The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
[Alphabetical || Category Subtree || WWW VL database]This document lists sources of information about Buddhist names given to students and teachers active within the Zen tradition. Additions, corrections and comments will be appreciated. Please send email to Dr T. Matthew Ciolek For names used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism see the Dharma Names. Zen Buddhist Names - sources 001-200
Est.: 23 Nov 1997.
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Source of the graphics: Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Zen (GREZ)
Sources no. 001-200 Sources no. 201-400 Sources no. 401-600 Sources no. 601-800Sources 001-200
[source ?, src ?] = The source is still to be identified. [001] (multiple accesses since 23 Oct 2020).
[002] (multiple accesses since 20 Apr 2024).
[003] (multiple accesses since 23 Oct 2020)
[004] (multiple accesses since 28 Apr 2024)
[005] (multiple accesses since 6 May 2024)
[006] (multiple accesses since 27 May 2024)
[007] (multiple accesses since 29 May 2024)
[008] (multiple accesses since 29 May 2024)
[009] (Masters - Chinese Chan, Japanese Zen, Korean Seon, Vietnamese Seon Masters)
[010] an empty slot for another repetitively consulted source. [1] Personal oral or written communication from the bearer.
[3] Thomas Bolling, email, Nov 1997
[5] 'The Three Jewels, a Memorial Book', 1986. Marikina, Manilla: Zen Center for Oriental Spirituality in the Philippines.
[6] Scott Young, email, Feb 1998
[8] Jesse McKinney, email, Aug 1998
[9] Jane Daion, email, Sep 1998
[10] Douglas C. Murphy, email, Mar 1999
[11] Rev. Kobutsu Malone, email, May 1999
[12] Kokan Genjo Marinello, email, Jul 1999.
[13] Joe Tennen Montani, email, Sep 1999 & Jun 2001.
[14] Dale Bay, email, Jan 2000.
[15] Christine Mattos, email, Feb 2000.
[16] Rev. Sean Taizen Breheney, email, Apr 2000.
[17] Rev. Kanshin, International Zen Institute America/Europe, email, May 2000 & Aug 2000.
[18] Data collated 1998-2000 by Jaye E. Morris (
[19] Schuhmacher, Stephan and Gert Woerner. (Eds.). 1989. The Rider Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion. London-Melbourne-Auckland-Johannesburg: Rider. pp. 352.
[20] Mike Barber, email, Dec 2000.
[26] Antonio Hernandez, email, Jun 2001. "My full name is Shih Yu Ch'i-lin, 'Most Reverend Master Jade Unicorn of the Sakya Family'", email, Mar 2002.
[27] Stevens, John. 1993. Three Zen Masters. Tokyo, New York, London: Kodansha International. pp.18.
[28] Ann Walters-Geier, email, Jun 2001.
[29] Jarod "Tetsugyu" Nandin, email, Jun 2001.
[30] Charles Birx, email, Jun 2001.
[31] Terry Wilkinson, email, Aug 2001.
[32] Angel Kyodo Williams, email, Aug 2001.
[33] Ingrid Li, email, Oct 2001.
[34] Joe Clarke, email, Apr 2001.
[35] Don Mead, email, Oct 2001.
[37] Doug Bates, email, Dec 2001.
[38] Rev. Scott Joriki Baker, email, Aug 2001.
[39] Doug Bates, email, Dec 2001.
[40] Jerry Orzoff, email, Jan 2002.
[41] Robert Aitken Roshi, email, Jan 2002.
[42] Jim Nowik, email, Jan 2002.
[43] Jeanne Dokai Dickenson, email, Jan 2002.
[44] John Daishin Buksbazen, email, Mar 2002.
[45] Philip Kyosei Kolman, email, Mar 2002.
[49] Tommy Tabatowski, email, 08 Apr 2002.
[50] "Here are some possible translations [...] provided in the Primer for Selecting Dharma Names [see source 420 - tmciolek] published by the San Francisco Zen Center, Soto Zen Buddhist Association and the Soto Zen Education Center. They might differ from the meanings of an individual name, depending on what ideographs make up the name." Tommy Tabatowski, email, 07 May 2002.
[51] Georgia Sorenson, email, 26 Oct 2002.
[52] Jeff Hotei Coleman, email, 28 Dec 2002.
[54] Scott Ruplin, email, 16 May 2003.
[55] Sara Coleman, email, 20 May 2003.
[56] Ray Crivello, email, 9 June 2003.
[57] Nick Coffey, email, 19 May 2003.
[58] Kobutsu,, email, 27 Aug 2003.
[59] Michael Roy, email, 16 Aug 2003.
[60] Karen Cole, email, 1 Sep 2003.
[61] Barry Farrin, email, 1 Dec 2003.
[62] Marc Sullivan, email, 19 Jan 2004.
[63] Michael J. Legg, email, 20 May 2004.
[64] Zenkon Thomas Hodges, email, 9 Jun 2004.
[66] Ben DeGregoria, email, 11 Jul 2004.
[67] Laura Lyons, email, 5 Dec 2004.
[68] Michel Dobbs, email, 2 Jan 2005.
[79] Rev. Kobutsu Malone, email, 19 Feb 2005
[80] Victor Rojas, email, 12 Apr 2005
[82] Rick Palmeri, email, 2 Jun 2005
[86] Paul Wyant Kahn, email, 3 Jun 2005
[88] W. T. Fudoki Wilkinson, email, 27 Sep 2005
[90] John Daishin Buksbazen, email, 11 Oct 2005
[91] Michael Bashista, email, 17 Oct 2005. See also Shunryu Suzuki. 1988. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Weatherhill. pp. 21.
[93] Kenneth W. James, email, 7 Jan 2006
[94] Anderson Long, email, 12 Jan 2006
[96] Agung Hertanto, email, 12 Feb 2006
[97] Seisen, email, 16 Mar 2006
[98] "In our refuge ceremony on Saturday, March 25, 2006 seven folks gave vows and received rakusus and zen names from roshi John Tarrant of Pacific Zen Institute. For this group, roshi John put the Kanji on the rakusu and only the English name. If someone wants to use a Chinese or Japanese pronunciation of the Kanji then each person can choose which. My name is Heavenly Donkey [=Tenro? - tmc] : 天驢 This appears to be part of John Tarrant's practice of rooting Zen in this continent. So if you post the name on your website I suppose you would have to put the 'name' as 'Heavenly Donkey (E)' where (E) = English, with the 'meaning' as the same. I guess you could otherwise put the Kanji as the name with a (C). But there is no Chinese or Japanese name that was given. Gregory Wonderwheel, Santa Rosa, California". Gregory Wonderwheel, email, 28 Mar 2006.
[99] "This could mean Plum Blossom - bai is plum and ka is flower", Stephen Terrey, Lightning Ridge, NSW 2834, Australia, email, 8 Apr 2006.
[101] &
[104] Paul Genki Kahn, email, 30 May 2006.
[109] "Hello. My name is Fabio KoRyu Calabrò. I am a Soto Zen monk from Italy. The name KoRyu (the dragon that appears) was given to me from my Master, Fausto Taiten Guareschi, in june, 30, 1985." Fabio Calabrò email, 19 Jun 2006.
[110] "On September 16, 2006 during Zen Jukai Ceremony, Genjo Osho of Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji gave the following names to Sharon & Todd Petit. Meho (Eye of the Dharma) Sharon Petit Daiko (Great Light) Todd Petit." Todd Petit, email, 18 Sep 2006.
[111] "Here is a couple of new ones for your list. I am a student of Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom. (Soto/White Plum). When I first received Jukai the name given me was: Jikishin (Straight Ahead / Straight Arrow Mind). When I was ordained a monk I was given a double name(s): Enmei Jizo Enmei (Life sustaining) Jizo (Jizo Bodhisattva - protector of women, children and lost causes)", Paul Cummins, email, 9 Oct 2006.
[112] "Greetings, I am a Zen student of Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom of the White Plum lineage. I practice at Kuge-In temple, led by Jim Sansho Gallagher, in Cocoa, Florida, USA. My Zen name is Mutoku, which means 'No gain, No attainment.' May I be added to your site? Thanks for your time", Tony Magrone, email, 11 Oct 2006.
[113] "When I took the precepts with Hogen Daido in 1998 he gave me the name Genkai which means Source Ocean. I'm interested to see that nobody else is listed as having the same name." Darroll Pardoe, email, 28 Oct 2006.
[114] "You can add Victoria Barkwell to your list under Baika. The name was given to me by my teacher, Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom. Thank you.", Victoria Barkwell, email, 12 Nov 2006.
[115] John Flanagan, email, 24 Dec 2006.
[118] v05n1-1988-winter-dssn-anewzenisappearing.html
[120] v19n3-2001-fall-dkzm-transmissiontalk.htm
[121] "I was given the name 'Konrei' --- Indomitable Spirit. I thought this might make an interesting addition to your list." Jeffrey H. Minde, email, 5 Apr 2007.
