This document provides a list of historical events of significance to Zen
Buddhism tradition.
Additions and corrections to the Calendar will be
appreciated. Please send email to Dr T. Matthew Ciolek
01 Jan | Tetsugen, (d. 1683), Zen teacher.
Originally a priest of the Jodo (Pure Land) sect, later converted to
Obaku Zen, born in Japan in 1630.
Suzuki Sochu, Zen teacher, Rinzai line, abbot of Ryutakuji, died in Japan in 1990. Jiyu Kennett (d. 1996), Zen teacher, Soto line, founder and abbess of Shasta Abbey, California, born in UK in 1924. |
06 Jan | Alan Watts (d. 1973), Philosopher, theologian and writer, born in London, UK in 1915. |
10 Jan | Lin-chi I-hsuan (?-866) (J. Rinzai Gigen), Zen teacher, founder of the Rinzai school in China, died in China in 866. |
16 Jan | Imakita Kosen, (b. 1816) Zen teacher, abbot of Engagkuji monastery, first Zen teacher of D.T. Suzuki, died in Kamakura, Japan in 1892. |
18 Jan | Hakuin Ekaku, Zen teacher, reformer of the Rinzai school, died in Japan in 1769.
Bernard Glassman, Zen teacher, head of the Zen Center of New York, born in 1939 in New York, USA. |
19 Jan | Dogen Kigen (d. 1253), Zen teacher, 1st patriarch of the Japanese Soto line, founder of the Eiheiji monastery, born in Japan in 1200.
Hakuin Ekaku born in Japan in 1686. Dainin Katagiri (d. 1990), Zen teacher, associate of Shunryu Suzuki, founder of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Centre, born in Osaka, Japan in 1928. |
21 Jan | A religous debate between Tendai and Shingon priests on the one hand and Zen priests, led by Daito Kokushi (1282-1337) on the other, was held in Kyoto in 1324. The debate, which was judged by emperor Godaigo and assisted by ex-emperor Hanazono was won by Daito. |
25 Jan | Su Tung-p'o (J. Sotoba) (d. 1101), layman, poet, administrator, born in China in 1037.
Richard Kongo Langlois (d. 1999), Zen teacher, Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago, born in Chicago, USA in 1935. Augusto Gen'un Alcalde, 1st South American Zen teacher, received full Dharma Transmission from Robert Aitken, in Bario Loza, Argentina in 1989. |
26 Jan | Han Yong-woon (Bongwan, Manhae) (1879-1944) ordained a monk in Korea, in 1905. |
08 Feb | Nanshu, Zen teacher, Rinzai line, founder of Zounan temple, died in Japan in 1303.
Anne Aitken (nee Hopkins), the co-founder (together with Robert Aitken) of the Diamond Sangha, born in 1911 in Chicago, USA. |
11 Feb | Half of the ashes of Shunryu Suzuki roshi (1904-1971), founder of the San Francisco Zen Center buried at Tassajara in 1972. |
15 Feb | Buddha Shakyamuni, (b. 463 B.C.) died in Kusinagara, India in 383 B.C., [acc to Japanese tradition].
Ho-tse Shen-hui (J. Kataku Jinne) (684-758), Zen teacher, disciple of Hui-neng (J. Eno) on 15 Feb 732 during a mass meeting at Hua-t'ai attacked claims of the founder of Northern Ch'an line Shen-hsiu (J. Jinshu) and of Shen-hsiu's disciple P'u-chi (J. Fujaku) to the embodiment of the true patriarchal lineage of Ch'an. |
17 Feb | Half of the ashes of Shunryu Suzuki roshi (1904-1971), former abbot of Rinsoin temple, founder of the San Francisco Zen Center buried at (Rinsoin?), Japan in 1972. |
26 Feb | Maurine Stuart, (b. 1922) Zen teacher, pianist, head of the Cambridge Buddhist Association, Boston, USA, disciple of Nakagawa Soen Roshi, died in Cambridge, Mass., USA in 1990. |
01 Mar | Dainin Katagiri (b. 1928), Zen teacher, associate of Shunryu Suzuki, founder of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Centre, died in Minneapolis, USA in 1990. |
02 Mar | Satomi Myodo (d. 1978), Zen nun, exemplary practitioner, attendant of Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, born in Japan in 1896. |
03 Mar | Maurine Stuart, (d. 1990) Zen teacher, pianist, head of the Cambridge Buddhist Association, Boston, USA born in in Keeler, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1922. |
07 Mar | Tetsugen, (b. 1630), Zen teacher. Originally a priest of the Jodo (Pure Land) sect, later converted to Obaku Zen, died in Japan in 1683.
