Suggested citation format:
Ciolek, T. Matthew. 1995-present. Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism and their Teachers (formerly Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers). Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online.

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Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism
References & Footnotes number 201-400

This document is an integral part of the Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi & Harada-Yasutani Schools of Zen Buddhism page.
Both documents form a subsection of the Zen Buddhism section of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library.

Edited by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek

This document aims to provide comprehensive, factual, cumulative and reasonably up-to-date information about the Harada Sogaku, Kuroda-Osaka-Maezumi and Harada-Yasutani schools of Sōtō-Rinzai Zen Buddhism. Any updated information, corrections or comments will be appreciated.

A Work in Progress - tmc


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References & Footnotes number 201-400

[205] "Hi there from Australia. I have a could [sic] of updates for the following web page. Li-Yea Bretz was born in 1960 - as my wife I have to know this one. Cec Lander was born in 1948 and Merv Lander in 1944. Which is public knowledge through the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane Year Book. Hope this helps fill in more of the picture. Cheers, John Bretz Ps my place in the scheme of things is that I am with the Mountain Moon Sangah here in Brisbane. R Jn", email, 29 Sep 2007.
[206] "Dear Matthew, Yours has long been a source site for very useful information for me. Now I would like to offer you another name to your list! (And of course the lineage information as well!) My teacher, Daido Hogen Yamahata has given me dharma transmission and the dharma name of Daigen Kakuji. I have attached the kanji as an RTF document. Daigen is 'Huge mystery'; Kakuji is 'Awake compassion'. The formal induction as Zen master will be on 19 January 2008 in the morning (time to be ascertained as we go along!)", Nicholas Aalders, email, 2 Jan 2008. See also entry [226 below]
[207] "Bonnie Myotai Treace is no longer affiliated with Zen Mountain Monastery. She has started her own sangha, Hermitage Heart Her more recent teachings are on the new website, though her oler [sic] ones can still be found on the Mountains and Rivers website. I hope that this is helpful. By the way, thank you for the excellent job you've done all these years. Best, Adam Green.", email, 29 Dec 2007.
[208] "Dr Ciolek, Further to my message of 18 June 1006 [sic] and relative to my line (Stone Line), some updates: 1. Li-yea Bretz, Garry Cam, Matt Love and Jean wilson received Dharma transmission from me in September, 2006 and are now Teachers in the Mountain Moon Sangha. 2. Three of my Successors have received appointments of Teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan Zen Society, granted by Ryo'un Yamada, Abbot: Mervyn Lander (Go'un Ken) 2003; Cecillie Lander (Go'en An) 2003; and Li-yea Bretz (Sei'un An) 2007. Ryo'un Roshi has made other appointments which can be viewed at the Sano Kyodan web-site: 3. Judy Kennedy is no longer recognized by me as a Successor and has no authority to teach. Sei'un An Roselyn.", email, 4 Dec 2007.
[209] "In the Nakao line, Sensei Merle Kodo Plum Dragon Boyd's web site is", Peter A. Ott, email, 13 Jan 2008.
[210] "Open Mind Zen School, Al Rapaport Director Melbourne, FL Rick Owen, Zen Teacher Betsy Smith, Assistant Zen Teacher Kevin Smith, Assistant Zen Teacher",, email, 12 Feb 2008.
[211] "The following change should be noted: In the Aitken line under pat [sic] Hawk, Robert (Bob) Walker is now a Roshi. He received the inka and full Dharma transmission from Pat Hawk on April 27, 2008 in Tucson Arizona. I attended the ceremony.", Marianne Roche, email, 29 Apr 2008.
[212] "Hi Matthew, Two corrections to the Harada-Yasutani Web page: [...] 1. Both Pat Enkyo O'Hara and Barbara Joshin O'Hara are female. They are life partners rather than husband and wife. 2. In addition to being the spiritual director of the High Mountain Crystal Lake Zen Community (Wyckoff, New Jersey), Sensei Paul Genki Khan also now holds the position of Executive Director of the Maezumi Institute and Zen Peacemakers Sangha in Montague Massachussets. Thanks! Len Moskowitz", email, 30 Apr 2008.
[213] "[...] Regarding the list of Dharma names from Tenkei Roshi (my husband), he had great help from a friend of ours, a monk in Japan named Koichi Isoda, from Keishoin temple in Fuji City. [...]" Tamara Gabrysch, email, 22 Apr 2008
[214] "Dear Matthew, [...] I just received shiho from Genpo Merzel Roshi last week (!) This being, the listing for Tamara Myoho Gabrysch in Genpo Roshi's line could be changed from Assistant Teacher to Dharma Successor. Thanks!" Tamara Gabrysch, email, 16 May 2008.
[215] Zen Center of Denver: Lineage/Affiliation ( (v. 18 May 2008).
[216] "HI Dr. Ciolek, I was just reading on the internet your extremely informative and helpful site: Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism. As an update to your site I have founded the Vista Zen Center and I'm no longer associated with the Three Treasures Zen Community. Thanks for the great work you are doing! John Jiyu Gage, Sensei, Vista Zen Center, 246 Santa Clara Dr., Vista, CA 92083,", email, 23 Jul 2008.
[217] Vista Zen Center: The Purpose of Lineage (, (v. 1 Aug 2008).
[218] Vista Zen Center: Jake Jiyu Gage, Sensei (, (v. 1 Aug 2008).
[219] Three Treasures Zen Community: Barry Kaigen McMahon, Sensei (, (v. 1 Aug 2008).
[220] Three Treasures Zen Community: Annie Pirruccello, Dharma Holder, Teaching Assistant (, (v. 1 Aug 2008).
[221] Three Treasures Zen Community: Steve Sarian, Priest, Teaching Assistant (, (v. 1 Aug 2008).
[222] "Dear Dr. Ciolek: I would like to be added to your listing of the Harada-Yasutani Lineage, under Joan Sutherland, Roshi, who installed me as a Sensei with the Open Source in September, 2006. I am a resident teacher for the Springs Mountain Sangha in Colorado Springs, Colorado: , and also am Cadet Chapel Buddhist Program Leader at the United States Air Force Academy. Bender, Sarah Masland, born 25 08 1948. If you would like confirmation, please contact Joan Sutherland, . Thank you! Sarah Bender." email, 20 Sep 2008.
[223] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I have a few additions for Your useful www-site on Zen. The additions concern this page:
1) Gyger, Pia was born 1940
2) Johannes Kopp is an Associate Zen Master (Junshike) of the Sanbokyodan (since 2006, by Yamada Ryoun)
3) Samy, Ama: new link:
actually Ama Samy founded a new line, the Bodhi Sangha, but the authorising of new teachers is a problematic issue. Lately he authorised Stephan Bauberger SJ, who mainly teaches at Dietfurt (
Many other pupils of Ama Samy have left him because of his unwillingness to authorise. Bogdan Snela for example was actually a pupil of Samy but then went to Willigis Jäger, who gave him a teaching authorisation which was also bestowed by Sanbokyodan headquarters. Klaus Wansleben (Bonn, Germany, also left from Ama Samy and has become an Assistant Zen Teacher in the Jäger-Line.
4) Since 11. January 2009 Willigis Jäger has left the Sanbokyodan and founded a new Zen-Lineage.
5) Meyer, Gundula was born 1937. Zen Master (Shoshike) of the Sanbokyodan since 2001 (by Kubota Roshi)
6) Zölls, Doris MYOEN-AN (1954-) Zen-Training under the guidance of Willigis Jäger, Zen-Teacher of Sanbokyodan; since 2003 she is the spiritual director (together with W. Jäger) of the Benediktushof Holzkirchen. Link:
Dear Dr. Ciolek, I am momentarily working on my M.A. thesis in Germany (University Bonn) and I am a pupil in the JJäger-Zen-Line. In case You are interested in more information I could sort out the Jäger-Line which has been very "productive" concerning the authorisation of Zen-Teachers.
Sincerely, Timon Reichl.", email, 17 Mar 2009.
[224] "1) Dragan Petrovic received Dharma transmission from me 8 February 2009 and is now a Teacher in the Mountain Moon Sangha. 2) Please removed Judy Kennedy's name from that list altogether. Sei'un An Roselyn Stone.", email, 25 Mar 2009.