[122] "If you wouold like to include my dharma name on your list that would be nice. It is Tesshin -- Tetsu (Penetrating) Shin (Truth). That was my vows name. After my priest ordination was added "Mugai" (limitless). I have led Northampton Zendo since 1994 and received Tokudo from Issho Fujita at Valley Zendo in 1998. Gassho." Jeffrey Tesshin Brooks, email, 2 Jun 2007.
[123] "Genno - that is my Dharma name too, given by Eido Roshi in 98, he translated it as "glorious king'" perhaps just a bit of Zen sarcasm. thanks for building this site, it's quite interesting - Genno Linda King", email, 22 Jun 2007.
[124] "I was given the name 'Jikai' also by my preceptor, Roshi Joan (Halifax) in August 2006. She interpreted it to mean 'Compassionate Sea' in my case. Namaste, Kristen Lynn Jikai Bentz", email, 22 Jul 2007.
[127] "'Ryo' means 'good,: and 'kan' signifies 'broad,' in the sense of generous and large-hearted. 'taigu' (his adopted name) means 'Great Fool,' implying childlike simplicity and luck of pretense or sham. Ryokan [1758-1831], the Zen master and hermit, is one of the most influential Japanese poets."
[128] "Egyoku's name literally means 'Essense [sic] of Jewel' -
[129] "Toyo, meaning 'willowlike'" Oda Sesshu (1420-1506) -
[130] "Joshu Sasaki Roshi was given a new title: 'Kyozan,' meaning 'mountain with apricot trees'" -
[131] Go'en - "a coin", "5 yen piece" (a temple offering), also "a connection" -
[131] "Now Genpo Roshi has confered it [Inka] to Tenkei, as he did last year to Genno Roshi. He also gave him the new name, Kodo ('Ancient Way') and a beautiful rakusu with the above poem that connects all these masters with Maha Vairochana Buddha: Deeply Penetrating the Great Mystery = Bernie Tetsugen Roshi, Great Mountain = Taizan Maezumi Roshi, Heavenly Patriarch of the Esoteric Dharma = Soten Genpo Roshi, Joyously Holds = Tenkei, Ancient Way = Kodo."
[132] Habito, Ruben L. F. 1990. In Memoriam: Yamada Koun Roshi (1907-1989) Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 10, 1990 (1990), pp. 231-237 JSTOR: In Memoriam: Yamada Koun Roshi (1907-1989)
[135] "Greetings, I am a Zen student of Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom of the White Plum lineage. I practice at Kuge-In temple, led by Jim Sansho Gallagher, in Cocoa, Florida, USA. . My Zen name is Bupposo, which means 'Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.' May I be added to your site? Thanks for your time, Michael Bupposo Pressel", email, 20 Aug 2007.
[136] "Dr. Ciolek: Thank you for your web site! It is a very helpful resource. My name is: Setsuan Konjin - Snow Hermitage, Creating True Humanity Gaelyn Godwin, Head Priest of Houston Zen Center (for your reference) Given to me upon ordination by Tenshin Zenki Reb Anderson. I have ordained two priests: 1. Constance Cummings Tosetsu Genjin - Peach Snow, Reveal True Humanity 2. Sarah Emerson Dojin Myo-on - Path of Love, Inconceivable Gratitude Thank you for all your work! With palms joined, Konjin Godwin" email, 20 Aug 2007.
[139] "I participated in a Jukai Ceremony officiated by Sensei Eve Myonen Marko of the Zen Peacemakers on Sunday, November 18th [2007] and was given the dharma name Ryudo which means Dragon Way. In 1988 I received the 16 Bodhisattva precepts from Roshi Dainin Katagiri at the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center during which time he gave me the dharma name: Daikan which means 'great tolerance.'", Jim Bastien, email, 19 Nov 2007.
[140] "My teacher, Daido Hogen Yamahata has given me dharma transmission and the dharma name of Daigen Kakuji. I have attached the kanji as an RTF document. Daigen is 'Huge mystery'; Kakuji is 'Awake compassion'. The formal induction as Zen master will be on 19 January 2008 in the morning (time to be ascertained as we go along!) Best wishes, Kakuji", Nicholas H Aalders, email, 2 Jan 2008.
[159] Tamara Myoho Gabrysch, email, 25 Feb 2008.
[163] "Dear Mr Ciolek, Last year I had the honor of typing up Genpo Merzel Roshi's list of Jukai recipients with dharma names and their meanings. Some are included already in the online list, but I hope you find this a useful addition? Best wishes Tamara Myoho Gabrysch, Zen River, Oldörpsterweg 1, 9981NL Uithuizen, The Netherlands, / Tel.+31 (0)595 435039. ----------- start of the attached document -----------
Catherine,Pages,Genno,Responding to Subtlety,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Nico,Tydeman,Sojun,Genuine Principle,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Richard,Bancroft,Dairo,Great Stupidity,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Stace,Bancroft,Hogen,Origin of the Dharma,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Tineke,Hartgers,Seiko,Sincerity & Peace,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Kees van de,Bunt,Kongo,Diamond Indestructible,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Lilian,Franzen,Myoshin,Subtle Faith,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Peter,Mol,Doshin,Faith in the Way,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Monique,Vervecken,Koren,Bright Lotus,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Ronny,Sinnige,Jikishin,Straightforward Mind,05/09/1987,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/09/1987
Darius,Mroczek,Eko,Light of Wisdom,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Ewa,Hadydon,Myoen,Subtle Circle,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Slawomir,Dryzner,Ryunen,"Like a Willow Tree, unbreakable, flexible",05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Krzysztof,Kaniewski,Seido,Aware of the Way,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Magdalena,Wronecka,Teijun,to Follow Faithfully,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Lech,Mataszewski,Muju,No Dwelling Place (Raise the Mind),05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Tanna,Jakabowicz,Tanku,Broad Emptiness,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Maria,Malewska,Hojun,Follow the Way of the Dharma,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Joanna,Malewska,Kyodo,Mirror of the Way,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Krzysztof,Lesniak,Furyu,Non Flowing (Real flow),05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Hanna,Juraszek,Esho,Wisdom Blossoming,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Andrzej,Stawiarz,Gotai,Strongly Peaceful,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Janusz,Stencel,Jozan,Mountain of Purity,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Andrzej,Biernacki,Chonen,To Adjust The Thought,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Ewa,Dryzner,Kyodo,Faithfully Go With The Way,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Janusz,Prendota,Ekai,Ocean of Wisdom,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Zenon,Niemiec,Mokudo,Silent Way,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Urszula,Golaszewska,Onko,Warm (Compassionate),05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Barbara,Milunska,Wakei,Harmoniously Blissful,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Piotr,Brodacki,Kando,To Penetrate the Way,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Tadeusz,Rostkowski,Jisen,Spring of Compassion,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Marcin,Majewski,Jiko,Light of Compassion,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Mariusz,Senderowski,Reizu,Spiritual Jewel,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Roman,Grabowicz,Jakunen,"Quietude Being (to be truly settled, quiet, tranquil)",05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Anna,Lasocka Biczysko,Annen,"Peaceful quiet, compassionate thought",05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Jarek,Jodzis,Tenzan,Heavenly Mountain,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
Joanna,Lasota,Kimpo,Golden Peak,05/16/1987,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/16/1987
George,Robertson,Jisho,Compassionate Illumination,05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Laurence,Hall,Kendo,"Solid, Firm Way",05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Eva,Bayley,Sonin,Patriarchs Patience,05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Kay,Adams,Keiso,"To Give The WayÓ it should be, ÒBenevolent Blessing",05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Kate,Beswick,Myojun,Subtly Follow the Way,05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Tony,Doubleday,Soho,Patriarch's Dharma,05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Stephen,Prosser,Fuha,"Ungraspable, non-grabbing, non-clinging",05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Colin,Frazer,Gonin,"Strength, Strong and Patient",05/24/1987,England,,,,,,,,,05/24/1987
Michel,Dubois,Genko,Subtle Light,07/19/1987,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,07/19/1987
Alexandra,Weiss,Kimpo,Golden Dharma,07/19/1987,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,07/19/1987
Felicity,Zenie-Treddinick,Koen,Joyful Enlightenment,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
James,Sprouse,Kando,"Solid, Firm Way",02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Scott,Springer,Daijo,Great Vehicle,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Cathy,Beyer,Kyodo,Faithfully Go The Way,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Carey,Bell,Jisen,Spring of Compassion,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Lida,Kerssies,Myoen,"Subtle Circle, Completeness",02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Rein,Kaales,Konpo,Diamond Peak,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Freek,Keiser,Kenzan,"Solid, Firm Mountain",02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Gloria,Caffey,Jakunen,"Settled, Quiet, Tranquil",02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Cheryl,Hodkiewicz,Esho,Wisdom Blossoming,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Anna,Gore-Langton,Jikido,Straightforward Way,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Lynn,McNamara,Shozen,Right or True Zen,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Deborah,Page,Myoshin,Subtle Faith,02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
