners and to establish a Zen Temple
and Monastery]
Gong Mun (Empty Gate) Newsletter (www.emptygatezen,USA)
[Published by Empty Gate Zen Center, Berkeley, USA, the Kwan Um School of Zen]
Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives (, USA)
[A quarterly containing articles on
meditation and Buddhist training, written by Rev. Master
Jiyu-Kennett, priests and lay ministers of the Order, and
congregation members.]
KaiHan Zen Magazine (, USA)
[An e-magazine published by David Oller. Contents: Zen Culture & Practice;
Japanese Cultural Page;
Kaihan Articles & Poetry;
Zen & Buddhist Temples in Japan;
Zen Lineages & Biographies of Zen Masters;
Japanese (History and Traditions of Japanese Incense)
Buddhist Culture;
Magazines & Journals;
Dictionaries & Buddhist Resources.]
Kanzeon Sangha UK Newsletter (,UK)
[The Newsletter of the Zen Practice Centre Trust.
The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( copies are, however, available.]
Record Electronic Journal (, USA)
on-line version of portions of the quarterly published by Dharma
Communications of the Mountains and Rivers Order and its
mainhouse, Zen Mountain Monastery]
The New Ch'an Forum (Bristol Ch'an Group, UK)
[Dharma talks, poems, reports on their retreat
experiences written by participants, pictures etc.]
Olympia Zen Center Newsletter (, USA)
[Olympia Zen Center is a community of lay practitioners of Soto Zen Buddhism, Olympia, WA, USA. The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( does not keep a copy of the newsletter.]
Pathless Path (, USA)
[Online newsletter of the Zen Desert Sangha]
Prairie Sky (, USA)
[Online newsletter of the Prairie Zen Center, Champaign, IL, USA. The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( copies are, however, available.]
Prairie Wind (, USA)
[Online newsletter of the Nebraska Zen Center, NE, USA]
Primary Point (, USA)
[Online archive of the journal of the Kwan Um School of Zen, USA]
Seven Thunders Newsletter (,USA)
[Archive of articles of the newsletter of Seven Thunders Sangha, Oregon]
Still Point Newsletter (,USA)
newsletter of the Dharma Rain Zen Center, Portland, USA]
UU Sangha (, USA)
[Online edition of the Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Buddhist
Fellowship (UUBF). The journal appears to have vanished from the Net. The Internet Archive ( copies are, however, available.]
The Zennist Newsletter (, USA)
[Online excerpts from a paper edition of a "A
newsletter commentary on Zen mysticism and its interaction with
contemporary zen"]
Zen Unbound (, USA) [E-zine fostering a
spiritual life-style for amateurs. The journal was originally published at
The old Internet Archive ( copies are available.]
The Zen Studies Society Newsletter (, USA)
[Semi-annual electronic edition, events and images, practice and life at our two Zen
centers of the ZSS, Inc., New York, NY]
Updates and corrections to this page have been kindly provided by:
Walter Bentre, John B. Burnett, Tendo Tim Lacy, Joe Nanney, Jeanette Ryan, Mark Vetanen, Lorraine Witzel.
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