Sonja Margulies, Zen teacher, dharma heir to Otogawa Chino Kobun, born in Minnesota, USA in 1931. |
10 Mar | Bassui Tokusho (b. 1327), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, founder of the Kogakuji monastery, died in Enzan monastery, Japan in 1387. |
11 Mar | Nakagawa Soen, Zen teacher, Rinzai line, poet, died in Rytutakuji monastery, Japan in 1984. |
19 Mar | Nakagawa Soen, Zen teacher, Rinzai line, head of the Rytutakuji monastery, born in Keelung, Formosa (Taiwan) in 1907. Nakagawa Soen was accepted as a student of Katsube Keigaku Roshi in 1930. |
20 Mar | Eugen Herrigel (d. 1955), Philosopher, scholar, archer, early pioneer of Zen in Europe born in Germany in 1885. |
27 Mar | Charlotte Joko Beck, Zen teacher, founder of the Ordinary Mind Zen School in USA, in 1917. |
28 Mar | Hakuun Yasutani, (b. 1885), Zen teacher, co-founder of the Sanbo Kyodan school died in Japan, in 1973. |
30 Mar | Richard Baker, Zen teacher, head of the Dharma Sangha, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, ex-head of the San Francisco Zen Center, born in 1936 in Biddeford, Maine, USA.
Ketsugan (?-?). Zen teacher, Rinzai line, the 126th head of Kenchoji, in 1422 performed exorcisms for freeing the Kaizoji temple from evil apparitions. |
01 Apr | Joshu Kyozan Sasaki Roshi, founder of the Cimarron Zen Center (now Rinzai-ji Zen Center) and of the Mt. Baldy Zen Center, born in Japan, in 1907. |
3-4 Apr | Commemorative services for Hojo Tokimune are held annually at Engakuji in Kamakura, Japan. |
06 Apr | Subhana, the first Australian woman to become a Zen teacher, received permission to teach from John Tarrant Roshi in Gorricks Run Zendo, in 1991. |
08 Apr | Buddha Shakyamuni, (d. 383 B.C.), born in Lumbini Gardens, at Kapilavastu, Nepal in 463 B.C. [acc to Japanese tradition].
Buddha's Birthday (Hana matsuri = ' flower festival') celebrations are held annualy at Zen temples. Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, founder of the Sanbo Kyodan oragnization, received dharma transmission from D.S. Harada Roshi in 1943. Soen Nakagawa, met for the first time with Nyogen Senzaki in San Francisco in 1948. |
16 Apr | Kawabata Yasunari (b. 1899), writer, winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize for Literature died in Kamakura, Japan in 1972. |
18 Apr | Eugen Herrigel (b. 1885), Philosopher, scholar, archer, early pioneer of Zen in Europe died in Germany in 1955. |
20 Apr | Special tea ceremony called Yotsugashira is held each year on this day at the Kenninji temple in Kyoto (est. in 1202) as a memorial service to Eisai, the founder of this "cradle of Rinzai Zen in Japan". |
23 Apr | Mitsu Suzuki, Kindergarten teacher, teacher of tea ceremony at San Francisco Zen Center, wife of S.Suzuki roshi, born in Shizuoka City, Japan in 1914.
