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Ciolek T. Matthew. 1997-present. Zen Buddhist Names - ancient, old and contemporary: an online haphazard (truly a Magpie's Nest) catalog. Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online.
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Zen Buddhist Names - ancient, old and contemporary: an online haphazard (truly a Magpie's Nest) catalog, part O-R

This document is a part of the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library

This document lists Buddhist names given to students and teachers active within the Zen tradition. Additions, corrections and comments will be appreciated. Please send email to Dr T. Matthew Ciolek For names used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism see the Dharma Names.



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Sources no. 001-200  Sources no. 201-400  Sources no. 401-600  Sources no. 601-800 

  • Language: (C.) = Chinese; (D.) = Dutch; (E.) = English; (J.) = Japanese; (K.) = Korean; (P.) = Pali; (Sk.) = Sanskrit; (V.) = Vietnamese.
  • Numbers in square brackets, e.g. [999], refer to the source of information.
  • Characters written in brown colour [src.] - Kanji and other characters identified by the sources.
  • Characters written in green colour [tmc] - Kanji and other characters as provisionally identified by T.M. Ciolek. Corrections might be needed.
  • ?char? - appropriate Japanese Kanji character for the Zen name awaits identification.
  • &%code; - appropriate HTML numeric code of the character awaits identification.
  • - a paper source has stated an appropriate Japanese Kanji. However, its HTML numeric code awaits identification.
  • [src ?] - the source of information still to be listed.
  • [tmc] - information as provisionally determined by T.M. Ciolek. Corrections might be needed. Treat the "tmc" information as a tentative hypothesis
  • aka - also known as
  • (?) or ? - uncertain reading.
  • n/a - not applicable.
  • Terms: 'student' (following 'jukai' ceremony); 'Dharma heir' (following 'shihō', 'denkai' or 'denbo' ceremony); 'Dharma successor' (following 'inka shōmei' ceremony)
  • Names marked with asterisks (*), the "cloud" names are the teaching names used within the Sanbo Kyodan and Sanbo Zen lineages.
  • Double slashes "//" are used to separate multiple past and contemporary bearers of the same Buddhist name.
     & Language
                HTML codes
                      (replace "%" with "#")
           MEANING(S)     Some of the

    O OB | OD | OK | ON | OR | OS | top |

           OB back

    Obaku (J.)[446] = Huangbo (C.)[446] = Huang-Po/Huang Po (C.)[640]/[641] Bearer's name variant 1
    黄蘗 [446,p.52][640]
    Bearer's name variant 1
    &%40644; &%34327;
    "Yellow Cork-Tree" [446,p.52] HUANGBO Xiyun (C.)[446,p.52] aka Huang-Po Hsi-yüan (C.)[640] aka Huang Po (C.)[641] aka Tuan Chi ChÕan Shih (C.)[640] aka Duanji (C.)[642] aka Obaku Kiun (J.)[446,p.52]. A student and Dharma successor of BAIZHANG Huaihai [640]

    Obaku (J.)[446] = Huangbo (C.)[446] = Huang-Po/Huang Po (C.)[640]/[641] Bearer's name variant 2
    黃蘗 [641]
    Bearer's name variant 2
    &%40643; &%34327;
    "Yellow Cork-Tree" [446,p.52] HUANGBO Xiyun (C.)[446,p.52] aka Huang-Po Hsi-yüan (C.)[640] aka Huang Po (C.)[641] aka Tuan Chi ChÕan Shih (C.)[640] aka Duanji (C.)[642] aka Obaku Kiun (J.)[446,p.52]. A student and Dharma successor of BAIZHANG Huaihai [640]

           OD back

    Odō (J.)[278] 応道 [278] &%24540; &%36947; "Responding Way" [278] WARNER, Brad [278]

           OK back

    Okan (J.)[524] 鷹?愃 [tmc] &%40441; &%24835; "Large-hearted-Soaring Hawk" [524], lit. "Hawk + Abundant, Generous" [600] DIOQUINO, Ymke [524]. A student of Jisan Tova GREEN [524]

           ON back

    Onko (J.)[163] 温仵 [tmc] &%28201; &%20213; "Warm (Compassionate)" [163]. lit. "Warm + Similar" [600] GOLASZEWSKA, Urszula [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Onryū (J.)[420] 穏竜 [420,p.76] &%31311; &%31452; "Gentle Dragon" [420,p.76][527] ONRYŪ Ekai [420,p.76] // PRADA, Bibiana [527]. A student of Sozan MIGLIOLI [527]

    Onryū (J.)[197] 乚龍 [tmc] &520058; &%40845; "Hidden Dragon" [197] WEINSTEIN, David [197]. A Dharma successor of John Nanryū TARRANT [197]

    Onza (J.)[147] 愔? 坐 [tmc] &%24852; &%22352; "Peaceful Sitting" [147], lit. "Comfortable, Contented, Peaceful + Sit" [600] ROSENBAUM, Bob [147]