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 13:19:49 +1000 To: Roselyn Stone (redacted email)
From: "T. Matthew Ciolek"
Subject: CIOLEK - Amendations to HaradaYasutani.html webpage

Dear Dr Stone,
Thank you for your email of 25 March 2009. I am very grateful for your latest addendum.
Page has been amended in the light of the supplied detail.
As far as consigning Judy Kennedy's name to a memory hole goes, I am unable to do it. I am not orwellian enough (yet) to enact your suggestion.
It is barely three years since you wrote to me on 18 Jun 2006: "[...] In my line, the Landers, as noted, have received transmission from me and are entitled to the designation, Teacher. And a correction: Judy Kennedy as also received Dharma transmission from me (January 2006) and is Teacher in the Mountain Moon Sangha. The others are properly designated Assistant Teacher."
Now you ask me to obliterate traces of Judy Kennedy's Zen path.
I am sure that between the two of you someone or something has gone mightily wrong, but this should not mean at all that any of the online and off-line records of your joint history should be expurgated. You see, I try to be as detailed and as much as possible objective researcher of the Zen dust. In my online work I am trying to document faithfully all the various comings and goings of the Zen in the West. Moreover, for a reader in 150 years from now it will be good and illuminating to realise that not all long-term relationships between the ego-less students of the Path have been always based on mutual trust and respect. For instance, if we look at the the history of convolutions and tensions between
Richard Baker and members of the SF Zen centre,
Robert Aitken and John Tarrant,
John Tarrant and Geoff Dawson,
Robert Aitken and Manfred Steger,
Robert Aitken and Augusto Alcalde,
Daniel Terragno and Craig Twentyman,
Dennis Merzel and Laurent Caille,
Kyozo YAMADA and Philip Kapleau,
Kyozo YAMADA and Robert Aitken,
Philip Kapleau and Toni Packer,
Philip Kapleau and Richard Clarke,
Willigis Jaeger and senior teachers of the Sanbokyodan line,
as well as between yourself and Judy Kennedy
clearly teaches us that bodhisattvas are bodhisattvas, and people are people, and the twain not always meet. That's the cross that in our lives, sooner or later, we all have to face and one that we better learn to carry with oodles of gratitude and grace. Otherwise, our suffering and disconcert will be nothing but a pointless pain.
With many thanks for the latest supplied information, a gassho, and wishes of Happy and optimistic Easter,
Matthew Ciolek."
[225] "The correct Web link for Roshi Paul Genki Kahn is:
Dr. Ciolek, I hope all is well with you. Here's the latest news from Roshi Glassman about empowerment of Paul Genki Kahn as Roshi. Len Moskowitz", email, 17 April, 2009.
[226] "Dear Mathew, On 2 January 2008 I wrote to you:
'Yours has long been a source site for very useful information for me. Now I would like to offer you another name to your list! (And of course the lineage information as well!) My teacher, Daido Hogen Yamahata has given me dharma transmission and the dharma name of Daigen Kakuji. I have attached the kanji as an RTF document. Daigen is 'Huge mystery'; Kakuji is 'Awake compassion'. The formal induction as Zen master will be on 19 January 2008 in the morning (time to be ascertained as we go along!).'
I sent you this because my teacher had told me that he felt I had some value, and that he wished to 'ordain you as Zen master'. Now I realise that this was not correct and despite all the rigmarole, and the fancy names, gifts and other shadows it was not the case. Yes, he did give me this name, but step by step I am learning to put it down. No, I am not yet his dharma heir, despite what I may have said.
Now, with deep humility, I must admit my error. I bow deeply and confess my crime. In order that your excellent record keeping correctly reflects the contents of my teacher's mind I must ask you to remove all trace of me from your page. This is not the situation where he has changed his mind. It is entirely by my own understanding only that I have caused this error. Along with all my apologies to my teacher and his Sangha, I tender my deepest apologies also to you.
Sampai, Nick Aalders", email, 2 May 2009. [see also entry 206 above]
[228] "Thought I'd let you know that John Daido Loori now has another dharma heir, Konrad Ryushin Marchaj. The website of the Mountains and Rivers Order hasn't yet been updated to show it, but he now (as of just last week) has the title 'sensei':", Susan Forste, email, 23 Jun 2009.
[230] "Corinne Frottier received Dharma transmission from Genno Roshi last week during the summer retreat; her third successor. You can see mention of it here:', Peter Bruza, email, 22 Jul 2009.
[232] "Genno Roshi (Genpo Roshi, Maezumi Roshi, Yasutani Roshi line) also has two assistant teachers (Hoshi) They are Marzena Rey and Michel Oltheten.", Anonymous, email, 5 Aug 2009.
[233] -
[234] -
[235] "hi Mathew, Just in case you hadn't heard - Daido Loori passed. hoping you are well Peter Bruza", email, 15 Oct 2009 & & "Hello, You may wish to add the following to the biographical information of John Daido Loori, Roshi to your list of revisions: Last month the Mountain and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism announced that John Daido Loori, Roshi passed away on October 9, 2009. See" Frank Lo Cicero, email, 12 Nov 2009.
[236] "[David Weinstein] Received Inka Shomei from John Tarrant on 3/17/08, given the teacing name Onryu Ko'un.", David Weinstein, email, 13 Sep 2009.
[237] "Bonnie Myotai Treacem [sic] Sensei, received dharma transmission from Daido Roshi in 1996 - before Shugen Sensei - she is Daido Roshi's first dharma heir. It is untrue to list her as an 'assistant teacher' below Shugen Sensei, below Ryushin Sensei (who received dharma trnsmission [sic] very recently), and below others who have not yet received actual dharma transmission. I am grateful for the aboce [sic] correction. Please do not be a party to attempts to rewrite and falsify history. Respectfully, Daniel Kousen Bruner Student of Bonnie Myotai Treace, Sensei, Hermitage Heart Fromer [sic] Mountains and Rivers Order Student", email, Mon, 21 Dec 2009. [The outdated term 'assistant teacher' has been removed on 22 Dec 2009, as suggested by D.K. Bruner. However, an old-fashioned alphabetical listing (as opposed to a chronological, or a rank-based listing) of students & dharma heirs continues to be used as before, Mr Bruner's preference for an explicit Zen pecking-order notwithstanding - tmciolek.]
[238] "Hello, Genno Roshi (Yasutani Roshi/Maezumi Roshi/Genpo Roshi Line) did not receive Dharma Transmission in 2005 as your website suggests [the mistake has been corrected to 'inka' on 22 Feb 2010 - tmciolek]. She received Dharma Transmission in 1992 (becoming a Sensei) and in was then in 2005 that she received Inka from Genpo Roshi, becoming a Roshi.
See their website for confirmation.
Also, her third successor Corinne Frottier has a website here:
Amy Hollowell Sensei was born in 1958
Corinne Frottier was born in 1953", An unsigned email from 'stenning45@[redacted domain name]', 2 Feb 2010.
[239] "Dear Dr Ciolek, Please update your lineage charts to note that I have given Dharma Transmission to Pat George, who teaches at the Zen Center of Philadelphia, in the Joko Beck branch of the Harada-Yasutani-Maezumi lineage. thank you - Barry Magid", email, 12 May 2010.
[240] Pat George, the Zen Center of Philadelphia:
[241] "Two additions: Peter Lengsfeld died. (last year or the year before). Paul Shepherd: there is a small mistake in it: It should be 'Kokoro' and not 'Korkoro'" Peter Wicke, email, 07 Jun 2010.
