Suggested citation format:
Ciolek, T. Matthew. 1995-present. Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism and their Teachers (formerly Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers). Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online.

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Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism
References & Footnotes number 601-800

This document is an integral part of the Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism page.
Both documents form a subsection of the Zen Buddhism section of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library.

Edited by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek

This document aims to provide comprehensive, factual, cumulative and reasonably up-to-date information about the Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi and Harada-Yasutani schools of Sōtō-Rinzai Zen Buddhism. Any updated information, corrections or comments will be appreciated.

A Work in Progress - tmc


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References & Footnotes number 601-800

[601] (access 1 Aug 2024)
[602] (access 1 Aug 2024)
[603] (access 1 Aug 2024)
[604] (access 2 Aug 2024)
[605] Uncovered and corrected error in the Ciolek's Harada-Yasutani data.
Since 17 Mar 2009 [ref. #223] until 2 Aug 2024 Carmen MONSKE was wrongly listed in HaradaYasutani.html as a student and Dharma heir of YAMADA Kōun (Yamada Line) and was given the following INCORRECT note: "Monske, Carmen Baika-an (b. 1937-) [157][223] Teacher at Madrid, Spain [157] Appointed by Kubota Rōshi to the post of Zen Master (Shōshike) of the Sanbokyodan in 2001 [223]."
In fact, the words "Appointed by Kubota Rōshi to the post of Zen Master (Shōshike) of the Sanbokyodan in 2001 [223]" pertain to another teacher, MEYER, Gundula Zuiun-an, who was YAMADA Kōun's student, and Kubota Rōshi's Dharma heir. I deeply apologise for this momentous blunder. Please correct your research notes, where necessary - tmciolek, 2 Aug 2024.
[606] (access 2 Aug 2024)
[607] (access 2 Aug 2024)
[608] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[609] Kapleau, Philip. Three Pillars of Zen: teaching, practice and enlightenment. New York: Anchor Books. Updated and revised. 1989.
[610] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[611] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[612] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[613] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[614] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[615] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[616] (access 3 Aug 2024)
[617] an unnumbered page of a section "About the Author - Roshi Philip Kapleau" of the 2000 e-book edition of Kapleau's "The Three Pillars of Zen". the 2000 edition, by Anchor Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, 2000, eBook ISBN: 978-0-307-76357-0 available from
[618] Source #617 states "In 1953 he gave up his business in America and left for Japan to undergo Zen training. After five years he came to an awakening, then went on to complete eight more years of formal study and training. He was ordained by his teacher, Zen master Yasutani, during that time, and was authorized by him to teach." An analysis of it uncovers #617's fuzziness in the time line for Kapleau's zen studies. He arrived in Japan in 1953 [610,618], therefore, his kenshō experience can be dated for 1958 (= 1953+5 years). Alternatively, since the source #610 states "He Ôgot' kensho. He married, had a child, and in 1965 was ordained as a Zen priest and sanctioned to begin teaching in the Harada-Yasutani line of Zen", his kenshō experience can be dated for 1957 (= 1965-8 years).
[619] (access 5 Aug 2024)
[620] 14 examples of Philip Kapleau's (= PK) ambivalence towards use of an unearned honorific "Roshi" on covers of his printed
publications, or in his or publisher's internal notes about PK as the author. Out of the pool 14 books and brochures, 6 (43%) publications do NOT
contain a blurb worded ".... Roshi Philip Kapleau", whereas 8 of them (57%) DO. The first observed instance (in the sample below) of the "blurb" comes from 1974.
1965. no blurb. Kapleau Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen. Tokyo: John Weatherhill, 1965 // Boston: Beacon Press, 1965.
1966. no blurb. Kapleau Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1966.
1967. no blurb. Kapleau Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.
1972. no blurb. Kapleau Philip. The Wheel of Death. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1972.
1974. blurb. Kapleau Philip. Introduction [publisher's blurb on p. I; PK's blurb p.16, in:], Thich Nhat Hanh. Zen Keys. New York: Doubleday, 1974.
1979. blurb. Kapleau Philip. Zen: comments on work, awareness, impermanence, non-self, ego and language
(adapted from P. Kapleau's introduction to Zen Keys, 1974). Rochester: The Zen Center, 1979.
1979. blurb. Kapleau Philip. Zen: Dawn in the West. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press, 1979.
1980. blurb. Kapleau Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen [revised & expanded]. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1980
1981. blurb. Kapleau Philip. To Cherish All Life: A Buddhist Case for Becoming Vegetarian. Rochester: The Zen Center, 1981.
1989. no blurb. Kapleau Philip. The Wheel of Life and Death. London: Rider, 1989.
1989. blurb. Kapleau Philip. Zen: Merging of East and West. New York: Knopf Doubleday, 1989.
1997. blurb. Awakening to Zen: the teachings of Roshi Philip Kapleau / edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Rafe Martin. New York: Scribner / Simon & Schuster Inc., 1997 & Melbourne VIC: Bantam / Moorebank NSW: Transworld Publishers (Aust) Pty Ltd.
1998. no blurb. Kapleau Philip. Zen of Living and Dying. Boulder, CO: Shambhala, 1998.
2001. blurb. Kapleau Philip. Straight to the heart of Zen: eleven classic koans and their inner meanings. Boston: Shambhala, 2001.