Meindert van de,Heuvel,Musho,"No Conflict, No Struggle ( Very State of Enlightenment)",02/11/1988,Maine USA,,,,,,,,,02/11/1988
John,Oldham,Hoji,Original Dharma,04/29/1988,England,,,,,,,,,04/29/1988
Christine,Vickers,Iishin [typing error, should read Isshin - tmciolek],One Mind,04/29/1988,England,,,,,,,,,04/29/1988
Linda,Lehrhaupt,Myoki,Subtle Energy,04/29/1988,England,,,,,,,,,04/29/1988
Ola,Pilinov,Jitsujo,Creative Samadhi,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Jacek,Szczepanski,Jitsudo,Creative Way,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Zofia,Branicka,Ryumon,Dragon Gate,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Monika,Wojcicka,Myojun,To Subtley Follow the Way,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Joanna,Prendota,Jishin,"Compassionate Heart, Mind",05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Adam,Rutkowski,Soho,Patriarch Dharma,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Jacek,Kaminski,Kendo,"Solid, Firm Way",05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Lech,Swiatek,Hozan,Dharma Mountain,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Slawek,Sadowski,Gonin,"Strength, Strong and Patient",05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Jarek,Stopyra,Sojun,Genuine Principle,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Marek,Rycko,Doshin,Faith in the Way,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Remigiusz,Gryt,Jikishin,Straightforward Mind,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Artur,Dobrowski,Soko,Genuine or Pure Light,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Ewa,Prokopiuk,Jisho,Compassionate Illumination,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Jarek,Nowak,Goryu,Dragon Strength,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Jola,Beresowska,Myoshin,Subtle Faith,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Maria,Syreda,Mumyo,No Light,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Mariusz,Orski,Kyojo,Mirror Samadhi,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Hannia,Korolczuk,Muzen,No Zen,05/06/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/06/1988
Willem,Scheepers,Kando,To Penetrate the Way,05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Gretha,Aerts,Myoshin,Subtle Mind,05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Irene,Klarenaes,Ekai,Ocean of Wisdom,05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Peter de,Groot,Taizan,Great Mountain,05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Hans,Degeling,Furyu,"Non Flowing, real flow",05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Rogel,Dias,Hoen,Dharma Circle,05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Riet,Gobeyn,Myoen,Subtle Circle,05/15/1988,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/15/1988
Hadea,Kriesborg,Munen,No Thought,06/19/1988,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,06/19/1988
Daniel,Bloomer,Mujaku,No Settling,06/19/1988,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,06/19/1988
Lilian,McMullin,Jakuen,Complete Settlement,06/19/1988,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,06/19/1988
Mary Beth,Fitsburgh,Mayoku,Maitreya Future Buddha,08/07/1988,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,08/07/1988
Jill,Steverson,Myoko,Subtle Light,08/19/1988,England,,,,,,,,,08/19/1988
John,Arkle,Genryu,Esoteric Dragon,08/19/1988,England,,,,,,,,,08/19/1988
Dheeresh,Turnbull,Kendo,Solid Way,08/19/1988,England,,,,,,,,,08/19/1988
Frans den,Ouden,Hoji,Original Dharma,08/19/1988,England,,,,,,,,,08/19/1988
Ewa,Maciolowska,Jiyu,To Accept Oneself by Oneself,09/07/1988,Poland,,,,,,,,,09/07/1988
Jessica,Moore,Mushin,No Mind,11/06/1988,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/06/1988
Tamara,Gabrysch,Myoho,Subtle Dharma,11/08/1988,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,11/08/1988
Famke,Kwee,Koren,Bright Lotus,11/08/1988,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,11/08/1988
Danny,Tapsell,Ryokan,"Good, Open, Gentle Mind",02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Dorinda,Talbot,Choon,"Sea, Tide, Clear, Calm, Gentle",02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Connie,Hartley,Soko,Pure Light,02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Margot,McCaine,Myoshin,Subtle Faith,02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Oscar,Zerafa-Gregory,Sodo,Patriarch's Way,02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Stephen,Proskauer,Muho,No Illumination,02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Peter van,Wieland Tieman,Kendo,"Solid, Firm Way",02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Wilma,Groenwoud,Shinko,Illuminated Mind,02/15/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,02/15/1989
Irene,Bakker,Kyojo,Mirror Samadhi,05/19/1989,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/19/1989
Janny,Bakker,Gedo,Outside the Way,05/19/1989,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/19/1989
Frans,Kampshoff,Kyodo,Faithfully Go The Way,05/19/1989,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/19/1989
Krystina,Matusik,Kenshin,Firm Faith,05/26/1989,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/26/1989
Teresa,Tarkowska,Shoshin,"True Heart, Mind",05/26/1989,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/26/1989
Sarah,Robertson,Jikido,The Straight Path,07/06/1989,England,,,,,,,,,07/06/1989
David,Childs,Chikan,"Open Minded, Wise",07/06/1989,England,,,,,,,,,07/06/1989
Nancy,Gabrysch,Genshin,Mysterious Mind,07/30/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,07/30/1989
Ursula,Meuser,Myoki,Subtle Energy,07/30/1989,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,07/30/1989
Richard,Christofferson,Taido,Great Way,10/08/1989,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/08/1989
Bill,Gray,Fushin,No Truth,10/08/1989,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/08/1989
Randy,Burkes,Jitsudo,Creative Way,10/08/1989,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/08/1989
Kigen,Curtice,Genki,Original Energy,10/08/1989,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/08/1989
Jeanne,Ziegler,Jian,Peaceful Compassion,03/31/1990,"Champaign, Illinois",,,,,,,,,03/31/1990
Janet,Wormser,Gessho,Moonlight,04/16/1990,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/16/1990
Willem,Schuitemaker,Rozan,Old or Stupid Mountain,04/16/1990,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/16/1990
Karl,Maslin,Kenshin,"Gallant, Brave or Courageous Mind/Heart",05/04/1990,England,,,,,,,,,05/04/1990
Reema,Hasin-Huq,Chosui,Bright Water,05/04/1990,England,,,,,,,,,05/04/1990
Jarek,Jablonski,Shizan,To Reach The Mountain,05/12/1990,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/12/1990
Jurek,Mlakisz,Komyo,Subtle Tiger,05/12/1990,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/12/1990
Zbyszek,Milunski,Hongan,True Desire,05/12/1990,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/12/1990
Zenon,Dabrowski,Zenno,Respond to Zen,05/12/1990,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/12/1990
Marlies,Vollmer,Jikan,To Observe Compassion,05/22/1990,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1990
Axel,Gripekoven,Mugai,No Lid,05/22/1990,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1990
Jan,Bosscher,Dairyo,Great Dragon,05/22/1990,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1990
Barbara,Hussong,Tetsuzen,To Penetrate Zen,05/22/1990,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1990
Hank,Malinowski,Yoshin,Ocean of Truth,05/22/1990,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1990
Riet,Vestjens,Munen,No Thought,05/22/1990,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1990
Andrew,Patching,Tairyu,Great Dragon,12/08/1990,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,12/08/1990
Paul,MacDonald,Doshin,Way of Heart,03/08/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,03/08/1991
Robert,Evans,Kenpo,Solid Dharma,03/08/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,03/08/1991
Adrienne,Bachrach,Chigen,Esoteric Philosophy,03/08/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,03/08/1991
Martina,Heffels,Jikizen,Straightforward Way,03/08/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,03/08/1991
Laurent,Caille,Hozan,Dharma Mountain,03/08/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,03/08/1991
Dorota,Dolenga,Chiko,Small Tiger,04/06/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/06/1991
John,Bannon,Muju,Non Abiding Place,04/06/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/06/1991
Jenny,Swift,Shoren,Blossoming Lotus,04/06/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/06/1991
Robert,Urbnaowicz,Soshin,Genuine Mind,04/06/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/06/1991
Grazyna,Draheim,Senshin,Spring,04/06/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/06/1991
Stefan,Gabrysch,Daizan,Great Mountain,04/06/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/06/1991
Tomek,Gwyncinski,Jitsuro,Creative Stupidity,04/16/1991,Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,04/16/1991
Margarita,Bezglasnaia,Teijun,to Follow Faithfully,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Marianne,Borstlap,Hojun,To follow the Way of the Dharma,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Tjeerd,Baas,Kenshin,Firm Mind,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Evert,Dekker,Tetsue (ekeido),To Penetrate Wisdom,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Wim,Versteegh,Ryujo,Dragon Samadhi,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Jos,Huyben,Jakunen,Quiet Being,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Miep van,Driel,Kenshin,Brave Heart,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Pauline,Vegting,Muju,No Abiding Place,05/23/1991,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/23/1991