    Onzan (J.)[163] ?char?山 [tmc] &%code; &%23665; "Sensitive Mountain" [163] CASUCCI, Fred [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ōkai (J.)[519] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Resonating Liberation" [519] MYERS, Zuzu [519]. A student of Jiryu RUTSCHMAN-BYLER [519]

           OR back

    Original Virtue (E.)[505] Latin chars &%code; &%code Original Virtue" [505] SMITH, Mike [505]. A student of Ryushin Paul HALLER [505]

           OS back

    Oshin (J.)[167] 応心 [167] &%24540; &%24515; "Responding Heart" [167], "Responsive Heart" [526] ERWIN, Jack [526]. A student of Tenshin Reb ANDERSON [526] // RUSSELL, Sam [167]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [167]

    Ōshin (J.)[420] ∞心 [420,p.75] ∞ &%24515; "Broad Heart" [420,p.75] ŌSHIN Daiki [420,p.75]

    OSHŌ (J.)[464]
    (an honorific)
    和尚 [464] &%21644; &%23578; "a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk" [464] n/a

    P PE | PA | PH | PI | PO | PR | PU | top |

           PA back

    Pang Jūshi (C.)[672] = P'ang Chu-shi (C.)[674] = Hō Kyoshi (J.)[001] 龐 居 士 [672] &%40848; &%23621; &%22763; "Layman Pang" [672], "Pang + Reside; To Be; Exist; Live With + Gentleman; Samurai" [001] Pang Yun (C.)[672] / P'ang Yün (C.)[672] / Pangyun (C.)[672] aka P'ang Chu-shi (C.)[674,p.214] aka Pang Jūshi ("Layman Pang") (C.)[672] aka Pang Weng (C.)[672] aka Tao-hsuan (C.)[672] aka Xiangyang Pang dashi (C.)[672] aka aka Hō Un (J.)[672] aka Hokoji (J.)[674,p.214]. A student of SHITOU Xiqian (C.)[672] and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi (C.)[672]

    Pang Weng (C.)[672] 龐翁 [672] &%40848; &%32705; [meaning is to be ascertained] Pang Yun (C.)[672] / P'ang Yün (C.)[672] / Pangyun (C.)[672] aka PÕang Chu-shi (C.)[674,p.214] aka Pang Jūshi ("Layman Pang") (C.)[672] aka Pang Weng (C.)[672] aka Tao-hsuan (C.)[672] aka Xiangyang Pang dashi (C.)[672] aka Hō Un (J.)[672] aka Hokoji (J.)[674,p.214]. A student of SHITOU Xiqian (C.)[672] and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi (C.)[672]

    Pang Yun (C.)[672] / P'ang Yün (C.)[672] / Pangyun (C.)[672] = Hō Un (J.)[672] = Hokoji (J.)[674,p.214] 龐蘊 [672] &%40848; &%34314; "Lofty Interior" [672], "The Lay Disciple of Ho" [674,p.214] Pang Yun (C.)[672] / P'ang Yün (C.)[672] / Pangyun (C.)[672] aka P'ang Chu-shi (C.)[674,p.214] aka Pang Jūshi ("Layman Pang") (C.)[672] aka Pang Weng (C.)[672] aka Tao-hsuan (C.)[672] aka Xiangyang Pang dashi (C.)[672] aka aka Hō Un (J.)[672] aka Hokoji (J.)[674,p.214]. A student of SHITOU Xiqian (C.)[672] and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi (C.)[672]
    Pansan (K.)[643] = Panshan (C.)[583] = Banzan (J.)[583] = Ban Son (V.)[643] 盤山 [583] &%30436; &%23665; "Tray; Shallow Bowl; Platter; Tub; Board; [É] + Mountain" [001] , "Tray Mountain"? [tmc] PANSHAN Baoji (C.)[583] aka BANZAN Hōshaku (J.)[583] aka Pansan Pojok (K.)[643] aka Ban Son Bao Tich (V.)[643]. Received a posthumous title and name "Great Teacher Crystallized Silence" (E.)[583] aka 大師 [001] + 黙瑛 ? [001] aka Daishi YingMo (C.)[001] aka Daishi Eimoku (J.)[001] . A student and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi (C.)[583]

    Panshan (J. (C.)[583] = Banzan (J.)[583] = Pansan (K.)[643] = Ban Son (V.)[643] 盤山 [583] &%30436; &%23665; "Tray; Shallow Bowl; Platter; Tub; Board; [É] + Mountain" [001] , "Tray Mountain"? [tmc] PANSHAN Baoji (C.)[583] aka BANZAN Hōshaku (J.)[583] aka Pansan Pojok (K.)[643] aka Ban Son Bao Tich (V.)[643]. Received a posthumous title and name "Great Teacher Crystallized Silence" (E.)[583] aka 大師 [001] + 黙瑛 ? [001] aka Daishi YingMo (C.)[001] aka Daishi Eimoku (J.)[001] . A student and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi (C.)[583]

           PE back

    Peaceful Way (E.)[506] Latin chars &%code; &%code Peaceful Way" [506] MEYERS, Michael [506]. A student of Reirin GUMBEL [506]