Peter Bailey (b. 1924), Graphic designer, calligrapher, one of the earliest students of S.Suzuki roshi at SFZC, died in 1991. |
27 Apr | Imakita Kosen, (1816-1892), Zen teacher, first Zen teacher of D.T. Suzuki, found the awakening in 1841. |
30 Apr | Taisen Deshimaru, (b. 1914), Zen teacher, founder of several Zen centers in France and other Western countries, died in Tokyo, Japan in 1982. |
01 May | Ekiho (?-?), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, head of Engakuji, exorcised the temple and it's surroundings from an old badger who (like most of the badgers in medieaval Japan) was an expert in bewitching passers-by in 1394. |
05 May | A biography of Zen teacher Bassui Tokusho (1327-1387) was published on Japan by his disciple Myodo. |
07 May | Nyogen Senzaki, (b. 1876), 1st Zen teacher to reside in USA, died in Los Angeles, USA in 1958. |
08 May | Gary Snyder, senior Zen student, writer, poet, born in USA in 1930. |
13 May | Sofokuji temple in Nagasaki, Japan sent a letter to China, to Ingen Ryuki (C. Yin-yüan Lung-ch'i) inviting him to become the temple's abbot, in 1652. |
17 May | Sasaki Shigetsu Sokei-an (b. 1882). Zen teacher. Sculptor. Founder of the First Zen Institute of America, husband of R. F. Sasaki died in USA in 1945. |
21 May | Ama Samy, Jesuit priest, Zen teacher, disciple of Yamada Koun, in the last 500 years the 1st Zen teacher in India, was born in Burma in 1936.
Yamada Mumon Roshi appointed at Myoshinji temple a head of the Rinzai Sect in 1978. |
02 Jun | Oda Mayumi, painter, resident artist at the Green Gulch Zen Center, born in Tokyo, Japan in 1941. |
05 Jun | Pauline Offner (b. 1926) a student of Senzaki Nyogen, Nakagawa Soen and Yasutani Hakuun, later a Theravadin nun, died in Thailand in 1979. |
06 Jun | Bernard Glassman (b. 1939) Zen teacher, installed as the abbot of the Zen Center of New York, in 1982 in New York, USA. |
07 Jun | John Blofeld (b. 1913), writer, translator, Zen practitioner died in Bangkok (?), Thailand in 1987.
Nishida Kitaro (b. 1870), scholar, philosopher, Zen practitioner, friend of D.T. Suzuki, died in Japan in 1945. |
11 Jun | Funeral ceremony for S. Nakagawa and burial half of his ashes next to those of Hakuin and Torei took place at Ryutakuji monastery in Japan, in 1984. |
12 Jun | Opening ceremony of the Cambridge Buddhist Association meditation center at the Sparks Street, Boston, USA held in 1979. |
14 Jun | Kawabata Yasunari (d. 1972), writer, Zen practitioner, winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize for Literature was born in Osaka, Japan in 1899. |
19 Jun | Robert Aitken, Zen teacher, the co-founder (together with Anne Aitken) of the Diamond Sangha, first teacher of Zen in Australia, born in 1917 in Philadelphia, USA.
Han Yong-woon (Bongwan, Manhae) (b. 1879) died in Seoul County, Korea, in 1944. |
22 Jun | Shunryu Suzuki (1904-1971) Roshi completed his historical voyage from Japan to San Francisco, USA in 1959. |
23 Jun | Ho-tse Shen-hui (J. Kataku Jinne) (b. 684), Zen teacher, disciple of Hui-neng (J. Eno), died in Ching-chou, China in 758. |
29 Jun | Musho (Hokai), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, founder of a subtemple at Jochiji, died in Japan in 1306. |
1-7 Jul | The (?) first ever in history of Zen winter sesshin in which in addition to adult practitioners there were also two infants, was held by John Tarrant at the Sydney Zen Center's Gorrick's Run Zendo in 1990. |
01 Jul | Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), poet, left for a 150 days journey [subsequently recorded in his 'Okumo Hosomichi' (The Narrow Road to the Deep North)] from Edo (Tokyo) through the Tokhoku and Hokuriku areas of Japan's main island of Honshu in 1689. |