[242] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Thank you so much for the conscientious work on your website. It is strong resource for all of us. I have a few updates in my line:
Dharma Transmission: O'Hara, Barbara Joshin - April 2006. Jules Shuzen Harris - December 2007. Randall Ryotan Eiger - December 2008. Shinryu Sinclair Thomson - December 2009. Catherine Anraku Hondorp - December 2009.
Dharma Holder: Julie Myoko Terestman - July 2008.
Also, the teachings from the Village Zendo, including some from those listed above and many of mine, are available at: (except Jules Shuzen Harris: and Catherine Anraku Hondorp:
Again, thank you for this wonderful resource, bows, Enkyo", Pat Enkyo O'Hara, email, 19 Jun 2010.
[243] - Thomas Bolling, email, 6 Aug 2010 and
[244] "Dear Dr Matthew Ciolek, I see from your website that you invite people to send you corrections and updates, and I would like to do so. I am a student of Kanja Odland Sensei, who has been authorised to teach in this lineage by Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede. This fact is recorded on the Rochester Zen Center website on this page: You can also see her biography at:
I am also a student of Sante Poromaa Sensei, and I notice that his birth year is incorrectly stated on your webpage. He was born in 1958. You can see his biography at: Incidentally also, Roshi Kjolhede's name has been misspelled in the section listing his successors. Kind regards Shuna Lennon", email, 5 Sep 2010.
[245] "This is an addition for the list of Sandbo-Kyodan teachers: On September 23, 2010, Robert (Bob) Walker, Roshi named Paul Sanders as an Assistant Teacher. Marianne Roche", email, 26 Sep 2010.
[246] "Dear Mathew Ciolek, [...] I am now an apprentice teacher of Daniel Terragno Roshi, in California. I am wondering if you keep an updated list of Diamond Sangha teachers on your website. If you do could you please add my name and contact details to that list? [...] My birth date is 1959 and my dharma name is kenjo shin. [...] Much thanks, bowing across the sea in your direction, Antoinette Parekh (", emails, 26 Sep 2010 & 1 Oct 2010.
[247] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, On September 12, 2010, Danan Henry Roshi gave Dharma transmission to Peggy Sheehan, Ken Morgareidge, and Karin Kempe in an Ascending the Mountain/Appointment of Abbacy ceremony. Sensei is probably their most appropriate title now. (As Danan Roshi received Dharma transmission from Kapleau Roshi and was subsequently acknowledged as a Diamond Sangha master by Robert Aitken, there are two listings for the Danan Henry line: one under Kapleau and one under Aitken.) Thanks very much for your ever-ongoing work in progress! very best wishes, -- Hoag", Hoag Holmgren, email, 13 Sep 2010.
[248] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Thank you for all your efforts in creating and maintaining the WWW Zen Virtual site. In the Sanbo Kyodan lineage, under Joko Beck's line [...] there are 2 other Dharma heirs of Joko. One is Barbara Muso Penn. I only have this old address for her, but am not sure if it is current:
Sandhills Zen Center, 150 Merry Mock Hill Road, Southern Pines, NC 28388.
There is an other Dharma Heir but I need to get permission to list him before can get you that info. Thank you. Bows, Elihu Genmyo Smith", email, 12 Oct 2010.
[249] "ZCSD Newsletter -- September, 2004 - 2047 Felspar Street, San Diego, California 92109-3551 858-273-3444. [...] Dharma Transmission: Joko announces with pleasure the transmission of the Dharma to Barbara Muso Penn of Southern Pines, North Carolina; and to Gary Nafstad of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Barbara leads the Sandy Hill Zen Group in Southern Pines. [...]" -
[250] "Shortly after Joko's departure in 2006 [from ...] the San Diego Zen Cente [...] Joko Beck sent a letter in which she stated that she was revoking Dharma transmission from two senior students: Ezra Bayda and Elizabeth Hamilton. Joko also stated that the San Diego Zen Center should not claim to represent her or her teaching. Joko's actions [...] led some [of her long-time students, such as her Dharma heir Barry Magid, to question her judgment. [...] [] [However,] In the same interview, Magid acknowledges that some students do not share his current view of Joko. [...] Later, in the spring of 2010, Joko announced that she had chosen Gary Nafstad to be her Dharma successor." - (v. 12 Oct 2010)
[251] Elizabeth Hamilton, biographical details -
[252] Ezra Bayda, biographical details -
[253] "Dear Dr. Matthew Ciolek, I like to inform you, that I installed a new HomePage [...] about the work and life of Brigitte D'Ortschy (Koun-An doru chiko Roshi). It is the Page of - Sanbo Kyodan Harada-Yasutani school - directly under Yasutani Roshi. I have also a page in english and download-text in english. Could be it is interesting for you. [...] With regards and Gassho, Monica Maurer, Wolkenverlag", email, 29 Sep 2010 & "Ladies and gentlemen, the homepage of Koun-An Roshi Doru Chiko Brigitte D'Ortschy (1921-1990) has changed. The new address is Yours, Richard Lechner", email, 19 Oct 2010.
[254] "Dear Dr Ciolek, Just a quick note about David Dohi Scott, who is currently listed as an "Assistant Teacher" to Genpo Merzel Roshi and as the leader of the "Liverpool Zen Group" [...] at
A couple of years ago, he left Genpo Roshi (under very good terms) and became a student of Tenshin Fletcher Roshi of Yokoji Zen Mountain Center near San Diego. In October of last year (2009), he received shiho from Tenshin Roshi, becoming David Keizan Scott Sensei. At around the same time, the Liverpool Zen Group became the StoneWater Zen Sangha, reflecting a less local focus for our organisation.
There are details of this on our own website at, and you can confirm the broad details on the Yokoji Zen Mountain Center website, e.g. Regards, Alasdair GF", Alasdair Gordon-Finlayson, email, 17 Oct 2010.
[255] ÒDr. Ciolek: My wife and I are successors of Maezumi Roshi through Dennis Genpo Merzel. ÊYour page links all of his successors to the old Kanzeon Zen Center page. ÊThat page used to list all Genpo's successors, but has been elminated and all links run to the Big Mind page, which is Genpo's new venture. ÊIt contains no lineage information as he has moved away from traditional Zen. Ê Diane and I can be linked to bios at our own website, Ê We both teach at The Boulder Mountain Zendo, which has locations in Salt Lake City and Torrey, Utah. Ê Our dates, which are missing from your page, are: ÊDiane Musho Hamilton, born 1958, transmission May, 2006. ÊMichael Mugaku Zimmerman, born 1943, transmission December, 2006. I know that others of his successors can be found at other pages. ÊCatherine Geno Pages and MIchel DuBois are at Dana Sanga in Paris. Ê  Tenkei Coppens and Tamara Gabrysh are at Zen River, north of Amsterdam. Ê ÊDaniel Doen Silberberg is at  Richard Taido Christofferson is atÊ Let me know if you need further information. Best, Michael Mugaku ZimmermanÓ, email, 27 Jun 2011.
[256] ÒJoko Beck passed away at 7:30 am, June 15th [2011]. Visit the Members/Comings & Goings page for a message from her family with a few photos of her last days.Ó -
[257] ÒAbout our teacherÊ- Geoff DawsonÓ -
[258] White Plum Asanga Announcements, June 17, 2011 - ÒWPA is happy to announce that 7 teachers in the Maezumi lineage were approved for membership in the White Plum Asanga. Membership was reinstated for Alfred Jitsudo Ancheta who received transmission from Hakuyu Maezumi and Bernie Glassman. The new members are Carl Genjo Bachman (transmission teacher Robert Kennedy), Gary Myogen Koan Janka (transmission teacher Egyoku Nakao), Al Genkai Kazniak (transmission teacher Joan Halifax), Julie Myoko Kirin Terestman (transmission teacher Enkyo OÕHara), Bonnie Myotai Treace (transmission teacher Daido Loori) and Peter Seishin Wohl (transmission teachers Stef and Margaret Barragoto).Ó Src: & Peter Bruza, email, 12 August 2011.