Basia,Smolinska,Jisen,Spring of Compassion,05/30/1991,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/30/1991
Karol,Gawrylczyk,Kenko[was wrongly recorded as "Kenpo",tmc,27.03.2024],Fearless Tiger,05/30/1991,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/30/1991
Konra,Malewski,Genryu,Mysterious Dragon,05/30/1991,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/30/1991
Ken,Jones,Tetsudo,Penetrate The Way,06/07/1991,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1991
Roger,Broad,Taipo,Big Peak,06/07/1991,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1991
Larry,Croft,Fudo,"Immoveable One, Guardian of The Way",07/14/1991,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,07/14/1991
John,Molmer,Mumon,"No Gate, Gateless Gate",07/14/1991,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,07/14/1991
Sue,Thorpe,Jishin,Compassionate Heart,09/10/1991,Mass,,,,,,,,,09/10/1991
Joe,Weed,Jozen,Samadhi Zen,02/06/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,02/06/1992
Arjan van de,Meer,Muzen,No Zen,02/06/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,02/06/1992
Anja,Bouma Rijnink,Mokusui,Silent Water or Spring,02/06/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,02/06/1992
Alexa,Postema,Shodo,True Way,02/06/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,02/06/1992
Paula,Kolthoff,Ansui,"Peaceful, Calm Water or Spring",02/06/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,02/06/1992
Alma,Joray,Kyojo,Mirror Samadhi,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Tomek,Kwiatkowski,Shizan,To Reach The Top of The Mountain,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Irek,Przytuka,Mugetsu,No Moon,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Grazyna,Przytuka,Kogetsu,Bright Moon,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Wladek,Wojcik,Dairyu,Great Dragon,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Josepha,Vermote,Jitoku,Compassionate Virtue,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Tomasz,Jezowski,Kenko,Brave Tiger,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Malgosia,Braunek,Jiho,Compassionate Dharma,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Andrzej,Krajewska,Getsugen,Hazy Moon,05/20/1992,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/20/1992
Mark,Shigeoka,Seiryo,Complete Purity,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Nancy,Shigeoka,Chikan,Wisdom Mirror,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Stefan,Coppens,Kenjitsu,"To Abuse Oneself Truly, or To Be Truly Modest",05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Nan,Bettonvil,Nonen,Gifted or Talented Endurance,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Ans,Kuijpers,Ryojo,Virtuous Splendor,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Jacqueline,Wellenstein,Shosui,True Water (Flow),05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Maurice,Knegtel,Shonen,True Thought,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Anneli,Ohvo,Kukan,Empty Mirror,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
Ine,Burkey,Ikkyu,A Moment of Rest,05/28/1992,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1992
David,Scott,Dohi,Great Way,06/07/1992,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1992
James van,Lint,Genan,Source of Peace,06/07/1992,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1992
Nigel,Pargiter,Honjaku,Primal Silence,06/07/1992,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1992
Cheree,Graves-Bacchus,Kojo,Light of Samadhi,06/07/1992,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1992
Eddie,Gornall,Kisen,Rare Transformation,06/07/1992,England,,,,,,,,,06/07/1992
Josi,Lutwak,Tetsuen,Penetrate The Circle,08/01/1992,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/01/1992
Tara,Mezei,Chiso,Wonderful Wisdom,08/01/1992,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/01/1992
Mark,Nelson,Daishin,Great Heart,08/01/1992,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/01/1992
Pamela,Berman,Jissai,True World,08/01/1992,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/01/1992
John,Wolfe,Gendo,True Way,08/01/1992,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/01/1992
Anna,Weller,Jige,Compassionate Flower,08/01/1992,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/01/1992
Brook,Garison,Jitsuko,Genuine Light,04/04/1993,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/04/1993
Wilga,Badowska,Jitsuzen,Straight Zen,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Ala,Doan,Seikan,"Pure, Gentle Heart",05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Adam,Gladzski,Kendo,Discreet Way,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Renata,Jankowska,Chikan,"Gentle, Open Minded Understanding",05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Jakub,Kaminski,Kenshin,Courageous Mind,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Kasia,Matusik,Donen,Way of Love,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Gerhard,Nicklas,Ryuko,Dragon Tiger,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Alina`,Obidniak,Chogetsu,Bright Moon,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Zbigniew,Olszewski,Mukan,"No Gate, Gateless Gate",05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Marta,Siemaszko,Shakizen,Little Shakia Zen,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Joanna,Szlencel,Myoho,Subtle Dharma,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Magda,Szlencel,Shoho,True Dharma,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Maria,Szlencel,Koho,Light of Dharma,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Teresa,Trawinska,Teisui,Faithfully follow the Flowing Water,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Tymon,Tymanski,Shiketsu,Shit Stick,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Mikolai,Trzaska,Shoan,True Sound,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Peter,Verbogt,Dokuho,Independent Dharma,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Marek,Wyszynski,Yushin,Melt the Mind,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Iwona,Zratek,Jushin,Accepting Heart,05/13/1993,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/13/1993
Theresa,Wojcik,Juki,To Give and Receive Energy,07/24/1993,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,07/24/1993
Stephanie,Saunders,Jiko,Compassionate Light,07/24/1993,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,07/24/1993
Jose,Luijben,Soren,Genuine Lotus,09/20/1993,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/20/1993
Christian van,Wolkahof,Jikishin,Straightforward Heart,09/25/1993,Germany,,,,,,,,,09/25/1993
Iris,Rohmann,Jozan,Mountain of Purity,09/25/1993,Germany,,,,,,,,,09/25/1993
Olive,Jackson,Joshin,Pure Heart,10/03/1993,England,,,,,,,,,10/03/1993
Marion,Roesink,Jikai,Ocean of Compassion,12/09/1993,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/09/1993
Micheal,Harringtonq,Hego,,02/05/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/05/1994
Greg,Lowder,Joshin,Pure Mind,04/14/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/14/1994
Lenore,Epstein,Teiho,Faithfully follow the Way,04/14/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/14/1994
Frans,Meijer,Seishin,Pure Heart,05/22/1994,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1994
Job van,Dansik,Ryunen,"Flexible, unbreakable",05/22/1994,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1994
Betty,Borstlap,Chogetsu,Bright Moon,05/22/1994,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1994
Jan,Klungers,Mukan,No Barrier,05/22/1994,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/22/1994
Ewa,Drazkowska-Zelinska,Jifu,All Pervading Compassion,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Jan,Jodzis,Yoko,Courageous Tiger,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Marek,Bereszowski,Jimon,Compassionate Gate,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Jaroslaw,Zielinski,Mokunai,Silent Spirituality,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Irina,Pietas-Malika,Yodo,Courageous Way,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Kasha,Rychlowska,Gyokushin,Jewel Heart,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Maciej,Prandota,Hotai,"Big Dharma, Happy Buddha",05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Olga,Pietras,Tenso,Heavenly Essence,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Maciej,Rogala,Seien,Pure Circle,05/28/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,05/28/1994
Chris A,King,Daigai,Big Cliff,08/27/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/27/1994
Marcela,Tureckova-Stynad,Ensei,Joyfully Sincere,09/11/1994,Germany,,,,,,,,,09/11/1994
Martin,Lane,Seishin,Pure Faith,30/09/1994,England,,,,,,,,,30/09/1994
Jonathan,Gilbert,Doshin,The Way of Truth,30/09/1994,England,,,,,,,,,30/09/1994
Theo,Beumer,Ryushin,Dragon Heart,10/09/1994,Holland,,,,,,,,,10/09/1994
Jan,Steehouder,Jitsuho,Genuine Dharma,10/09/1994,Holland,,,,,,,,,10/09/1994
Edytha,Tuz,Rengyoku,Lotus Jewel,10/16/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,10/16/1994
Piotr,Grzybwoski,Yoshin,Ocean of Truth,10/16/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,10/16/1994
Marek,Koropczak,Seiki,Pure Energy,10/16/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,10/16/1994
Manuel,Kolker,Jitsushin,Straight or Genuine Heart,10/16/1994,Poland,,,,,,,,,10/16/1994
Laura,Zimmerman,Jishin,Compassionate Heart,02/17/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/17/1994
Isabella K.R.,Des Etoiles,Esho,Wisdom Blossoming,12/10/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/10/1994
Wendy,Sampson,Jiko,Light of Compassion,04/14/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/14/1994
Steven,Hegge,Joshin,Samadhi Truth,04/14/1994,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/14/1994