           PH back

    Phung Xuan (V.)[177][734] 逢春 [734] &%36898; &%26149; "Meeting the Spring" [177] (a Dharma name, pháp tự 法字 [734]) Thich NHAT HANH (V.)[177][587][734] aka Phung Xuan (V.)[177][734]. A Dharma successor of CHAN THAT (V.)[734]

           PI back

    Pi-li-ye (C.)[578] = Shōjin (J.)[581] = Virya (Sk.)[202][578] 精進 [414] &%31934; &%36914; "Energy, Vigor" [202], "The fourth paramita - zeal, energetic progress along the way, strength of devotion" [578,p.313] [bearer(s) to be ascertained]

           PO back

    Poep Mu (K.)[260] ?char?無 [tmc] &%code; &%28961; "Empty Dharma" [260], "No Dharma" [260] PERL, Jacob [260]

    Pojok (K.)[643] = Baoji (C.)[583] = Hōshaku (J.)[583] = Bao Tich (V.)[643] 寶積 [583] &%23542; &%31309; "Treasure; Jewel; Precious; Rare + Volume; [É] Acreage; Contents; Pile Up; Stack; Load; Amass" [001] , "Treasure Load"? [tmc] PANSHAN Baoji (C.)[583] aka BANZAN Hōshaku (J.)[583] aka Pansan Pojok (K.)[643] aka Ban Son Bao Tich (V.)[643]. Received a posthumous title and name "Great Teacher Crystallized Silence" (E.)[583] aka 大師 [001] + 黙瑛 ? [001] aka Daishi YingMo (C.)[001] aka Daishi Eimoku (J.)[001] . A student and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi (C.)[583]

    Popkong (K.)[47] = Beopgong (K.) [600] 法空 [tmc] &%27861; &%31354; "Empty Dharma" [47] lit. "Dharma Empty" [tmc] The 23rd Shilla King POPHUNG/(r. 514-546)[47] aka Beopheung (K.)[227]

    Popun (K.)[47] = Beopun (K.) [600] 法雲 [tmc] &%27861; &%38642; "Dharma Cloud" [47] The 23rd Shilla King POPHUNG (r. 514-546)[47] aka Beopheung (K.)[227]

           PR back

    Prabhasa (Sk.)[701] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Brilliant" [701] MIDWER, Gisela Gesshin Myoko Prabhasa Dharma [701]. A student of Joshu Sasaki [706] and Dharma successor of Thich Man GIAC [701]

    Pranidhana (Sk.)[168] प्रणिधन[402][403] &%code; &%code; "Heartfelt Wish, Great Longing, Powerful Intention, Promise, Vow" [168] OVEREEM, Ineke [168]. A student of Nico/Niko Sojun Tenko TYDEMAN [168]

    Preserve Jewel (E.)[505] Latin chars &%code; &%code Preserve Jewel" [505] SMITH, Mike [505]. A student of Ryushin Paul HALLER [505]

    Protect Earth (E.)[505] Latin chars &%code; &%code Protect Earth" [505] CROWE, Brendan [505]. A student of Myogen Steve STÜCKY [505]

           PU back

    Pujue (C.)[456] = Fukaku (J.)[456] 普覺 [456] &%26222; &%35258; "Universal + Enlightenment, Awakening" ? [tmc] HUIKE (C.)[446,p.50] aka Dazu Huike (C.)[446,p.50] aka Ta-tsu Hui-k'o (C.)[446,p.50] aka Shenguang Huike (C.)[456] aka Shen Kuang (C.)[227] aka Shinko Eka (J.)[446,p.50] aka Taiso Eka (J.)[446,p.50] aka Niso (the 2nd patriarch) Eka (J.)[456] aka Shinko (J.)[456] aka Zhengzong Pujue (C.)[456] aka Shōshū Fukaku (J.)[456]. A student and Dharma successor of BODHIDHARMA (J.)[595]. The 2nd Chinese Ch'an Patriarch [594]

    Purna (Sk.)[255] पूर्ण[404] &%2346; &%2370; &%2352; &%2381; &%2339; "Full and Complete" [255][conferred religious name playfully interacts with the bearer's given name - tmc] PIRRUCCELLO, Ann [255]. A student and Dharma successor of Nicolee Jikyo MILLER-McMAHON [255]

    Puti Damo (C.)[231] = P'u-t'i-tamo (C.)[231] = Bodhidharma (Sk.)[231] = Bodaidaruma (J.)[231] = Daruma (J.)[420] = Bodai (J.)[001] 菩提達摩 [494] &%33769; &%25552; &%36948; &%25705; "All-Pervading Enlightened Mind" [231], "Highest Teaching (Dharma) of Enlightenment" [337], "Awakened Teaching" [494], "Awakening Teaching" [446,p.50], "Awakened Teaching" [494] BODHIDHARMA (Sk.)[231] - The 1st Chinese Ch'an Patriarch [594]