[264] White Plum Asanga Announcements - February 2011
ÒThe White Plum Asanga Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of Genpo Merzel from White Plum Asanga membership as well as an Elder of the White Plum. This resignation is a result of his recent disclosures regarding sexual misconduct with several of his students.Ó
Src: [265]
White Plum Asanga Announcements - June 2, 2011
ÒThe White Plum Asanga affirms integrity, honesty, and humility as central to the practice of our Dharma teaching. We affirm non-harming in our relations with all those whom we encounter. We collectively vow to maintain our lineage as a vital branch of the Dharma tree, and to keep it as clear as possible from harmful actions.
We also recognize that, from the very root of our lineage, we have experienced misconduct in the areas of sex and alcohol. And, there have been occasions of abuse of power, sex and money in succeeding generations. We express our sincere apology to all those who have been harmed in any way by these actions. We resolve to act affirmatively to transform our collective karma by censure, healing and restitution.
In light of the above, a delegation of WPA members met with Dennis Genpo Merzel, and together discussed the current circumstances relating to his abuse of his position of teacher and Abbot. We sought to participate with him in a process of discernment to address his issues. He has indicated that he does not want to be accountable to his peers in the White Plum Asanga, and that he will follow his own path in addressing his personal issues and their impact on the Kanzeon Sangha. Since Genpo has resigned his membership in the White Plum organization, we have no authority over him. We appeal to him to address his issues and to take responsibility for healing the harmful effects they have had on his students, successors, and Sangha.
signed by the Board of The White Plum Asanga
Roshi Gerry Shishin Wick, President, Roshi Wendy Egyoku Nakao, Vice-President, Roshi Anne Seisen Saunders, Secretary-Treasurer, Sensei Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts, Roshi Pat Enkyo O'Hara, Sensei Michael Mugaku Zimmerman.Ó
[266] "I am a student of Joan Sutherland, Roshi (dharma heir of John Tarrant), and have been invited to offer to you the fact of another dharma heir: ÊAndrew Palmer, born 8/5/71, who was made a sensei in Feb 2011. ÊHe lives in Colorado Springs, CO. Hope that is helpful [...] Thank you, Margo Conover", email, 16 Sep 2011.
[267] "Hello Dr. Ciolek, Just looking at your web page on the Harada-Yasutani line. ÊRachel Mansfield-Howlett received full dharma transmission and the title Roshi from John Tarrant in 2009. ÊShe is now the head teacher at Santa Rosa City Zen. Thank you for keeping up your valuable web site. Best regards, Carol Spooner", email, 28 Sep 2011.
[268] "Hi Matthew, [...] just realized the info for Joan Sutherland is not correct.Ê She no longer teaches in California nor has a formal connection as a teacher for Mountain Cloud Zen Center, but is founder and head teacher of Awakened Life in Santa Fe (, and is also holding teacher for Open Source, a network of communities that includes Wet Mountain Sangha in Pueblo, Colorado and Desert Rain Zen Group in Tucson, AZ.Ê Also she is co-founder of the Pacific Zen School, not Pacific Zen Institute. Thanks again, Margo Conover", email, 18 Sep 2011.
[269] Springs Mountain Sangha: Our Teachers - (v. 20 Sep 2011).
[270] Women Active in Buddhism (WAiB) Pages: Female Teachers in Buddhism Zen / Ch'an - (v. 20 Sep 2011).
[271] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Ê Would you please make the following addition (Thompson, Scott H.) Êto your Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers page: Ê Maezumi Line - ÊÊ Glassman, Bernard - ÊÊÊÊÊ Kennedy Line - ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Birx, Charles - ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Thompson, Scott H. (7 Feb 1948) assistant teacher.
Scott was recognized as an assistant teacher on April 18, 2011. Thanks so much.Ê Keep up the good work. take care, charles", Charles Birx, email, 16 Jan 2012.
[272] - (v. 23 Jan 2013).
[273 - several variants] Short History of The Sanbo Kyodan [despite a typing error, "histry", the url works correctly:]
Identities of listed persons of Sanbo-Kyodan line as well as their their particulars may vary depending on the time of of electronic publication. The four versions of the site archived by the WayBack machine:*/
[273a] WayBack archival versions of 27 Sep 2007 to 20 Jan 2009 - particulars of 6 Sanbo-Kyodan Roshis : Yasutani Hakuun, Yamada Koun, Kubota Jiun, Yamada Ryoun, Fr. Willigis Jaeger & Gundula Meyer.
[273b] WayBack archival version of 20 Feb 2009 to sometime in 2011 - particulars of 5 Sanbo-Kyodan Roshis : Yasutani Hakuun, Yamada Koun, Kubota Jiun, Yamada Ryoun & Gundula Meyer.
[273c] WayBack archival version of 29 Apr 2011 to 17 Mar 2020 - particulars of 6 Sanbo-Kyodan Roshis : Yasutani Hakuun, Yamada Koun, Kubota Jiun, Yamada Ryoun, Gundula Meyer & Tonoike Hekiun (accessed 23 Jan 2011).
[273d] WayBack archival version of 15 Feb 2021 - 2 Mar 2024 - particulars of 10 Sanbo-Kyodan Roshis : Yasutani Hakuun, Yamada Koun, Kubota Jiun, Yamada Ryoun, Gundula Meyer, Tonoike Hekiun, Sato Migaku, Othmar Frankal, Bruce Harris & Henry Shukman.
[274] Sanbo-Kyodan: Zen Leaders with Their Zen Centers [a list of formally authorised teachers] [] (v. 23 Jan 2011).
[275] (v. 23 Jan 2011).
[276] Zen CenterÊPhilippines, The ZCPÊStory. (v. 23 Jan 2011).
[277] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Regarding your Harada-Yasutani lineage webpage, I'm writing to let you know that last weekend we celebrated the Ascending the Mountain Ceremony for our teacher at the Auckland Zen Centre. The ceremony was conducted by Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede of the Rochester Zen Center, and celebrated his Dharma Transmission to Sensei Amala Wrightson. Amala-sensei was born in 1958, ordained in 1999, and sanctioned to teach in 2004. With the recent ceremony she became a full Dharma heir, and is now herself authorized to sanction teachers. We would love to see her name added to your website. Kind regards, Kathryn Argetsinger for Auckland Zen Centre (New Zealand)", email, 28 Feb 2012.
[278] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, It has been a long time since I contacted you. Ê[...]
Also, many years ago I mentioned that my own Dharma name is Mitra Bishop and that I do not go by "Frances Mitra" Bishop. ÊBecause it was so confusing to be known by one name and have my official identification in another, my name was legally changed many years ago. ÊIt is now simply "Mitra Bishop." ÊAlso, once I completed my formal practice at the Rochester Zen Center I went on pilgrimage to Japan (Japan only, since I had lived in Southeast Asia and been to Singapore and Hong KongÑand later to Taiwan) in 1992 after having met Harada Shodo-roshi and done sesshin with him in the States. ÊI spent two months at Sogen-ji in Okayama, Japan, (Harada-roshi's temple), then went also to sit at Soko Morinaga-roshi 's temple in Kyoto (Daishu-in), then did Rohatsu sesshin at Bukkoku-ji under Tangen-roshi. ÊA few months later I returned to Japan and lived and trained for the next three years at Sogen-ji. ÊWhen I returned from that period of intensive training, Roshi Philip Kapleau authorized me to teach. I have continued to train with Harada-roshi to this day, attending several sesshin a year with him, some at Sogen-ji and some in the States, while also teaching Zen students at Mountain Gate in northern New Mexico, U.S.A. ( and at Hidden Valley Zen Center ( ÊI give you this information since you have been carefully archiving contemporary Zen teachers and their training. WIth nine bows, Mitra", email, 8 June 2012.