Kevin,O'Flaherty,Seishin,Pure Heart,05/09/1994,England,,,,,,,,,05/09/1994
Sabine,Stuckmann,Tenren,Heavenly Lotus,05/14/1995,Germany,,,,,,,,,05/14/1995
Adriana,Giuliani,Kijo,Rare Samadhi,09/10/1995,Germany,,,,,,,,,09/10/1995
Tommy,Brown,Kiso,Energy Harmonized,09/17/1995,England,,,,,,,,,09/17/1995
Mirjam van,Gils,Eshin,Wisdom of Mind,10/01/1995,Holland,,,Country not listed in book: please check!,,,,,,10/01/1995
Marta,Bieniasz,Goshin,Strong Heart/Mind,10/08/1995,?,,,,,,,,,10/08/1995
Bruce,Waldrop,Kosho,Light of Truth,10/22/1995,Salt Lake City,,,Country not listed in book: please check!,,,,,,10/22/1995
David,Newkirk,Kenshin,Brave Heart,10/22/1995,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/22/1995
Elena,Grapova,Kyodo,Faithfully Go The Way,10/22/1995,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/22/1995
Sara,Owens,Soshin,Genuine Heart,10/22/1995,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/22/1995
Jacky van de,Reep,Shobo,True Dharma,01/30/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/30/1996
Pjotr van de,Reep,Gendo,Source of the Way,01/30/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/30/1996
Ron,Schuitemaker,Kenzan,Brave or Solid Mountain,02/07/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,02/07/1996
Theo,Wright,Tando,Broad Way,03/03/1996,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,03/03/1996
Brett C.,Knight,Kanshin,Firm Mind,03/31/1996,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,03/31/1996
Per,Kiellen-Lund,Daiken,Great Courage,01/11/1996,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,01/11/1996
Dirk,Beemster,Horai,Dharma Thunder,09/15/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/15/1996
Ellen van,Loon,Jakunen,"Settled, Quiet, Tranquil",09/15/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/15/1996
Hannah van,Seeters,Hogetsu,Dharma Moon,09/15/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/15/1996
Peet,Dingemans,Muju,No Dwelling Place,09/15/1996,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/15/1996
Renata,Stopyra,Sojun,Genuine Principle,10/06/1996,Germany,,,,,,,,,10/06/1996
Renate,Schmidt-Hauer,Jishin,Compassionate Heart,10/06/1996,Germany,,,,,,,,,10/06/1996
George,Marcoe,Gozan,Solid Mountain,04/20/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/20/1997
Alexandra,Gericke,Mushin,No Mind,04/20/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/20/1997
Ton,Schavemaker,Gonin,Strong Patience,05/30/1997,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/30/1997
Cathy,Harris,Jiho,Compassionate Heart,05/30/1997,Holland,,,,,,,,,05/30/1997
Dave,Howard,Shindo,Faith in the Way,04/20/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/20/1997
Brigitte,Kirk,Kyoshin,Faithfully Follow the Heart,08/24/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/24/1997
Cindy,Carroll,Nenshin,Quiet Faith,08/24/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/24/1997
Raj,Rajamani,Munen,No Thought,08/24/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,08/24/1997
Manu,Bazzano,Musho,No Struggle,09/21/1997,England,,,,,,,,,09/21/1997
Kate,Midmore,Jitsuko,Genuine Light,09/21/1997,England,,,,,,,,,09/21/1997
Karl, [surname redacted at the bearer's request - tmc; 25 May 2008],Ryoshin,Pure Heart,09/21/1997,England,,,,,,,,,09/21/1997
Adriaan,Bakker,Kaishin,Ocean of Faith,10/05/1997,Holland,,,,,,,,,10/05/1997
Jaap de,Vries Robles,Mokuyo,Silent Courage,10/05/1997,Holland,,,,,,,,,10/05/1997
Robert,Smidt,Bhakti-Yana,Devotion Vehicle,10/05/1997,Holland,,,,,,,,,10/05/1997
Leo de,Wolf,Anjo,Peaceful Samadhi,10/05/1997,Holland,,,,,,,,,10/05/1997
Brother Tom,Marshall,Soshin,Genuine Faith,12/21/1997,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/21/1997
Natalie,Borg,Jushin,Genuine Heart,01/25/1998,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/25/1998
Maria,Lemaire,Ryuzen,Dragon Zen,01/25/1998,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/25/1998
Tom,Ooms,Jitsudo,Straight Way,01/25/1998,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/25/1998
Leo,Nootenboom,Joshishi,Samadhi Lion,01/25/1998,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/25/1998
Steven,Brown,Fushin,Guardian of the Mind,04/06/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/06/1998
Jim,Patterson,Jimyo,Subtle Compassion,04/26/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/26/1998
Meg,Meiser,Wado,Harmony Way,05/06/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/06/1998
Wynn,Wright,Seishin,Sacred Faith,05/06/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/06/1998
Vera,Riley,Jitsunen,Straight Thought,05/06/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/06/1998
Leslie,Hand,Seiju,Sacred Jewel,05/06/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/06/1998
David,Edwards,Mokusui,Silent Water,09/11/1998,England,,,,,,,,,09/11/1998
Panagiotus,Xifares,Kaishin,Discipline Heart,09/11/1998,England,,,,,,,,,09/11/1998
Volker,Jung,Jikiju,Straightforward Giving,09/19/1998,Germany,,,check country,,,,,,09/19/1998
Liz,Fox,Seiki,Genuine Energy,11/01/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/01/1998
Micheal,Zimmerman,Mugaku,?,11/01/1998,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/01/1998
Nana,Driesen,Myoshi,To Look Subtlety,01/29/1999,Holland,,,check country,,,,,,01/29/1999
Egbert,Oosterbroek,Doshin,Way of Heart,02/04/1999,?,,,,,,,,,02/04/1999
John,Masaryk,Ryogaku,Beyond Intelligence,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Polly,Masaryk,Jie,Compassionate Wisdom,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Tess,Masaryk,Dhyana,Zen,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Iris,Masaryk,Jishu,Compassionate Intelligence,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Ann,Kelly,Seijo,Sacred Silence,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Alan,Lakomski,Kyodo,Strong Way,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Pam,Lakomski,Jushin,"Tender Outside, Strong Heart",04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Serra,Lakomski,Mayu,Lovely like a Flower,04/25/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,04/25/1999
Richard,Heath,Munen,No Thought,05/22/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/1999
Megan,Heath,Mugen,No Source,05/22/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/1999
Jamie,Chandler,Myoko,Subtle Light,05/22/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/1999
Elly,Kromhout,Jushin,Accepting Heart,05/22/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/1999
James,Word,Tetsuko (or Tetuko?),Deeply Penetrating Light,05/22/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/1999
Hans,Fischer,Denshin,Big Mind,09/05/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/05/1999
Henriette,Marcus,Mushin,No Mind,09/05/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/05/1999
Cecil,Furch,Dairo,Great Stupidity,09/12/1999,Germany,,,,,,,,,09/12/1999
Doug,Fayle,Ryujo,Dragon Samadhi,09/19/1999,England,,,,,,,,,09/19/1999
Robert,Bowles,Mumon,Gateless Gate,09/19/1999,England,,,,,,,,,09/19/1999
Tania,Gent,Seigen,Sacred Source,10/24/1999,?,,,,,,,,,10/24/1999
Bep,Mous,Doen,Way of Joy,11/20/1999,?,,,,,,,,,11/20/1999
Gary,Fichter,Eko,Light of Wisdom,12/22/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/22/1999
Ann,Floor,Horen,Dharma Lotus,02/12/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/12/1999
Jodie,Hunt,Enjitsu,Joyfully Genuine,02/12/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/12/1999
Scott,Woods,Tetsushin,Penetrating Mind,02/12/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/12/1999
Brad,Stock,Ryu Do,Way of The Dragon,02/12/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/12/1999
Linda,Newman,Jakunen,"Settled, Quietly, Tranquil",02/12/1999,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/12/1999
Julie,Edwards,Jie,Compassionate Wisdom,09/12/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/12/1999
Richard,Metz,Jitsugen,Genuine Source,09/12/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/12/1999
Agalaya,Hertling,Goshin,Strong Faith,09/17/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/17/1999
Pascal van der,Knokke,Tetsuko,Penetrating Light,09/17/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/17/1999
Ton van,Eekeren,Mukutu,No Fear,09/17/1999,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/17/1999
Peter,Laraway,Mujaku,No Settling,09/23/1999,England,,,,,,,,,09/23/1999
Ken,Waight,Dairyu,Great Dragon,01/04/2000,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,01/04/2000
Chris,Cavin,Sojo,Genuine Samadhi,02/01/2000,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,02/01/2000
Rita,Meijer,Chizan,Small Mountain,09/09/2000,Holland,,,,,,,,,09/09/2000
Shiela,DeSpain,Ando,Peaceful Way,10/18/2000,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/18/2000
Paul,Thielking,Shinsho,Heart of Truth,10/18/2000,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/18/2000
Kim,Chan,Jakuen,Complete Settlement,12/08/2000,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/08/2000
Diane,Hamilton,Musho,No Conflict,12/08/2000,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/08/2000
Ilse de,Koeijer-Laros,Sozen,Genuine Zen,03/28/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,03/28/2002
Kaye,Barrickman,Choshin,Bright Faith,03/28/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,03/28/2002
Diane Jesse,Austin,Myokai,Subtle Disciple,03/28/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,03/28/2002
Joe,Chiles,Daizan,Great Mountain,03/28/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,03/28/2002
K.C.,Gerbheide [correctly - Gerpheide, tmc, 30 Nov 2020],Ryozen [correctly - Kyozen, tmc, 30 Nov 2020],Abide in Zen,05/09/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/09/2002
Fred,Casucci,Onzan,Sensitive Mountain,05/09/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/09/2002
Phillip,Ringwood,Butsujo,Buddha Always,07/25/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,07/25/2002
Ria,Woensdregt,Seisui,Pure Clear Water,?,Holland,,,,,,,,,?