    P'u-t'i-tamo (C.)[231] = Puti Damo (C.)[231] = Bodhidharma (Sk.)[231] = Bodaidaruma (J.)[231] = Daruma (J.)[420] = Bodai (J.)[001] 菩提達摩 [494] &%33769; &%25552; &%36948; &%25705; "All-Pervading Enlightened Mind" [231], "Highest Teaching (Dharma) of Enlightenment" [337], "Awakened Teaching" [494], "Awakening Teaching" [446,p.50], "Awakened Teaching" [494] BODHIDHARMA (Sk.)[231] - The 1st Chinese Ch'an Patriarch [594]]

    P'u-yüan (C.)[486] = Puyuan (C.)[486] = Fugan (C.)[486] 普願 [486] &%26222; &%39000; "Universal Vow" [487] NANQUAN Puyuan (C.)[486] aka Nan-ch'üan P'u-yüan (C.)[486] aka Wang Laoshi (C.)[639] aka Nansen Fugan (J.)[486]. A student and Dharma successor of MAZU Daoyi [639]

    Q QI | QU | top |

           QI back

    Qing-jie (C.)[578] 清洁 [579] &%28165; &%27905; "Clear Chastity" [578,p.24] Bhiksuni Qing-jie TAN [578,p.24]

    Qingliao (C.)[420] = Ch'ing-liao (C.)[240][428] = Seiryō (J.)[163] = Ch'ongyo (K.)[435] = Thanh Lieu (V.)[435] 清了 [446,p.51] &%28165; &%20102; "Complete Purity [163], "Clear in Intelligence" [240], "Pure Complete" [420,p.68], "Purity Complete" [446,p.51] ZHENXIE Qingliao (C.)[240] aka Chen-hsieh Ch'ing-liao (C.)[240][428] aka Shinketsu Seiryō (J.)[420,p.68] aka Chinhol Ch'ongyo (K.)[435] aka Chan Yet Thanh Lieu (V.)[435] aka Changlu Qingliao (C.)[420,p.68] aka Chōro Seiryō (J.)[420,p.68]. Received a posthumous title and name "Zen Master Enlightened Emptiness" [651]. A student [435][651] and Dharma successor [435] of DANXIA Zichun (C.)[435][651]

    Qingyuan (C.)[428] = Ching-yüan (C.)[428][494] = Seigen (J.)[420][446] = Chongwon (K.)[573] = Thanh Nguyen (V.)[573] 青原 [420,p.67][446,p.51] &%8738; &%21407; "Green Field" [420,p.67], "Green Source" [446,p.51][494] QINGYUAN Xingsi (C.)[428] aka Ching-yüan Hsing-ssu (C.)[428][494] aka Seigen Gyōshi (J.)[420,p.67][446,p.51] aka Chongwon Haengsa (K.)[573] aka Thanh Nguyen Hanh Tu (V.)[573]. A student and Dharma successor of DAJIAN HUINENG (C.)[101]

           QU back

    Quang Ba (V.)[1] 廣?char? [tmc] &%24291; &%code; "Compassion Spreading" ? [tmc] Thich QUANG BA [1]

    Quang Tu (V.)[18] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Compassion" [18], "Compassion Meditation" ? [tmc] SLOVICK, Beth [18]

    Quiet Sea (E.)[506] Latin chars &%code; &%code Quiet Sea" [506] KENT, Isabel [506]. A student of Reirin GUMBEL [506]

    R RA | RE | RI | RO | RU | RYO | RYU | top |

           RA back

    Radiant Vow (E.)[506] Latin chars &%code; &%code "Radiant Vow" [506] PALMER, Tanja [506]. A student at the San Francisco Zen Centre [506]

    Ransui (J.)[420] 嵐翠 [420,p.74] &%23888; &%32736; "Storm Gem" [420,p.74] RANSUI Jōko [420,p.74]

    Rairenda (J.)[278] 雷連打 [278] &%38647; &%36899; &%25171; "Barrage of Thunder" [278] GRANT, Rylend [278]

    Rakugo [(J.) 470] ?char?char? [470] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] CASTALDO Rakugo [470]

    Ranka (J.)[167] 蘭 華 [167] &%34349; %33775; "Orchid Blossom" [167] de HULLU, Ingrid [167]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [167]

    Rankei (J.)[439] = Lanxi (C.)[439] = Lan-hsi (C.)[439] = NanÕgye (K.)[561] 蘭溪 [439] &%34349; &%28330; [meaning is to be ascertained] LANXI Daolong (C.)[439] aka Lan-hsi Tao-long (C.)[439] aka Rankei Doryu (J.)[439] aka NanÕgye Toryung (K.)[561] aka Dajue (C.)[561] aka Daikaku (J.)[561]. A student and Dharma successor of WUMING Huixing (C.)[561]

           RE back

    Reigen (J.)[424] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] WANG-GENH, Olivier [424]

    Reigen (J.)[420] = Rei Gen (J.)[534] 靈源 [420,p.78] &%38728; &%28304; "Spirit Source" [420,p.78], "Spiritual Source? [534, tmc] ENSHŌ Reigen[420,p.78] // PARSONS, Hilary [534]. A student of Ruth DENNISON [534], later of Tenzen David ZIMMERMAN [534]