[279] "Dr. Ciolek, Earlier tonight I found information on the home page of the Pathless Path program in Tuscon that Fr. Pat Hawk Roshi died on May 8, 2012. That information, as well as information on instructors that will be invited to lead Pathless Path retreats, can be found at There are bios linked for many of the invited teachers, some of whom are described as having received Dharma transmission from Hawk Roshi. Regards, Matt Fisher", email, 15 July 2012. AND "Father Pat Hawk, CSsR has passed away. Please remember him in your prayers."
[280] "[...] Please update the information under John Tarrant to include the following: Please add the following teachers to my lineage: Atwill, Allison - Sensei
Joseph, Jon - Dharma Teacher
Gaudry, Guy - Sensei (Guy Teaches Here:
Grant, Steven - Dharma Teacher
Except for Guy, all of the teacher's ablove [sic] can be linked to here:
Deborah Saint's link is broken and can point to here: [...].", John Tarrant, email, 28 Nov 2012.
[281] "Pacific Zen Institute - More Locations"
[282] ÒDear Dr Ciolek, For your records, please be advised that on the 11th of June 2012, Dr Mervyn Lander (Go'un ken) of the Sanbo Kyodan Lineage and Stone line, has given dharma transmission to Arno Hess and appointed him as Zen Teacher with Sun Mountain Zen in Brisbane. Also, on the 11th of August 2012, Yamada Ryoun Roshi, Abbot of Sanbo Kyodan, authorised Arno Hess as Zen Teacher (Zen-Kyoshi) in the Sanbo Koydan Zen Society Êand has given him the teachers name Shu un-ken. For confirmation please see (teachers) and (Zen Leaders with their Centres). Kind regards, Arno HessÓ, email, 12 Jan 2013.
[283] Sun Mountain Zen/Brisbane Community/Teachers -
[284] ÒHi Dr. Ciolek, [...] Here's an update about Roshi Paul Genki Kahn: After serving as as President and Vice-Spiritual Director of the Zen Peacemakers in Montague, MA, and Executive Director of the Zen Peacemakers Sangha, Paul Genki Kahn returned to New Jersey and started Zen Garland (, an offshoot of the High Mountain Crystal Lake Zen Center. His Dharma successors are listed here: They include Roshi Ann Ankai Wagner, Roshi Bill Jikai Greenberg, and eleven Teachers, Dharma Holders, Priests and Chaplains. With warm regards, Len MoskowitzÓ, email, 2 Apr 2103.
[285] Zen Garland Order and Community for Zen Practice: TeachersÕ Bios - (access 3 Apr 2013] (version 13 Jan 2012) (version 26 Nov 2014)
[286] Ò[...] I have a couple of updates that aren't yet reflected on your lineage pages: First, in the Kapleau line, Sunyana Graef has finally (finally!) consented to be called "Roshi". Ê And Rafe Martin was granted permission to teach by Michael Danan Henry in the Aitken line last fall. Rafe teaches at Endless Path Zendo in Rochester, NY, and all over the world through his telling of the Jataka tales. Ê With metta, - RichÓ, email, 18 Apr 2013.
[287] Ê
[288] ÒDear Dr Ciolek, Greetings! I am Allison Atwill, dharma heir of John Tarrant Roshi in the Harada Yasutani lineage. I wanted to send you my birth date for your website on Zen Buddhism, as I see you have a question mark where the date should be; born March 5, 1959. Warm Regards, Allison Atwill SenseiÓ, email, 16 May 2013.
[289] ÒDear Dr Ciolek: I have been meaning to send this update for some time regarding my listing on this webpage Ð
To wit: My birth year is 1942. I am no longer in Saudi Arabia and no longer a guest teacher in Leverkusen. I received Dharma transmission from Pat Hawk Roshi in 2001 and have been the teacher of Seven Thunders sangha in Oregon since 2003.
In addition, there are two other matters about which you may wish to obtain clarification: 1) to the best of my knowledge, Hawk Roshi gave Sr Joan Saalfeld permission to lead Christian contemplative retreats, but did not give her Dharma transmission.
2) In December 2012, Ruben Habito gave Dharma transmission to three women.
Thank you for maintaining a very informative website.
Leonard Kansho Shi'un MarcelÓ, email, 23 May 2013.
[290] ÒDear Dr. Ciolek, Thank you for maintaining your informative site on Zen. Since you mention that updates are appreciated, I would like to update my own status in the Maezumi Roshi Lineage. I am currently listed as a Dharma Holder under Nicolee Jikyo McMahon Roshi. I received Dharma Transmission from Jikyo Roshi in 2009, and should be listed as a full lineage holder. Thank you very much, Ann Pirruccello, PhD University of San Diego Three Treasures Zen CommunityÓ, email, 4 Jun 2013.
[291] Three Treasures Zen Community
[294] Sanb™-Ky™dan Zen Leaders and Zen Centers [as of Jun 2013] -
[295] [about Valerie Forstman]
[298] [about Lee Ann Nail] and
[299] "Dear Dr.Ciolek, I am sending in updates for the Sanbo Kyodan page. Would you add the following under James Ishmael Zeno Myoun Ford:
RoshiÊMelissaÊKeido Myozen Blacker (19 March, 1954 - ) received Inka Shomei on 25 July, 2010. She is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. She is resident at the Worcester Zen Buddhist Temple and is the third school abbot of Boundless Way Zen.Ê
Sensei Josh Keido Munen Rosenthal Bartok (24 May, 1971 - ) received Denbo on 20 July, 2012. ÊHe is a member of the American Zen TeachersAssociation and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. He is a senior guiding teacher of Boundless Way Zen. He currently serves as abbot of the Greater Boston Zen Center.Ê
Dharma Holder Douglas Keido Kaishin Phillips (26 May 1947) received Lay Denkai on 5 January, 2013 He also received Dharma transmission in a lay Vipassana tradition from Larry Rosenberg. He is the Guiding Teacher of the Empty Sky SanghaÊ
Roshi David DaeAn Rynick (1952 - ) received Denkai ordination on 27 May, 2011. He previously received full transmission in the Korean Linji lineage of Seung Sahn from Zen Master George Bomun Bowman. He is a senior guiding teacher of Boundless Way Zen. He is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association. He currently serves as abbot of Mugendoji, the Worcester Zen Buddhist Temple.Ê
James no longer serves as an adjunct teacher with the Pacific Zen Institute. ÊHe was the founding school abbot and is currently a senior guiding teacher with Boundless Way Zen.
Thank you, and deep bows. Edward Keido Sanshin Oberholtzer", email, 7 Jun 2013
[300] "Hello Dr. Ciolek, ÊI have some updates for you regarding the line of Joan Sutherland, Roshi: Ê Tenney Nathanson, SenseiÊ(born 13 JuneÊ1946) was authorized to teach in March 2012. He is the resident teacher of Desert Rain ( in Tucson, Arizona. ÊFor my listing, would you correct my birthday to read 5 AugustÊ1971, and add thatÊI teach at Springs Mountain Sangha ( and Wet Mountain Sangha ( ÊMany thanks for this, and for your work on this wonderful resource, Andrew Palmer, Sensei.", email, 09 Aug 2013. [301] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Please update the Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers as follows:
Thompson, Scott Zengen (no longer Thompson, Scott H.) Now Scott is Sensei (no longer Dharma Holder, Assistan.t Teacher). Scott is teacher at Southern West Virginia Zen Group
To find Scott's listing look under: Maezumi > Glassman > Kennedy > Birx
Thank you so much. charles birx.", email, 29 Sep 2013.
[302] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Please add James Myosan Cordova as Dharma Heir of Melissa Keido Myozen Blacker. The date of his transmission was December 7th, 2013 and his title is Dharma Holder. Melissa an heir of James Ford in the Harada-Yasutani school. Many thanks, Edward Keido Sanshin Oberholtzer Archivist Boundless Way Zen.", email, 15 Feb 2014.