Danny,Gallegos,Reiseki,Spiritual Rock,10/13/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/13/2002
Richard,Johnson,Taishin,Great Heart,10/13/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/13/2002
Richard,Pitts,Shindo,Faith in the Way,10/13/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/13/2002
Karl von,Wolkahof,Uji,Being oneself,?,Germany,,,,,,,,,?
Andreas,Wizniewski,Soshin,Essence Heart,11/14/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/14/2002
Troy,Nielsen,Kakuon,Awakening Sound,11/14/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/14/2002
Bob,Burden,Daiyu,Great Excellence,11/14/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/14/2002
Simon,Heale,Kogen,Tiger Eye,11/14/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/14/2002
Vegar,Svanemyr,Kizen,Energy Zen,11/14/2002,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,11/14/2002
Karin,Everitt,Mitsuke,Intimate Guide,12/05/2002,?,,,,,,,,,12/05/2002
Kevin,Moran,Shomen,True Face,12/05/2002,?,,,,,,,,,12/05/2002
Kristin,Rushforth,Heiki,Calm Capacity,12/05/2002,?,,,,,,,,,12/05/2002
Terry,Kerler,Chowan,Ability to Harmonize,05/14/2002,?,,,,,,,,,05/14/2002
Tom,Zdunish,Daikan,Great Mirror,05/14/2002,?,,,,,,,,,05/14/2002
Angela,Palmer,Butsukei,Carry the Buddha in Han?,05/14/2002,?,,,,,,,,,05/14/2002
Michael,Trivett,Keijo,Bright Gem,05/14/2002,?,,,,,,,,,05/14/2002
Craig,Fenherst,Daishin,Big Mind,09/24/2003,?,,,,,,,,,09/24/2003
Ron,Hough,Kaijin,Ocean of Compassion,09/24/2003,?,,,,,,,,,09/24/2003
Heidi,Vishrup,Chikyo,Mirror of Wisdom,09/24/2003,?,,,,,,,,,09/24/2003
Jason,Martin,Koshin,Light of Faith,09/24/2003,?,,,,,,,,,09/24/2003
John,Sands,Shodo,True Way,09/24/2003,?,,,,,,,,,09/24/2003
Terry,Bilskie,Daiko,"Base Stable, Stable Base",12/18/2003,?,,,,,,,,,12/18/2003
Doretta,Damme,Jakugen,Silent Serene Mountain,01/07/2004,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/07/2004
Marijke,Vulink,Suigen,Water Source,01/07/2004,Holland,,,,,,,,,01/07/2004
Suzanna,Kromblicher,Meiju,Abide in Life,01/14/2004,?,,,,,,,,,01/14/2004
Tori von,Wolkahof,Jo,Love,01/14/2004,?,,,,,,,,,01/14/2004
Richard,Seagal,Dai Fu,Great Rich,05/22/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/2004
Mark,Esterman,DaiToku,Great Devotion,05/22/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/2004
Margaret,Esterman,Dojun,The Way Pure Heart,05/22/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/22/2004
Sandy,Stone,Ryokan,Good Insight,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Bob,Heyn,Kanji,Complete Compassion,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Greg,Lindsey,Keiyaku,Jewel Medicine,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Ewa,?,Emyo,Gift Clear,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Kamala,Dass,Soen,Ancestor Sound,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Linda,Mears,Shummyo,Excellent Seed,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Teresa,Jordan,Daiki,Great Vessel,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Bruce,Lambson,Hogen,Dharma Eye,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Daniel,Maslek,Chisho,Wisdom Shine,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Christelle,Estrada,Myogetsu,Wonderous Warmth / Subtle moon?,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Kelly,Fogarty,Soon,Ancestor ?,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Jeff,Gilbert,Issan,One Mountain,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Paul,Grace,Yudo,Gentle Way,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Christy,Moses,Kogetsu,Glowing Moon,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Jeremy,Yamashiro,Tanka,Red Mist ?,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Sima,Lay,Zenyu,Zen Hero,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Cindy,Atkins,Zenetsu,Zen Joy,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Mary Ellen,Sloan,Seien,Pure Circle,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Darren,Lamb,Kakuso,Enlightened Ancestor,10/09/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,10/09/2004
Frank,Schmuck,Shinjo,True Vehicle,12/10/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/10/2004
Tom,Fightmaster,Hangaku,Root Awake,12/10/2004,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/10/2004
Henrike,Reef,Jishio,Compassionate Heart,20/01/2005,Holland,,,,,,,,,20/01/2005
Lee Ann,Kelly,Tendo,Heaven Child,05/20/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/20/2005
Cindy,Hall-Bilskie,Shigetsu,Purple Moon,05/20/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/20/2005
Carol,Merrill,Senko,Thousand Rivers,05/20/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/20/2005
Ottmar,Leibert,Zenho?,Total Letting Go,05/20/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/20/2005
Belinda,Power,Eisho,Eternal Illumination,05/20/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,05/20/2005
Mike,le Blanc,Jokon,Pure Spirit,12/09/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/09/2005
Tristan,Glenn,Dainei,Great Peace,12/09/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/09/2005
Shauna Ann,Walker,Kogetsu,Glowing Moon,12/09/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/09/2005
Jonathan,Bonello,Daruma,Bodhidharma,12/09/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/09/2005
Dan,Hall,Ho-en,Phoenix Flame,12/09/2005,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,12/09/2005
Paul,Wear,?,,?,?Bar Harbor,,,,,,,,,
Jim,Curtice,?,,?10/08/1989,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,
Jamee,Curtice,?,,?,Salt Lake City,,,,,,,,,
Dolf van,Harinxma,?,,?,?,,,,,,,,,
Anton,Coppens,"Tenkai, later Tenkei",Heavenly Painter,1982 with Maezeumi Roshi,Los Angeles,,,,,,,,,
Joe,Dennys,Isshin,? [One Heart, One Mind - tmciolek],Maezeumi Roshi,Los Angeles,,,,,,,,,
Al,Rapaport,?,?,?,?,,,,,,,,, "
----------- end of the attached document -----------
Tamara Gabrysch, email, 17 Feb 2008.
[163a] Dear Matthew, I am happy to let you know that Genpo Roshi is fine for the names / dates / places of his Jukai recipients to be made public on your site. He would just like a footnote to mention that as he is not Japanese, the Dharma names conform to modern western idiom. [...]." Tamara Gabrysch, email, 29 Apr 2008.
[163b] "My dharma (buddhist) name was given to me by Genpo roshi but could not find it in your listing Ryuzen - Maria Lemaire. Maybe you can add this to the list?", Maria Lemaire, email, 06 Aug 2010
[165] "I received the precepts April 6th at Great Tree Zen Center, Teijo Munnich was the preceptor. May I register my name, please? HoKi - Dharma Joy (Joy in the Dharma)." David R. Stack, email, 20 Apr 2008.
[166] "'BUTSU' ['Buddha' and 'France' in old japanese] is the buddhist name given by Inoue Kido Roshi, head of Shorinkutsu-dojo, Hiroshima Pref., Japan, to his first western disciple: Stanis Chamodot. Yours sincerely, Shorinkutsu-dojo Europe.", Stanis Chamodot, email, 01 Apr 2008.
[167] "Dear Matthew, As promised, here is the list of Dharma Names that Tenkei Coppens Roshi has given to his students. I mentioned in the last email that he had great help from a friend of ours, a monk in Japan named Koichi Isoda, from Keishoin temple in Fuji City. He assists Tenkei Roshi in both translating and the relevant characters. These he is fine to be made public in their entirety. in gassho, Tamara.
PS I just received shiho from Genpo Merzel Roshi last week (!) This being, the listing for Tamara Myoho Gabrysch in Genpo Roshi's line could be changed from Assistant Teacher to Dharma Successor. Thanks!