    Reigetsu (J.)[420] 靈 月 [420,p.78] &%38728; &%26376; "Spirit Moon" [420,p.78] REIGETSU Kaidō (J.)[420,p.78]

    Reiju (J.)[36] 霊/靈?char? [tmc] &%38666;/ &%38728; &%code; "Spiritual Tree" [36] BROWMAN, Zachary [36]

    Reiko (J.)[424] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] de SMEDT, Evelyn [424] // ADACHI, Reiko Houn*-an (J.)[005] A student and Dharma successor of YAMADA, Kyozo Kōun Zenshin (J.)[005]

    Reirin (J.)[506] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained][506] GUMBEL, Reirin [506]

    Reiryu (J.)[424] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] COUPEY, Philippe [424]

    Reiseki (J.)[163] 霊 (靈)?char? [tmc] &%38666; (&%38728;) &%code; "Spiritual Rock" [163] GALLEGOS, Danny [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Reishin (J.)[420] 靈心 [420,p.69] &%38728; &%24515; "Spirit Heart" [420,p.69] KAKUŌ Reishin (J.)[420,p.69]

    ReiÕun (J.)[471] 麗雲 [471] &%40599; &%38642; "Beautiful Cloud" [471] SNELA, Helena Rei'un*-an [471]

    ReiÕun (J.)[471] 霊雲 [471] &%38666; &%38642; "Spirit/Mysterious Cloud" [471] USAMI, ShŪe ReiÕun*-ken (J.)[471]. A student and Dharma successor of YAMADA, Kyozo Kōun Zenshin (J.)[005][471]

    Reizu (J.)[163] 霊 (靈)?char? [tmc] &%38666; (&%38728;) &%code; "Spiritual Jewel" [163] SENDEROWSKI, Mariusz [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Reimyō (J.)[420] 靈苗 [420,p.74] &%38728; &%33495; "Spirit Sapling" [420,p.74] ZENGAN Reimyō (J.)[420,p.74]

    Rengyoku (J.)[163] 蓮玉 [tmc] &%34030; &%29577; "Lotus Jewel" [163] TUZ, Edytha [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Renjue (C.)[439] char?char?char [002] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained]] WUMING Huixing (1161-1237) (C.)[645] aka Renjue (C.)[439] aka Mumyō Esho (J.)[645]. Teacher. Transmitted Dharma to LANXI Daolong (C.)[645]

    Ren-shu (J.)[101] 仁術 [002] &%20161; &%34899; "Kindness Dawn" [101] DONG-CHU Deng-lang [101]

    Rensō (J.)[167] 蓮窓 [167][420,p.72] &%34030; &%31379; "Lotus Window" [167][420,p.72] RENSŌ Jyōkun (J.)[420,p.72] // SCHIPPERS, Wil [167]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [167]

    Rentai (J.)[420] 連∞ [420,p.70] &%36899; ∞ "Continuous Peak" [420,p.70] RENTAI Shinjō (J.)[420,p.70]

    Renzan (J.)[711] 聯山 [711] &%32879; &%23665; [meaning is to be ascertained] RENZAN Sohō (J.)[711]. A student and Dharma successor of RYUKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[711]
    Renzan (J.)[711] 聯山 [711] &%32879; &%23665; [meaning is to be ascertained] RENZAN Sohō (J.)[711]. A student and Dharma successor of RYUKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[711]

           RI back

    Riki (J.)[36] 理氣 or 理気 &%code; &%27683; or &%29702; &%27671; "Power Energy [36] MILLER, Richard [36]

    Rinkō (J.)[471] 凜光 [471] &%20956; &%20809; "Graceful/Dignified Light" [471] CHUBB, Sandy Rinkō-an [471]

    RinÕun (J.)[471] 凜雲 [471] &%20956; &%38642; "Graceful/Dignified Cloud" [471] ALT, Gudrun Rin'un*-an [471]

    Rin'un (J.)[144] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] OSTERTAG, Silvia Rin'un*-an [144]. A student and Dharma successor of YAMADA, Kyozo Kōun Zenshin (J.)[005]

    Rinda (J.)[278] 凜夏 [278] &%20956; &%22799; "Cold Summer" [278] DYDYK, Linda [278]

    Rinsen (J.)[275] 輪仙 &%36650; &%20185; "Wheel Turning Wizard" [275][276] WEIK, Jay [275][276]

    Rinsho (J.)[263] 臨照 [263][420,p.76] &%33256; &%29031; "Presence Illumination [263] van GELDER, Diana [263]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [263] // ZŌKETSU Rinshō (J.)[420,p.76]

    Rinshō (J.)[420] 臨沼 [420,p.70] &%33256; &%27836 Presence Lake" [420,p.70] ENKŌ Rinshō (J.)[420,p.70]