2 examples of Rochester-sangha-driven systematic "roshification" of a Zen instructor (Dharma Holder, 1965) Phillip Kapleau (1912-2004):
1986. blurb. American Zen Twenty Years. Rochester: The Zen Center, 1986.
the brochure 1986 is dedictated (on p. v) " our Roshi, Philip Kapleau" and on p. 16 describes how PK, "earlier called sensei or instructor" assented, in the early 70s.. to the title of "Roshi"
1997. blurb. Awakening to Zen: the teachings of Roshi Philip Kapleau / edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Rafe Martin. New York: Scribner, c1997.
2005. a posthumous blurb. Philip Kapleau, Donna Kowal. I won't say: a photographic memoir of Roshi Philip Kapleau: including the teisho, Dogo expresses
condolences. Rochester, NY: Rochester Zen Center, 2005.
[621] Kapleau Philip. The Wheel of Life and Death. London: Rider, 1989.
[622] American Zen Twenty Years. Rochester: The Zen Center, 1986.
[623] Kjolhede, [Peter] Bodhin. Dharma Transmission and the Rochester Zen Center Lineage, 8 Jan 1995 (access 7 Aug 2024)
[624] (access 7 Aug 2024)
[625] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[626] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[627] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[628] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[629] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[630] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[631] (access 8 Aug 2024)
[632] (access 9 Aug 2024)
[633] (access 9 Aug 2024)
[634] (access 9 Aug 2024)
[635] (access 10 Aug 2024)
[636] (access 10 Aug 2024)
[637] (access 10 Aug 2024)
[638] (access 10 Aug 2024)
[639]'Ortschy.html (access 10 Aug 2024)
[640] (access 10 Aug 2024)
[641] & (access 15 Aug 2024)
[642] (access 15 Aug 2024)
[643] (access 15 Aug 2024)
[644] Koji Sato. How to get to Zen Enlightenment - on Master Ishiguro's Five-Days' intensive course for its attainment. Psychologia, 1959, 2, 107-113,
[645] Huber, Jack. Through an Eastern window Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company 1967. [First edition 1965]
[The book describes an American attenting a sesshin led by Ishiguro Horyu Roōshi circa 1960. Comments and inferences in square brackets are by tmc, 16 Aug 2024]
"Master Ishiguro entered into Zen some fifty years ago [c.1960 minus c.52 years = c.1907? If he started Zen training at the age of c. 20 years?, then he was born in c. 1887?]. He studied for a long time [c. 20 years, starting in 1907? If so, then Shiho => Sensei in c. 1927?] with Master Sogaku Harada of the Soto Sect. After having been given tbe final permit [Inka, about 8 yrs since Shiho, i.e. c. 1935?], Master Ishiguro began to teach students, using at first the traditional method [= using Harada Daiun Sogaku's long-march strategy of: intensive shikantaza + koan "Mu" to bring about kensho, followed by the defined and massive curriculum of koans to deepen and mature the initial insight + general, enigmatic instructions + months and years-ong training + arduous (iron discipline; use of kyosaku, small food portions; short sleep; infrequent rest-periods; demanding physical circumstances) - tmc]. But he wished to improve the method in order to help people save themselves from inner pain as quickly and surely as possible. From January 1957 [from the 30th anniversary of his Shiho?] he began to apply his new method of teaching [= Horyu Ishiguro's short-sprint strategy of: intensive shikantaza + koan "Mu" to bring about kensho + a series of detailed and well explained instructions + short (xx days!) training + supportive (ample food and sleep; frequent breaks and rest-periods; not-stressful, relaxed & comfortable physical circumstances), tmc]" p.28.
[646] (a library record for Ishiguro, Horyu) (access 16 Aug 2024)