JUKAI LIST of the students of Tenkei Roshi
1. Julio Bermudez (USA) -March 11, 2000 --- Dokan 洞貫 Penetrating Insight (1661-1102)
2. Mike Wright (USA) -March 11, 2000 ------- Daijo 大壌 Great Earth (53-1421)
3. Tami Cleveland (USA) - March 11, 2000 -- Gyosei 暁星 Morning Star (1174-154)
4. Peter den Hollander (NL) - Feb 28, 2001-- Gakudo 学道 Practice of the Way (10-188)
5. Anjo Kasman (NL) - Feb 28, 2001--------- Koren 光蓮 Shining Lotus (116-?)
6. Gerben Schwab (NL) - Feb 28, 2001---------Mokusui 黙水 Silent Water (1856-40)
7. Werner Hauer (D) - Nov 27, 2001------------Kando 寛 道 Generous Way (1110-188)
8. Steve Hallet (UK) - Dec 6, 2001--------------- Daishin 大 信 Great Faith (53-513)
9. Emke Jutte (NL) - Feb 13, 2002 --------------- Gyoen 行円 Complete Practice (118-4)
10. Jelle Seidel (NL) - Feb 13, 2002 ------------Kyosei 恭正 Right Appreciation (1168-41)
11. Richard Lichtendahl (NL) - Feb 13, 2002 - Hofuku 保福 Treasure Keeper (787-386)
12. Leo Folz (D) - Feb 13, 2002 ---------------------Jitsuzan --- (meaning?)
14. Ellen van Let (NL) - May 5, 2002 ------------Ryosen 霊川 River Spirit (1923-48)
15. John Newdick (UK) - June 11, 2002 ---------Jissan --- Dharma Life (584 42)
17. Anke Krol (NL) - Aug 22, 2002 --------------- Gyo-on 暁音 Sound of Dawn (1174-6)
18. Lideke Kieft (NL) - Jan 1, 2003 --------------- Gessho 月照 Moonlight (16-510)
19. Dorien Wondergem (NL) - Jan 1, 2003 -----Seijun 誠順 Following the Truth (912-506)
20. Thorsten Inboden (D) - Oct 24, 2003 --------Keishin 敬真 Respecting the Truth (514-846)
21. Jorge Lopez Doriga (Sp) - Oct 24, 2003 -----Ryusho 龍翔 Fly like a Dragon (Nel 882-824)
22. Corinne Moerbeek (NL) - Dec 17, 2003 -----Jishin 慈心 Compassionate Heart (1328-147)
23. Simon de Boer (NL) - March 12, 2004 -------Senko 千江 Thousand Rivers (47-1244)
24. Gavin Strathie (UK) - March 11, 2004 ------- Mokuin 黙印 Silent Seal (1856-425)
25. Joachim Behrendt (D) - March 11, 2004 -----Fugan 普願 Universal Vow (1754 -446)
26. Maria Berghuis (NL) - July 21, 2004 --------- Hoetsu 法悦 Dharma Joy (584-1020)
27. Jacco Lamfers (NL) - Aug 11, 2004 ------------Seido 清道 Clear Way (517-188)
28. Henk van den Akker (NL) - Sep 15, 2004 ---Taigen 太源 Great Source (164-853)
29. Matthijs van den Ouden (NL)-Sep 15, 2004- Jiryu 慈龍 Compassion Dragon (1328-1899)
30. Gero Seifert (D) - Oct 23, 2004 -------------------Kaishin 海心 Ocean Heart (188-147)
31. Wil Schippers (NL) - Dec 12, 2004 -------------Renso 蓮窓 Lotus Window (? 919)
32. Elizabeth Zirkzee (NL) - March 4,2005 -------Chikan 智鑑 Wisdom Mirror (68-1117)
33. Martijn Vis (NL) - April 9, 2005 ----------------Shikan 志観 Aspiration Insight (692-445)
34. Robert van de Roer (NL) - May 21, 2005 -----Doin 道韻 Sound of the Way (188-1015)
35. Martin van de Kruk (NL), Aug 31, 2005 ----Shogen 照元 Illuminating the Source (510-106)
36. Pauline Hunfeld (NL) - Oct 22, 2005 ------ Saigen 済玄 Mysterious Salvation (871-1227)
37. Hans Halik (D) - Oct 22, 2005 --------------------Doitsu 道一 Way One (188-1)
38. Taco van der Mark (N)- Dec 9, 2005-----------Senzan 泉 山Fountain Mountain (915-24)
39. Patrizia Nestby (NL) - Oct 19, 2006 --------------Kojin 光仁 Illumination Love (116-906)
40. Helma Vulink (NL) - Oct 9, 2006 ----------------Jifu 慈富 Compassion Abundant (1328-780)
41. Mark Hasper (NL) - Oct 9, 2006 ------------------Shoin 正印 True Seal (41-425)
42. Kees Oosterholt (N) - Oct 9, 2006 ------Ryotan 了湛 Complete Fulfilment (1906-Nel 3234)
43. Evert Berga (NL) - Oct 9, 2006 -------------------- Dainei 大寧 Great Peace (53 - 1678)
44. Caroline Whitehead (UK) - Nov 8, 2006 ----- Teiko 貞光 Faithful Illumination (1615-116)
45. Adrian Sichel (UK) - Nov 8, 2006 --------------Kaizen 開 禅 Unfolding Zen (241-1502)
46. Andreas Schneider (D) - May 5, 2007 ------- Gikan 義 鑑 Righteous Mirror (645-1117)
47. Joop Stoffele (NL) - May 5, 2007 ----------- Kanjo 寛 成 Broad Accomplishment (1110-515)
48. Thijs Roest (NL) - Aug 7, 2007 --------------- Shin'yu 真友 Truth Companion (514 - 214)
49. Concha Gonzalez (Sp) - Aug 29, 2007 -------Eisho 泳 照 Lasting Illumination (615-510)
50. Marisa Gonzalez (Sp)- Aug 29, 2007 --------Emyo 恵 明 Wisdom Clear (1196-208)
51. Sam Russell (Australia) - Oct 20, 2007 ------Oshin 応心 Responding Heart (622-147)
52. Nico Poppelier (NL) - Oct 20, 2007 --------- Kosen 広 川 Broad River (114-48)
53. Hans Agelink (NL) - Feb 29, 2008 ---------- Hozan 法 山 Dharma Mountain (584-24)
54. Thea Agelink (NL) - Feb 29, 2008 -------------Jikai 慈 海 Mercy Ocean (1328-188)
55. Ingrid de Hullu (NL) - Feb 29, 2008 ------- Ranka 蘭 華 Orchid Blossom (N5255-1046)
56. Tine Proper (NL) - April 6, 2008 ------------ Chikyo 知 鏡 Wisdom Mirror (169- 462)
57. Paul Davies (GB) - April 30, 2008 ------------Taian 大 安 Great Ease (53-223)
58. Nynke Sopers (NL) - April 30, 2008 --------- Saisho 済奨 Liberating Urge (871-1408)
Katey Gabrysch (UK) Aug 11, 2004 ----------- Kogetsu 皎月 Glowing Moon (?-16)
Fenella Gabrysch (UK) Aug 11, 2004 ----------Baika 梅花 Plum Blossom (1689-147)"
Tamara Gabrysch, email, 16 May 2008.
An email of Fri, 13 Nov 2009: "One of Tenkei Roshi's jukai recipients, Pauline Hunfeld, pointed out a small typo in her name on your website of buddhist names. It should be: Pauline Saigen Hunfeld (instead of Hunsfeld). Sorry for our mistake, and thanks for correcting it. Best wishes, in gassho, Robert Doin van de Roer, Zen River Reception. Zen River Office (". The typo has been fixed, tmc, 14 Nov 2009. [168] "Hello, Hereby I send you my name, given to me by Niko Tideman [= Tydeman, tmc] sensei from Kanzeon Zen Centrum Amsterdam. Ineke Overeem: Pranidhana sk meaning: heartfelt wish, great longing, powerful intention, promise or vow like in the Bodhisattva vows. (vurige wens, groot verlangen, krachtig voornemen, belofte of gelofte zoals in 'de Bodhisattva beloften')", Ineke Overeem, email, 11 Jun 2008.
[169] "My dharma name is Jiryu (Compassionate Dragon) if you would care to add it to your database. In haste, William Webb Florida, USA.", email, 13 Jul 2008.
[170] "Dr Ciolek - I am a monk/priest of Genpo Merzel Roshi and received the name 'Eno' with the definition of 'Prajna Ability'. Thank you for maintaining your site and lists. Rodney Saunders.", email, 30 Aug 2008.
[171] "Hi, this is Willem Schuitemaker. My new name is Ryozan (Happy Mountain) Possible to change on the net ? Thanks, Gassho, Willem", email, 9 Aug 2008.