04 Jul | Opening ceremony (in which S. Suzuki took part) of the Tassajara Zen Mountain Centre held in 1967.
Opening ceremony (in which S. Nakagawa took part) of the Dai Bosatsu monastery, Catskill Mts., NY, the first Zen monastery in USA to replicate traditional Japanese architecture, held in 1976. Funeral ceremony for S. Nakagawa and burial half of his ashes next to those of N. Senzaki was officiated by E. Shimano at the Dai Bosatsu monastery, in 1984. |
06 Jul | Opening ceremony of Daitokuji's Shinju an subtemple was held in 1491. |
07 Jul | Dokusho (b. ? ), Zen teacher. Obaku line. Disciple of Ingen Ryuki (C. Yin-yuan Lung-chi) died in Japan in 1694.
Father Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle, Jesuit priest, apprentice Zen teacher, (b. 1898), disciple of K. Yamada, died in 1990. |
09 Jul | Gertrude Dixon, (b. 1939), compiler and editor of Shunryu Suzuki's Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (1970) died in California in 1969.
Brigitte Koun-An D'Ortschy, Zen teacher, Sanbo Kyodan line, (b. 1921), disciple of H. Yasutani, died in Germany in 1990. |
12 Jul | D.T. Suzuki, (b. 1870), Zen Buddhism scholar, died in Tokyo, Japan in 1966. |
15 Jul | Obon (3 day festival to honour the dead) solar calendar celebrations are held annualy at Daitokuji in Kyoto. |
16 Jul | Beatrice Erskine Lane Suzuki, Zen student, wife of D.T. Suzuki, died in Japan in 1939. |
21 Jul | Kyozan Joshu Sasaki, Roshi (b. 1 Apr 1907), arrived in the United States in 1962 at the request of a sitting group in Gardena, California. Soon after the first zendo of Rinzai-ji was established in a garage. |
27 Jul | Sogen Mugaku (Bukko) (C.Wu-hsüeh Tsü-yüan) (1226-1286), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, the founder of Engakuji temple arrived in Japan from China in 1280. |
28 Jul | Suzuki Shosan (b. 1579), Samurai, monk, Soto line , propagator of the Zen Buddhism died in Japan in 1655. |
02 Aug | Satomi Myodo (b. 1896), Zen nun, exemplary practitioner, attendant of Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, died in Japan in 1978. |
03 Aug | P'ang Yün (Layman P'ang), (b. ca 740), Exemplary Zen practitioner, died in China in 808.
Chozen-ji/International Zen Dojo was founded by Omori Sogen Roshi, in Hawaii in 1972. |
05 Aug | Philip Kapleau, Zen teacher, found his first awakening under Yasutani Roshi in 1958. |
08 Aug | Emperor Godaigo, who was deeply impressed with Keizan Jokin's teachings, made Sojiji monastery (near Yokohama, in Japan) the chief monastery of the Soto Sect, in 1322.
Sesshu Toyo, (b. 1420), Zen monk, painter, died in Yamaguchi, Japan in 1506. Maurine Stuart, Zen teacher, head of the Cambridge Buddhist Association, ordained as Zen priest by Eido Tai Shimano Roshi at Dai Bosatsu Monastery, Catskill Catskill Mts, NY, USA in 1977. |
13 Aug | Daikaku (Rankei Doryu) (C. Lan-hsi Tao-lung) (b. 1213). Zen teacher, Rinzai line, head of Kenchoji, died in Kamakura, Japan in 1278. |
15 Aug | Anniversary of Keizan Jokin (1268-1325), Zen teacher, co-founder of the Soto school in Japan [acc to Japanese tradition] held annually.