    Rinso (J.)[501] 林叟 [tmc] &%26519; &%21471; "Forest Old Person" [an allusion to Shunruyu SUZUKI'S Soto 'Forest Old Person Temple' of Rinsoin 林叟院 in Sakamoto, Yaizu-shi, Japan [550] SATTIZAHN, Ed [501]

    Rinzai (J.)[446] = Linji (C.)[446] = Lin-chi I (C.)[621] = Imje (K.)[621] = Lam Te (V.)[621] 臨濟 [446,p.52] &%33256; &%28639; "Overlooking the River" [446,p.52] LINJI Yixuan (C.)[446,p.52] aka Lin-chi I-hsüan (C.)[621] aka Rinzai Gigen (J.)[446,p.52] aka Imje Euihyeon (K.)[621] aka Lam Te Hghia Huyen (V.)[621]. A student and Dharma successor of HUANGBO Xiyun (C.)[621]

           RO back

    Rojin (J.)[381] 老人 [381] &%32769; &%20154; "The Old Man [381] DOKYU/DOKYO, Etan [381

    Rōkō (J.)[592] = Roko (J.)[378] 露洸 [592] &%38706; &%27960; "Dew + Sparkling Water" [001] CHAYAT, Sherry Shinge Rōkō [429]. A student and Dharma successor of Eido SHIMANO (J.)[378]

    ROSA (K.)[001] = Rōshi (J.)[351] = Laoshi (C.)[639] = Laosu (V.)[001]
    (an honorific)
    老師 [639] &%32769; &%24107; "Old Teacher" or "Old Master" [351] n/a

    RŌSHI (J.)[351] = Laoshi (C.)[639] = Rosa (K.)[001] = Laosu (V.)[001]
    (an honorific)
    老師 [351] &%32769; &%24107; "Old Teacher" or "Old Master" [351] n/a

    Roshin (J.)[11] 露心 [tmc] &%code; &%24515; "Dew Drop Mind" [11] MALONE, Peggy [11]

    Rozan (J.)[163] 老山 [tmc] &%32769; &%23665; "Old/Stupid Mountain" [163] SCHUITEMAKER, Willem [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

           RU back

    Rujing (C.)[446][654] = Ju-Ching (C.)[240] = Nyōjo/Nyojo (J.)[654]/[240] 如淨 [446,p.51][654] &%22914; &%28136; "He Who Is Like Purity [240], "Thusness Pure" [420,p.68], "Suchness Purity [446,p.51] Tiantong RUJING (C.)[446,p.51][654] aka T'ien-T'ung Ju-Ching (C.)[240] aka Tendō Nyōjo (J.)[654][420,p.68] aka Tendo Nyojo (J.)[240]. A student of XUEDOU Zhijian (C.)[654][655]

    Ruzan (J.)[289] 流山 [tmc] &%27969; &%23665; "Flowing Mountain" [289] CICETTI, Ray" [289]

           RYO back

    Ryogaku (J.)[163] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Beyond Intelligence" [163] MASARYK, John [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryojo (J.)[163] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Virtuous Splendor" [163] KUIJPERS, Ans [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryōkai (J.)[428] = Liang-chieh (C.)[420] = Liangjie (C.)[420] 良价 [446,p.51] &%33391; &%20215; "Good Prestige" [415], "Mercy/Kindness" [415], "Good Assistance" [420,p.67], "Virtuous Servant" [446,p.51] DONGSHAN Liangjie (C.)[420,p.67][446,p.51] aka Tung-shan Liang-chieh (C.)[428] aka Tōzan Ryōkai (J.)[420,p.67][446,p.51][609] aka Tongsan Lianggye (K.)[610] aka Dong Son Luong Gioi (V.)[610]. A student and Dharma successor of YUNYAN TANSHENG (C.)[610]

    Ryōkai (J.)[428] = Liang-chieh (C.)[420] = Liangjie (C.)[420] 曇价 [420,p.67] &%26311; &%20215; "Good Prestige" [415], "Mercy/Kindness" [415], "Good Assistance" [420,p.67], "Virtuous Servant" [446,p.51] DONGSHAN Liangjie (C.)[420,p.67][446,p.51] aka Tung-shan Liang-chieh (C.)[428] aka Tōzan Ryōkai (J.)[420,p.67][446,p.51][609] aka Tongsan Lianggye (K.)[610] aka Dong Son Luong Gioi (V.)[610]. A student and Dharma successor of YUNYAN TANSHENG (C.)[610]

    Ryōkai (J.)[446] 良价 [446,p.51] &%33391; &%20215; "Virtuous Servant" [446,p.51] TŌZAN Ryōkai [420,p.67] (C. Dongshan Liangjie, Tung-shan Liang-chieh [428]

    Ryokan (J.)[127] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Generous" [127], "Large-hearted" [127], "Virtuous and Tolerant" [338] RYOKAN Taigu (Daigu)[127][338] // WOODCOCK, Jeremy [363]