[172] "My name is Troy Lennerd Nielsen and My wife and I, Eva Malia Nielsen are both ordained zen priests who received Jukai from Denis Genpo Merzel Roshi. I see that you have both of our dharma names in your database, however my wife's name is not attached to her dharma name. Her dharma name is Emyo [...] My wife and I are officially applying with the Soto School in Japan to be recognized as Zen Priests in Japan after a meeting that took place with the Soto Bishop of North America and our teacher Genpo Roshi. [...] Sincerely, Troy Lennerd Nielsen : Dharma name : Kakuon, Eva Malia : Dharma name : Emyo.", Troy Nielsen, email, 3 Sep 2008.
[173] "Dr. Ciolek, I would like to add my dharma name to your list. Zen Name: Tensho, Language: Japanese, Meaning: Universal Truth, Bearer: Noble, Greg, Thanks. Greg, West Virginia Zen.", Greg Noble, email, 6 Jan 2009.
[174] "Zen name: Shinkai, Language: Japanese, Meaning: Ocean of fidelity, Bearer: Al Baxter, Thank you! - Al", Al Baxter, email, 16 Jan 2009.
[175] "Hello, [...] I was hoping to get my Zen name added to your list. I was given the dharma name Kansho meaning 'hot and cold' by my teacher Taiun Michael Elliston on February 24, 2008.", Marshall Tucker, email, 20 Jan 2009.
[176] ""The name of the community encapsulates its spirit: Jiki means 'straight forward or direct'; Sho means 'proof or satori'; and An means 'hut'. So Jiki Sho An translates as 'Direct, Realization, Hut'."
[177] "Thich [...] is Vietnamese for Sakya [...] Dharma name (Phung Xuan), which means 'meeting the spring', and his Dharma title (Nhat Hanh). Nhat means 'one' and Hanh means 'action'."
[178] "Paul Mokuin Levy received the precepts in a Jukai ceremony at the Zen Community of Oak Park on Monday, February 19 [2007]. His dharma name, Mokuin means 'Silent Seal'. [...] Robert Dainei Lund received the precepts in a Jukai ceremony at the Zen Community of Oak Park on Sunday, April 29. [2007] His dharma name, Dainei means 'Great Peace'. [...] Anne Hogetsu (Dharma Moon) received Jukai on July 1, 2007 at Zen Community of Oak Park from Rev. Robert Joshin Althouse."
[179] "ISSAN (TOMMY) DORSEY, who was a zen monk and hospice worker during the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s in San Francisco, CA. His Dharma name was Issan DaiNei which means 'One Mountain, Great Peace'."
[180] "A practicing Buddhist monk since 1972, Ven. Shen Lung was ordained in the Soto Zen tradition by Rev. Soyu Matsuoka Roshi and subsequently received Dharma Transmission from Ch'an Master Shih Mo-Hwa of the Lin-Chi sect in 1980. Ven. Shen-Lung's guidance, understanding and humor helped countless numbers of beings to grow and thrive in the Dharma. He passed away on October 28th, 2006 and was given the posthumous Dharma Name Tai Xi, meaning 'Great Joy.'"
[181] "Last saturday I did jukai and got my zen name from Rients Ranzen Ritskes Sensei: FuShin (不真 translates to 'No Truth'). Would you be so kind to add me to your list [Zen names]? Thank you very much, Kind regards, Barbara de Zoete.", email, 29 Jan 2009.
[182] "My name is Dirk Lenentine and I am sending you an addition for your site of Zen Buddhist Dharma names. I have just recently (January 17, 2009) took part in Jukai ceremony at Treeleaf Zendo (a Soto Zen Sangha). The Dharma name given to me by my teacher Jundo Cohen, is: Shohei (正平) - Sho- True, hei - calm/balance. [...] Gassho, Shohei.", Dirk Lenentine, email, 04 Feb 2009.
[183] "My name is Jeannette Jion Sommer - I was a student of Charles Tenshin Flether Roshi at Yokoji Zen Canter in Ca. - I had my Jukai ceremony with him on March 17, 2002 - my dharma name is Jion and the meaning is "sound of compassion" - I was wondering if I could be added to the list - thank you. In gassho, Jion.", Jeannette Sommer, email, 7 Feb 2009.
[184] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, It gives me great pleasure to write you on this occasion. On March 21, 2009, Mr. Ta'avi Kellett of Sakura Soto Zendo in Phenix City, AL, was given the dharma name Kori ("inside this"; "where you are") by Rev. Zenkai Taiun Elliston Roshi during a Jukai ceremony at Auburn Zen Group in Auburn, AL. Gassho, zth.", Thomas Hodges, email, 23 Mar 2009.
[185] "Zen name: Jin-Tai, Meaning: Benevolent & Withstanding, enduring, Bearer: Michael Henry Cota.", Michael Henry Cota, email, 31 May 2009.
[186] "Sat, 4 Jul 2009, Subject: dharma name addition to directory [...] Today I took the precepts with Samu Sunim of the Buddhist Society for Compassionate Wisdom and received the name "Nosan" which means "ancient mountain." Sunim is of the Korean Zen Chogye order. Thank you, Lawrence Grecco", email. 4 Jul 2009,
[187] Leggett, Trevor. 2003. Samurai Zen: The Warrior Koans. Routledge. ('The Buddhist name 'Anzan' = quiet mountain, pp. 160).
[188] "My dharma name is Seishi, which is already listed on your site. Teijo gave a slightly different interpretation to me and said the meaning was 'clear aspiration'. If you need any additional information, please let me know. Wishing Happiness and Peace, John Robert 'Seishi' Nixon.", email, 21 Jul 2009.
[190] Explanation of the Dharma names as recorded on a video clip from Spring 2008 Sesshin at the Great Tree Zen Temple [URL kindly supplied by John Robert 'Seishi' Nixon, 21 Jul 2009.]
[191] "Hello Dr. Ciolek, One of Yamada Mumon's student that you list [in] as "Taitsu" is Kono Taitsu 河野太通 (b. 1930) He is former president of the Hanazono University, and is currently Head Abbot of Ryumon-ji in Himeji (Temple was founded by Bankei Yotaku).", Veljko Dujin, email no.1, 22 Jul 2009.
[193] "There is a mistake in the name Jos,Huyben,Jakunen,Quiet Being,05/23/1991,Holland. Mij name is Jos Luijben and I'm the one who is given the name by Genpo Rosshi. You can also see the name of my doughter Jose Luijben given by Genpo Roshi Soren. Wil you plese chance it. Gassho Jos Koot Luijben.", Jos Koot Luijben, email, 11 Aug 2009.
[194] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I was given the name "Gohō" by my teacher, Eido Shimano Roshi in 2002. According to him, the meaning is "Enlightened Peak". It is also the name of a monk in Hekigan Roku, case 71. I found out recently that a sixth century abbot of Nalanda in India was called "Dharmapala" and this was translated into Japanese as Gohō. However, the meaning given in E. Dale Saunders Buddhism in Japan "is "Guardian of the Law". Perhaps the Kanji is different. [...]" Stephen Rossi, email, 28 Aug 2009.
[195] "I've had reason to look through the 'dharma names' section of your page. You list the "Taisen" (泰仙) of Taisen Deshimaru as "Great Hermit". Note that the "tai" in his name isn't from the more common kanji 大, but 泰, meaning "peaceful" or "tranquil" etc, so "Peaceful Hermit" perhaps. Not a very good description of him, according to my late first zen teacher, a student of his! Incidentally, my own dharma name is also Taisen - I was named after him in a manner - but uses different kanji (大泉), meaning "Great Source".
Alasdair G-F, StoneWater Zen Sangha." Alasdair Gordon-Finlayson, email, 27 Oct 2009.
[196] "Dr Ciolek: I participated in a jukai ceremony at San Francisco Zen Center this past September 12. My teacher Dairyu Michael Wenger gave me the name In Zan Kei On, translated as "Hidden Mountain/Joyous Sound (or Song). I'm curious as to whether the Kei On is transliterated accurately as sound or song, or whether they're essentially the same (which they are, but I'm curious regardless). The Japanese characters were done by the calligrapher from Eiheiji, who happened to be in SF at that time. Anyway, I've got a rakusu, and a new name, and a bunch of precepts to live by. And I see from your list there's another Hidden Mountain out there somewhere.
Tom Gartland, CTS.", email, 9 Oct 2009.
[197] "Received Inka Shomei from John Tarrant on 3/17/08, given the teaching name Onryu Ko'un David Weinstein, email, 13 Sep 2009 & 'Onryu' means 'Hidden Dragon'" David Weinstein, email, 14 Dec 2009."
[198] "I just received the name Myogen. It means Wondrous Fountain", Sharon Myogen Hurley, email, 29 Dec 2009.
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