[303] "Hi Dr. Ciolek, I hope that you're well. Your web page doesn't note that Bernie Glassman's/Zen Peacemakers' Mother House (which was also known as the House of One People) in Montague Massachusetts was foreclosed on in 2011 and sold in 2012. The facility is now privately owned and called the Montague Retreat Center. It is no longer affiliated with Bernie Glassman's group, though I see that Eve Myonen Marko's Green River Zen Center ( holds retreats there. Warm regards, Len Moskowitz." email, 17 Mar 2014.
[304] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, On March 15, 2014 Roshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy conferred Inka on Charles and Ellen Birx and they received the title Roshi. Therefore, please change the word Sensei to Roshi in the listing of teachers in the Sanbo Kyodan Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism. [...]
If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks so much for the work you do! take care, charles.", email, 18 Mar 2014
[305] "Burke, Sexton died in 2011
Please add to Barzaghi Line: Marett, Allan, Apprentice Teacher since 2011 at Sydney Zen Centre
Also, shouldnÕt the Barzaghi Line appear under her other entry in the Aiken Line (rather than only in the Tarrant Line)?"
Alexander Cox, email, 25 March 2014
[306] Sexton Bourke (1949 - 2011)
[307] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Please note that Peter Muryo Matthiessen, dharma heir to Bernard Tetsugen Glassman Roshi, died on April 5 of this year from leukemia (diagnosed more than a year earlier). He was 86. In case you need more information, below is the URL for the obituary in the New York Times. Peace, Matt Fisher", email, 13 Jul 2014.
[308] "Dear Matthew I was searching information on the web and came on the website of Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani of Zen Buddhism. An impressive list of names and dates. [...] In the lineage of Maezumi Roshi and Genpo Merzel Roshi I found my name as assistant teacher of Genpo Roshi. After some years some changes took place and I write you to give some of this new information. In Februari 2011 I received dharma transmission from Niko Sojun Tydeman Sensei (dharma successor of Genpo Roshi). I guess this makes me the 4th generation. Nico gave also transmission to Meindert Musho van der Heuvel in May 2011 and in August 2011 to Joke "heldere traan" Huiberts. I am from 1947, and I am teacher at the Zen Center Rotterdam. And Niko at the moment is only teaching at Zen Centre Amsterdam. I hope this information is welcome for you. Probably you can't read Dutch, but you can have a look at our website, With gasho Gretha Myoshin, Gretha Aerts", email, 29 Apr 2014.
[309] "Dear Matthew. Thanks for the update. [...] One little new information: Malgosia Braunek Roshi passed away last month. She is also in this line and successor of Genpo Merzel Roshi. [Małgorzata Braunek (30 January 1947 Ð 23 June 2014) -łgorzata_Braunek - tmc] With warm regards, Gretha Myoshin [Aerts]", email, 17 July 2014
[310] " [...] Irene (Kyojo) Bakker was someone very special to me when I practiced zen in The Netherlands in the early nineties. She is listed as an assistant teacher under Genpo Roshi - I just did a search to find out how she was going and found out she received dharma transmission in 2012 from Joan Jiko Halifax Roshi and given the additional dharma name "KaigetsuÓ. See: Her website is ", Peter Bruza, email, 22 Aug 2014.
[311] Sensei Irène Kaigetsu Kyojo Bakker - [note that the URL ends, unusually, with a hyphen "-" tmc]
[312] "The Green Mountain Zen link as part of this entry 'Squire, Philip Shinko Sensei (19??-) Dharma Successor [184] Received Dharma Transmission in Oct 2006. Teacher at the Green Mountain Zen in Wellington, New Zealand' ... has changed to Thank you also for your work on the Zen pages of the WWWVL. I have been consulting them since the mid-90s - they are excellent. Best wishes Cam Scott', email, 10 Nov 2014.
[313] " Steven Grant has been promoted from Dharma Teacher to Sensei. Steven is the Director of the Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland California. Jon Joseph has been promoted from Dharma Teacher to Sensei. Jon is the Director of the Portola Camp Zendo. Please add Rachel Boughton as a Sensei under my lineage. Rachel is the Director of the Santa Rosa Creek Zen Center. Cheers John Tarrant", email, 20 Oct 2014
[314] " Dear Dr Ciolek, I am writing you at the request of James Ford, Roshi, who asks that you record the Denbo transmission of Douglas Phillips, Sensei, on Dec. 20, 2014. You already have his information on your site and James asks that you add this most recent information. [...] Thank you very much." Mary Gates, email, 23 Dec 2014
[315] "Hello, I believe that you recently received a request from James Ford via Mary Gates to add my recent denbo to the information you already have for me on your site. If not too much trouble, might you also add that I am a member of the American Zen Teachers Association? Thanks for you help. I have found your site and most wonderful resource in so many ways. Best regards, Doug Phillips", email, 25 Dec 2014
[316] "Dear Mr. Ciolek, I've been occasionally returning to your site in my research of Harada -lineage of Zen Buddhism, and I've noticed also that you welcome update suggestions. I am not sure if this is already been processed on your part, but on the Harada-Hogen -lineage, it seems that according to, Peter Genjo Bruza has became a Dharma Heir of Hogen in January 2008. Hopefully this helps with the maintenance of your website! That's great work you are doing! Thanks!", Juhani Korhonen, email, 31 Dec 2014 &
[317] "Dear Matthew, [...] This year, Anton Tenkei Coppens Roshi gave dharma transmission to 7 of his students. 5 are monks and 2 are lay practitioners.
Please could you add their names to the Harada- Yasatani lineage? Their names are, in order;
Peter Gakudo den Hollander
Anjo Koren Kasman
Simon Senko de Boer
Robert Doin van de Roer
Helma Jifu Vulink
Lay transmissions were also given to
Jorge Ryusho Lopez Doriga
Hans Daishin Fischer
[...] If you need any other information, please let me know. Many thanks, Tamara [Gabrysch]", email, 3 Oct 2014.
[319] "Dr. Ciolek, We have a new addition to the lineage, transmission from Roshi James Ford:
Jay Ryudo Rinsen Weik Sensei, 1/1/69 Denkai Transmission on January 4th, 2014, Denbo Transmission on March 14th, 2015, Abbot of the Great Heartland Sangha and the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, member of American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. His personal website is: [...] Deep gratitude, Michael Chuso Zickar, Chair Buddhist Temple of Toledo Leadership Council", email, 21 May 2015.
[320] "Hello Matthew
Allison Atwill has been promoted from Sensei to Roshi. Allison leads Coral Moon Zen in Santa Barbara.
Steven Grant has been promoted from Sensei to Roshi. Steven is the Director of the Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland California.
Jon Joseph has been promoted from Sensei to Roshi. Jon is the Director of the Portola Camp Zendo.
Rachel Boughton has been promoted from Sensei to Roshi. Rachel is the Director of the Santa Rosa Creek Zen Center.
Guy Gaudry has been promoted to Roshi. Guy is the Director of the London Zen Centre in London ON.
Cheers John Tarrant", email, 29 Jul 2015.
[321] Sydney Zen Center / 251 Young Street Annandale NSW 2038 - (accessed 5 Sep 2015)
[322] "Dear Mathew,
   Thank you for your message. [...] You have requested [on 10 November 2015 - ed.] I set out what I find inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date about the entry you offer beside my name, which is given at present [5 Sep 2015 - ed.] as follows:

    "The partner of Ross Bolleter. On 11 Jun 2001 she received Transmission from R. Bolleter. Acc. to S. Murphy this was "in complete accord with the ethical framework and long-established practice of the Diamond Sangha in the years in which [... the] relationship took place" [138]
[Note: this declaration is in conflict with the point (g) of the Diamond Sangha's formal ethics agreement as codified and ratified a year earlier, in 2000, by the senior teachers of Diamond Sangha - ed.] [...]."

Your editorial ÕNote' is untrue in its incompleteness, because it omits mention of the detailed formal process set up by the Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle, in which a committee consisting of (teachers) Michael Keiran, Marian Morgan and Don Stoddard met for two days in March 2001 with Ross Bolleter and myself [i.e. Susan Murphy - ed.] at Koko An, Honolulu.

Those deliberations took place three months prior to the proposed transmission ceremony to enable the Teachers Circle to assess its propriety in light of a stipulation in the 2000 Ethics Agreement of the Diamond Sangha Teachers Circle - of which I was a member (having been appointed to teach by John Tarrant in 1998) - namely: 'not to confer teaching authority, and especially Dharma transmission, on our lovers, spouses, siblings, children, employers, or known benefactors, nor to offer such authority as a means to attract, retain, or induce the cooperation of a studentÕ.