    Ryokan (J.)[163] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Good Open Gentle Mind" [163] TAPSELL, Danny Ryokan [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryōkan (J.)[420] 良観 [420,p.71] &%33391; &%35251; "Good Insight" [163][420,p.71] DAIDŌ Ryōkan [420,p.71] // STONE, Sandy [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryōkō/Ryoko (J.)[339][005] 量衡 [339] &%37327; &%34913; [meaning is to be ascertained] YASUTANI, Hakuun Ryōkō (J.)[339][693]

    Ryōko (J.)[384][711] 良高 [384][711] &%33391; &%9640; "Fine-lofty" [385], "Good/Pleasing/Skilled Tall/High/Expensive" [386] TOKUŌ Ryōkō (J.)[384][711]. A student and Dharma successor of Gesshū SōKo (J.)[711]

    Ryōnen (J.)[446] 了然 [446,p.52] &%20102; &%28982; "Complete Blaze" [446,p.52] RYŌNEN Myozen [446,p.52]

    Ryosen (J.)[167] 霊川 [167] &%38666; &%24029; "River Spirit" [167] van LET, Ellen [167]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [167]

    Ryōsen (J.)[420] 靈山 [420,p.78] &%38728; &%23665; "Spirit Mountain" [420,p.78] RYŌSEN Dōkō (J.)[420,p.78]

    Ryoshin (J.)[163] ?char?心 [tmc] &%code; &%24515; "Pure Heart" [163] [NN - surname redacted at the bearer's request - tmc][163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryōshū (J.)[384][711] 楞洲 [384][711] &%26974; &%27954; Corner-island" [385], Corner/Protrusion Continent/Island" [386] RYUKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[384][711] aka RYŪKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[384]. A student and Dharma successor of SEKISŌ Tesshū

    Ryōtan (J.)[167] 了湛 [167][420,p.73] &%20102; &%28251; "Complete Fulfilment" [167], Complete Overflowing" [420,p.73] OOSTERHOLT, Kees [167]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [167] // SOGAKU Ryōtan (J.)[420,p.73]

    Ryōtan / Ryutan (J.)[622]/[147] = Longtan (C.)[622] = Lung-T'an (C.)[147] 龍潭 [307] &%40845; &%28525; "Dragon Abyss" [147], "Dragon Pond" [147], "Dragon Marsh" [623] LONGTAN Chongxin (C.)[622] aka Lung-T'an Ch'ung-hsin (C.)[147] aka Ryōtan Sūshin / Ryutan Sushin (J.)[622]/[147]. A student and Dharma successor of TIANHUANG Daowu [622]

    Ryotetsu (J.)[204] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Well Accomplished or Well Penetrating" [204] FREED, Jan [204]

    Ryōun/Ryoun (J.)[711][385]/[385 了運 [384] &%20102; &$36939; Complete Progress" [tmc], "Achieve-fortune" [385] CHŪZAN Ryōun (J.)[384][711]. A student and Dharma successor of KEIGAN Eishō(J.)[711]

    RyōÕun*/Ryoun (J.)[471] 凌雲 [471] &%20940; &%38642; "Surpassing Cloud" [471] YAMADA Masamichi RyōÕun*-ken (J.)[346][447][471]. A student and Dharma successor of his father, YAMADA, Kyozo Kōun Zenshin (J.)[005]

    RyūÕun (J.)[471] 流雲 [471] &%27969; &%38642; "Streaming Cloud" [471] DREISBACH, Uta RyūÕun*-an [471]. A student and Dharma successor of YAMADA, Kyozo Kōun Zenshin (J.)[005] // MAYERS, Gregory RyūÕun*-ken[471]

    RyūÕun (J.)[144] 龍雲 [338][471] &%40845; &%38642; "Dragon Cloud" [338][471] MURPHY, Susan [144]. A student and Dharma successor of John Nanryū TARRANT [274] // SHUKMAN, Henry Ryū'un*-ken [471]

    Ryozan (J.)[171] ?char?山 [tmc] &%code; &%23665; "Happy Mountain" [171] SCHUITEMAKER, Willem [171]

    Ryōzan (J.)[420] = Liangshan (C.)[446] = Liang-shan (C.)[428] 粱山 [420,p.68] &%31921; &%23665; "Beam Mountain" [420,p.68] LIANGSHAN Yuanguan (C.)[446,p.51] aka Liang-shan Yüan-kuan (C.)[240][428] aka Ryōzan Enkan (J.)[420,p.68][446,p.51]

    Ryōzan (J.)[446] = Liangshan (C.)[446] = Liang-shan (C.)[428] 梁山 [446,p.51] &%26753; &%23665; "Bridge Mountain" [446,p.51] LIANGSHAN Yuanguan (C.)[446,p.51] aka Liang-shan Yüan-kuan (C.)[240][428] aka Ryōzan Enkan (J.)[420,p.68][446,p.51]

    Ryuzenmuki (J.)[005] ?chars?chars? &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] LEMAIRE, Maria Ryuzenmuki [005]. A student and Dharma heir of Nico/Niko Sojun Tenko TYDEMAN [005]