Obon (3 day festival to honour the dead) solar calendar celebrations are held annualy at Daitokuji in Kyoto;. |
20 Aug | Philip Kapleau, Zen teacher, founder of the Rochester Zen Center, born in New Haven, USA in 1912. |
22-24 Aug | Foundation ceremonies are held annually at Kenchoji in Kamakura, Japan. |
23 Aug | Philip Kapleau conducted the first ever jukai ceremony in Poland at the end of the first ever sesshin held in that country, at Katowice zendo of the ZBZ Sangha (now ZBZ Bodhidharma), in 1975. |
26 Aug | Bodhisattva Jizo festival is celebrated annualy at Daitokuji in Kyoto, Japan. |
28 Aug | Kano Motonobu (d. 1559). Zen practitioner, Painter, Garden designer, co-founder (with his father, Masanobu) of the Kano school of painting born in Kyoto, Japan in 1476. |
29 Aug | Han Yong-woon (Bongwan, Manhae) (d. 1944) was born in Hongsung County, Korea, in 1879. |
01 Sep | Kenchoji Rinzai temple in Kamakura, Japan was heavily damaged by an earthquake in 1924. |
02 Sep | Steve Allen, dharma heir of T. I. Dorsey, installed as a new abbot of the Hartford Street Zen Center, in San Francisco, USA in 1990. |
2-3 Sep | Foundation ceremonies are held annually at Engakuji in Kamakura, Japan. |
06 Sep | T. Issan Dorsey, founding abbot of the Hartford Street Zen Center, San Francisco, died in 1990. |
11-18 Sep | Shaku Soen, Zen teacher, Rinzai line, first Zen teacher to visit the West, took part in proceedings of the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. |
13 Sep | Yamada Koun (b. 1907), Zen teacher, Sanbo Kyodan line, died in Kamakura, Japan in 1989. |
15 Sep | The New York Zendo (Shoboji) was opened by S. Nakagawa and D.S Harada in 1968. |
16 Sep | Karen Horney (d. 1952), Psychoanalyst, scholar, Zen practitioner, born in Hamburg, Germany in 1895. |
18 Sep | Nakagawa Soen, Zen teacher, Rinzai line, poet, received the dharma transmission from Yamamoto Gempo Roshi, in 1950. |
20 Sep | Ross Bolleter, jazz musician, member of the Western Australia Zen Group, was nominated by J. Tarrant Roshi as an apprentice teacher in 1991;. |
20-23 Sep | An official visit of the head of the Rinzai sect, Yamada Mumon Roshi to a Benedictine Abbey of Maria Laach, Germany in 1978. This visit prepared the ground for a work-training period for several Zen monks held at the abbey in Sept 1979. |
22 Sep | Dogen Kigen (b. 1200), Zen teacher, 1st patriarch of the Japanese Soto line, founder of the Eiheiji monastery, died in Japan in 1253.
Mugaku Sogen(Bukko) (C.Wu-hsüeh Tsü-yüan) (b. 1226), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, the founder of Engakuji temple died in Kamakura, Japan in 1286. |
25 Sep | Suzuki Shosan (1579-1655), Samurai, monk, Soto line, propagator of the Zen Buddhism, found the awakening in 1639. |
30 Sep | P'u-chi Ho-shang Tao-chao (J. Fujaku) (b. 651), Zen teacher, Northern Ch'an Line, National Teacher, died in 739 in China.
Muso Soseki (Muso Kokushi) (b. 1275), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, teacher of more than 13, 000 students and of 52 Zen teachers, head of Nanzenji, founder of Tenryuji and other 13 temples and monasteries, garden designer, architect, poet died in Japan in 1351. Commemorative services for Hojo Tokimune are held annually at Zuisenji in Kamakura, Japan. |
05 Oct | Anniversary of Bodhidharma (?-532) (J. Daruma), 28th Indian Zen Patriarch, 1st Chinese Zen Patriarch [acc to Japanese tradition] held annually. |