[647] The Zen Life. Text by Sato, Koji photographs by Sosei Kuzunishi Translated by Ryojun Victoria. New York, Tokyo, Kyoto: Weatherhill/Tankosha, First English Edition 1972. [originally published in Japanese by Tankosha under the title Zen no Seikatsu]
[Translator's note on p. 190 "...The Soto Zen sect in recent years [i.e. a few years before 1971, the time of translators words - tmc] has also seen the passing away one after another of such eminent masters as Horyu Ishiguro-roshi, Eko Hashimoto-roshi, and Kodo Sazaki-roshi."]
[648] Sato, Koji. How to get to Zen Enlightenment - on Master Ishiguro's Five-Days' intensive course for its attainment. Psychologia, 1959, 2, 107-113,
[649] (access 16 Aug 2024)
"This spring the cherry blossoms were gone when Maezumi Roshi returned to Koshin-ji, where he spent the last day of his life with his brother Kojun. In twenty-five years of teaching in Los Angeles, he had given transmission to twelve Dharma heirs, and in early April of 1995, when his four senior heirs received formal recognition from the Soto Zen Sect of Japan, Maezumi mentioned to Tetsugen his strong feeling that his work as a Buddhist teacher in America had been accomplished. [...] In early May [1995] he traveled to Japan, and with his old friend Etsudo Nishiwaki-roshi, the abbot of Chogaku-in, as witness, he completed and dated (Òin the month of AzaleasÓ) the document of inka that recognized Tetsugen as roshi (Òsenior teacherÓ) and also his successor and the spiritual leader who would see to the publication of his work and to the establishment of a main training center for the White Plum lineage that Taizan Maezumi had founded in America."
[650] (access 18 Aug 2024)
"When I marveled at this change in stick culture from that of Tangen-san of the 1950s to Tangen Roshi of 1985..." [#650] [Tangen Sensei was given inka by Harada Roshi (1871-1961) [#8], therefore it happened between 1955 and 1961 - tmc]
[651] (access 18 Aug 2024)
[652] Mohr, Mikel. Monastic Tradition and Lay Practice from the Perspective of Nantenbō: A Response of Japanese Zen Buddhism to Modernity, p. 63-89. Zen Buddhism Today, Annual Report of The Kyoto Zen Symposium, No. 12 November 1995. Available online from
[653] (access 18 Aug 2024)
[654]ū_Osaka (access 18 Aug 2024)
[655] (access 18 Aug 2024)
[656] McMahon, Barry Kaigen. The Evolution of the White Plum - A short and incomplete history of its founders and their practice. [38 pages. Written later than 1998, see p.28] (access 18 Aug 2024)
[657] (access 19 Aug 2024)
[658] (access 20 Aug 2024)
[659] (access 22 Aug 2024)
[660] (access 22 Aug 2024)
[661] (access 25 Aug 2024)
[662] (access 25 Aug 2024)
[663] (access 25 Aug 2024)
[664] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[665] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[666] (access 28 Aug 2024)
a verbatim fragment (pages 2-13) of the June, 1979 MA Thesis in Asian Studies, U. of California, Santa Barbara, USA entitled: "The Shobogenzo Genjokoan by Eihei Dogen, and Penetrating Inquiries into the Shobogenzo Genjokoan, a commentary by Yasutani Hakuun" All copyrights to this document (C) 1979 belong to Paul David Jaffe.
[667] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[668] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[669] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[670] (version archived 16 Jan 2007)
[671] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[672] (access 28 Aug 2024)
[673] (access 29 Aug 2024)
[674] (access 29 Aug 2024)
[674] (access 29 Aug 2024)
[675] & (access 29 Aug 2024)
[676] (access 29 Aug 2024)
[677] & (access 29 Aug 2024)
[678] & (access 30 Aug 2024)
[679] & (access 30 Aug 2024)
[680] (access 30 Aug 2024)
[681] Zen Zentrum Basel (access 30 Aug 2024)
[682] (access 30 Aug 2024)
[683] (access 30 Aug 2024)
[684] (access 30 Aug 2024)
[685] (access 30 Aug 2024)
[686] (access 30 Aug 2024)
[687] (access 30 Aug 2024)

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