           RYU back

    Ryū [tmc] = Ryu Bo (J.)[515] 龍母 [tmc] &%40845; &%27597; Dragon Mother [515] SCHNEIDER, Margaret [515]. A student of Horin Nancy PETRIN [515]

    Ryūdō (J.)[139] 龍道 [tmc] &%40845; &%36947; "Dragon Way" [139], "Way of The Dragon" [163] BASTIEN, Jim [139]. A student of Eve Myonen MARKO [139] // STOCK, Brad [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163] // WEIK, Jay [275]

    Ryūfū/Ryufu (J.)[697] 龍風 [697] &%40845; &%39080; "Dragon Wind" [697], "Imperial Influence" [697] WHALEN, Philip Zenshin Ryūfū [697]. A student and Dharma successor of Richard Zentatsu BAKER [694]

    Ryūjin (J.)[115] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained] FLANAGAN, John [115]

    Ryūjo (J.)[163] 龍定 [tmc] &%40845; &%23450; "Dragon Samadhi" [163] FAYLE, Doug [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163] // VERSTEEGH, Wim [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryūkō (J.)[163] &%40845; &%20053;/ &%34382; "Dragon Tiger" [163] NICKLAS, Gerhard [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryūkō (J.)[385] = Ryukō (J.)[711] 隆孝 [384][711] &%38534; &%23389; Grand-obedience" [385] RYUKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[384][711] aka RYŪKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[384]. A student and Dharma successor of SEKISŌ Tesshū

    Ryukō (J.)[711] = Ryūkō (J.)[385] = 隆孝 [384][711] &%38534; &%23389; Grand-obedience" [385] RYUKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[384][711] aka RYŪKŌ Ryōshū (J.)[384]. A student and Dharma successor of SEKISŌ Tesshū

    Ryūmon (J.)[163] 龍門 [tmc] &%40845; &%38272; "Dragon Gate" [163] BRANICKA, Zofia [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryunen (J.)[163] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Like a Willow Tree" [163], "Flexible Unbreakable" [163] van DANSIK, Job [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163] // DRYZNER, Slawomir [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163]

    Ryūnen (J.)[93] 龍念 [tmc] &%40845; &%24565; "Dragon Mind" [93] JAMES, Kenneth W. [93]

    Ryusan (J.)[2] 龍山 [tmc] &%40845; &%23665; "Dragon Mountain" [2] BERK, Martin Ryusan [743]. A student of Willem Kando Kaishin Muishitsu SCHEEPERS [743] // GADBAW, Jim [2]

    Ryushin (J.)[73] ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; [meaning is to be ascertained][505] HALLER, Paul [73][501][505]

    Ryūshin (J.)[420] = Ryushin (J.)[73] 龍心 [420,p.70] &%40845; &%24515; "Dragon Heart" [73][163][363][386][420,p.70][501] BEUMER, Theo [163]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163] // CHRISTOFFERSON, Richard [144] // COLLINGWOOD, Christopher [362][363]. A student and Dharma successor of Patrick Kundo EASTMAN [362] // MALONE, Sean [79] // RYŪSHIN Zendō (J.)[420,p.70] // THACH, Andrea [145][386][497]. A student of Kushin Maylie SCOTT [497] and Dharma successor of Sojun Mel WEITSMAN [497]

    Ryūsho (J.)[167] 龍翔 [167] &%40845; &%32724; "Fly Like a Dragon" [167], "Flying Dragon" [270][737] DORIGA, Lopez Jorge [167]. A student of Anton Tenkei COPPENS [167] // SALAZAR, Joaqin Ryusho [737]. A student and Dharma heir of Francisco LUGOVINA [737]

    Ryūshu (J.)[503] = Ryu Shu (J.)[503] 龍珠 [tmc] &%40845; &%29664; "Dragon Jewel" [503] FERREIRA, Juan Andrés [503]. A student of Sozan MIGLIOLI [503]

    Ryōtan (J.)[420] 了湛 [420,p.76] &%20102; &%28251; "Complete Filling" [420,p.76] DAISHI Ryōtan [420,p.76]

    Ryutan / Ryōtan (J.)[622]/[147] = Lung-T'an (C.)[147] = Longtan (C.)[622] 龍潭 [307] &%40845; &%28525; "Dragon Abyss" [147], "Dragon Pond" [147], "Dragon Marsh" [623] LONGTAN Chongxin (C.)[622] aka Lung-T'an Ch'ung-hsin (C.)[147] aka Ryōtan Sūshin / Ryutan Sushin (J.)[622]/[147]. A student and Dharma successor of TIANHUANG Daowu [622]

    Ryutoku (J.) ?char?char? [tmc] &%code; &%code; "Flowing Devotion "[512] CHAREST, Rooney [512]. A student of Jiryu RUTSCHMAN-BYLER [512]

    Ryūzen (J.)[163] 龍禅 [tmc] &%40845; &%31109 Dragon Zen [163] LEMAIRE, Maria [163b]. A student of Dennis Genpo MERZEL [163b]

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    Sources no. 001-200  Sources no. 201-400  Sources no. 401-600  Sources no. 601-800 

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