15 Oct | Seng-ts'an (J. Sosan), 3rd Chinese Zen Patriarch, (b. ? ), died in China in 606 [acc to Japanese tradition].
Genpo Merzel, Zen teacher, was installed as the first abbot of the Hosshinji temple at Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, in 1988. |
20 Oct | Formal opening ceremony of the International One Mind Zen center in Crestone, Colorado was performed by the Korean teacher Tae Heng in 1991. |
21 Oct | Memorial service, marked by completion of 16 decorative panels painted by Hasegawa Tohaku for Daitokuji's Shinju an subtemple was held for Ikkyu Sojun in Kyoto in 1601. |
22 Oct | Ex-emperor Hanazono (1297-1348), became a Zen priest in 1335 and had his head shaved by Daito Kokushi. |
23 Oct | Ruth Fuller Sasaki, (b. 1893), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, head of the First Zen Institute of America, wife S.S. Sasaki, died in Kyoto, Japan in 1967. |
27 Oct | Satomi Myodo (1896-1978), Zen nun, exemplary practitioner, attendant of Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, renewed her nun's vows in 1955 and received the Buddhist name of Daien Myodo. |
28 Oct |
Reginald Horace Blyth, (b. 1898), Zen teacher, scholar, translator died in Japan (?) in 1964.
Richard Kongo Langlois (b. 1935), Zen teacher, Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago, died in Chicago, USA in 1999. |
29 Oct | Soen Shaku, (b. 1859), Zen teacher, abbot of the Engakuji monastery in Kamakura, Japan died in 1919. |
31 Oct | Ruth Fuller Sasaki (d. 1967), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, head of the First Zen Institute of America, wife S.S. Sasaki, born in USA in 1892. |
01 Nov | Soto Zen Founder's Day [acc to Japanese tradition]. |
1-3 Nov | The mushi-boshi (airing and display of treasures) ceremonies are held annually at Kenchoji and Engakuji in Kamakura, Japan. |
05 Nov | Wu Men Kuan (C.), (J. Mumonkan; Gateless Gate), a collection of 48 koans, compiled and provided with commentaries and verses by Wu-men Hui-k'ai (J. Mumon Ekai) was first published in China in 1228.
Kano Motonobu (b. 1476), Zen practitioner, painter, garden designer, co-founder (with his father, Masanobu) of the Kano school of painting died in Japan in 1559. |
06 Nov | Jiyu Kennett (b. 1924), Zen teacher, Soto line, founder and abbess of Shasta Abbey, California, died in USA in 1996. [1] |
07 Nov | Augusto Gen'un Alcalde, 1st South American Zen teacher, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1950. |
08 Nov | Ven. Jy Din Shakya officiated in 1997 at Hsu (Xu) Yun Temple, Honolulu, at the creation of a Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun (ZBOHY) dedicated to Internet dissemination of the teachings and poetry of the Chinese Zen Master, Hsu Yun (Empty Cloud). |
11 Nov | Father Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle (d. 1990), Jesuit priest, Zen teacher, student of S.D. Harada Roshi, disciple of K. Yamada Roshi, born in 1898 in Germany.
The Boston Court issues in 1979 the Cambridge Buddhist Association an occupancy permit for its meditation center at the Sparks Street, Boston, USA. |
14 Nov | Jakusho Kwong, Zen teacher, Soto line, head of the Sonoma Mountain Zen Center, born in 1935 in Santa Rosa, California, USA. |
16 Nov | Alan Watts, (b. 1915), Writer, popularizer of Zen, died in California, USA in 1973. |
20 Nov | Bassui Tokusho, (d. 1387), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, founder of the Kogakuji monastery, born in Nakamura, Japan in 1327;. |
21 Nov | Ikkyu Sojun (b. 1394), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, the head and restorer of the Daitokuji temple, poet, originator of the idea of making Zen the heart of the tea drinking, famous for his profound irreverent wit, died in Kyoto, Japan in 1481.
Richard Baker, Zen teacher, installed by S. Suzuki as his successor at the San Francisco Zen Center in 1971. |
22 Nov | Anniversary of death of Daito Kokushi (1283-22 Dec. 1337), Zen teacher, leader of the O-To-Kan Rinzai school in Japan, founder of Daitokuji temple in Kyoto is traditionally commemorated on this day. Founder's day celebrations are held annualy at Daitokuji in Kyoto. |
24 Nov | Nishitani Keiji, philosopher, died in Kyoto, Japan in 1990. |
26 Nov | Yamada Koun, (1907-1989), Zen teacher, leader of the Sanbo Kyodan line of Zen, found his first awakening, in Kamakura, Japan in 1953. |
29 Nov | Taisen Deshimaru, (d. 1982), Zen teacher, Soto line, founder of several Zen centers in France, born in Saga City, Japan, in 1914. |
02 Dec | Han Yong-woon (Bongwan, Manhae) (1879-1944) found awakening at the Osean Monastery, Korea, in 1917.
The first issue of the Wind Bell, a journal of the San Francisco Zen Center was published in 1961. |
04 Dec | Karen Horney, (b. 1895), Psychoanalyst, scholar, Zen practitioner, died in New York, USA in 1952.
Shunryu Suzuki, (b. 1904), Zen teacher, founder of San Francisco Zen Center died and had his funeral ceremony in California, USA in 1971. |
06 Dec | D.T. Suzuki found the awakening at Engakuji temple, in Kamakura, while training under Shaku Soen Roshi, in 1896. |
07 Dec | T. Maezumi Roshi, head of Los Angeles Zen Center, received dharma transmission from Hakuun Yasutani Roshi in 1970. |
08 Dec | Buddha Shakyamuni's found enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, India in 428 B.C. [acc to Japanese tradition].
Ananda, friend and student of Buddha Shakyamuni, the 2nd Indian Zen Patriarch was born in Nepal, in 428 B.C. [acc to Japanese tradition]. Daitokuji temple, Rinzai line, established in Kyoto by Daito Kokushi (1282-1337) was officially dedicated in 1326. Richard Baker, Zen teacher, (b. 1936) stepped down from the abbotship of the San Francisco Zen Center in 1983. |
09 Dec | Hui-k'o (487-593) (J. Eka, Jinko), 2nd Chinese Zen patriarch accepted as a disciple by Bodhidharma at Shaolin Monastery, China [acc to Japanese tradition]. |
10 Dec | Otogaki Rengetsu (b. ?1791), nun, Soto line, poetess, potter, benefactress of Tessai died in Kyoto in 1875.
Ruth Fuller Sasaki (1892-1967), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, scholar head of the First Zen Institute of America, wife of S.S. Sasaki, first female head of a Daitokuji's sub-temple entered Zen priesthood in 1938. |
12 Dec | Daiun Sogaku Harada, (b. 1870), Zen teacher, founder of the Sanbo Kyodan lineage of Zen died in Japan in 1961. |
15 Dec | ZBZ Sangha (now ZBZ Bodhidharma) officially registered after 5 years of administrative hassles and red-tape, in Warsaw, in 1980. |
16 Dec | Kusan Sunim, (b. 1909), Zen teacher, founder of the Milae Sa temple and of the Bulsung Sa Zen center in Korea, disciple of Hyobong Sunim, died in Korea in 1983. |
18 Dec | D.T. Suzuki, (d. 1966), Zen Buddhism scholar, born in Kanzawa, Japan in 1870. |
22 Dec | Daito Kokushi (b. 1282), Teacher. Rinzai line. Founder of Daitokuji, died in Kyoto in 1337.
Yaeko Iwasaki, (1911-1935), Lay student of D.S.Harada Roshi found her first awakening in Kamakura, Japan in 1935. |
28 Dec | John Tarrant, 1st Australian born Zen teacher, received Dharma Transmission from Robert Aitken, in Hawaii in 1988. |
31 Dec | Coffin of Ho-tse Shen-hui (J. Kataku Jinne) (b. 684-758), Zen teacher,
disciple of Hui-neng (J. Eno) interred in a stupa built for him in
Lung-men, China in 765.
Daigaku (b. ca. 1299), Zen teacher, Rinzai line, the 46th head of Engakuji, died in Kamakura, Japan in 1382. |
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