While upholding that stipulation henceforth, the committee published its conclusion that it would not be appropriate to retrospectively condemn as improper a transmission that stemmed from a long and openly conducted teacher-student relationship, that had begun during a committed relationship falling within the several decades (prior to formalisation of this Ethics Agreement) during which a situation of this nature was customarily accepted and considered unexceptionable in a number of Diamond Sanghas led by senior teachers. (Robert and his (late) wife Anne Aitken [Anne Arundel Hopkins Aitken (1911-2004), who completed Zen studies under Yamada Kyozo Koun Roshi - ed.], Nelson Foster and his wife, Masa [Uehara - ed.], were notable examples.)

It recommended that the proposed transmission in these particular circumstances could not fairly be viewed as unethical or improper.

This is the basis for my statement that this (transmission) was "in complete accord with the ethical framework and long-established practice of the Diamond Sangha in the years in which [... the] relationship took place"

Robert Aitken was unequivocally supportive of proceeding with transmission, stating in a letter to Ross Bolleter that he himself would have unhesitatingly given inka to his wife Anne if she had agreed to teach at the end of their long teacher-student relationship. He sent words of support to the ceremony that followed in June, three months later.

Finally: The word ÔFormerlyÕ should be inserted before your (somewhat pointed, in context) lead statement: ÔThe partner of Ross BolleterÕ.

Also, as an update: In 2015 I accepted the invitation of the Hobart Mountains and Rivers Zen Sangha to become their primary teacher.
Thanks, Susan",
Susan Murphy, email, 20 Nov 2015.

[323] (1) "Dear Dr Matthew Ciolek, Thank you for your many years of work maintaining the Buddhist Studies library. As a Zen student in the Diamond Sangha, and as a student of Buddhist Studies, this has been valuable to me for the last 15 years when I first found it.
I would like to give you some updates for the Bolleter Line, part of the Diamond Sangha.
Jaksch, Mary Roshi was appointed Sensei (or apprentice teacher) in 1999 by Ross Bolleter Roshi, and [as you say on your site] received Dharma Transmission from him in March 2004.
Wallis, Glen Roshi received Dharma Transmission on 5 December 2010 from Ross Bolleter Roshi. I do not have the earlier date when he was appointed Sensei (or apprentice teacher) by Ross.
Wells, Arthur [...], appointed Sensei (or apprentice teacher) in February 2007 by Ross Bolleter Roshi, and received Dharma Transmission from him on 2 September 2012. " [...].
(2) "A small correction to your entry: Wallis, Glen is a teacher in the Dunedin Zen Group. [not at the Maitai Zendo in Nelson.]
And another addition, which I didn't remember for my previous email. I have attached as verification Arthur's open letter announcing his appointment of Sean: Weaver, Sean was appointed Sensei (or apprentice teacher) on 2 August 2015 by Arthur Wells Roshi.
I don't have birth years for any of the teachers in New Zealand. I will find out [...]." Derek LeDayn, emails, 13 & 15 Dec 2015.

[327] " Dear Dr. Ciolek, My name is Kate Sheridan, and I am writing to you on behalf of the Boundless Way Zen community. I am a member of the Boundless Way Temple sangha in Worcester, MA and the editor of the Temple's quarterly newsletter. In looking over the information on your website, I realized that some information regarding our transmitted teachers is incomplete. Would you please review the attached information and let me know if you can make these edits? Thanks for your time, Kate
Ford, James Ishmael Zeno Myo'un Roshi (17 July 1948 -- ) Also a Soto teacher appointed by Jiyu Kennett Roshi. Taught at the Desert Lotus Sangha ( Was an adjunct teacher at the Pacific Zen Institute in Santa Rosa, CA. Was the first abbot and is a senior guiding teacher of Boundless Way Zen ( He is the guiding teacher of Blue Cliff Zen Sangha in Long Beach, CA. (
Blacker, Melissa Keido Myozen Roshi (19 March, 1954 -- ) Received Inka Shomei from James Myo'un Ford, Roshi on 25 July, 2010. She is resident at Boundless Way Temple (Mugendo-ji), Worcester, MA (, and a senior guiding teacher and the third abbot of Boundless Way Zen ( She is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association.
Rynick, David Dae An, Roshi (26 November, 1952 -- ) Received Dharma transmission from James Myo'un Ford, Roshi on 27 May, 2011. He previously received full transmission in the Korean Linji lineage of Seung Sahn from Zen Master George Bomun Bowman. He is a senior guiding teacher of Boundless Way Zen and serves as abbot of Boundless Way Temple (Mugendo-ji), Worcester, MA ( He is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association.
Port, Dosho Roshi (30 April, 1956 - ) Received Inka Shomei 23 January, 2015 from James Myo'un Ford, Roshi. Teacher at Great Tides Zen and Vine of Obstacles: Online Support for Zen Training. He previously received dharma transmission from Dainin Katagiri Roshi.
Dharma Holder Kate Kagen Hartland (9 December, 1952 -- ) received Denkai transmission from Josh Mu'nen Bartok, Sensei on 10 May, 2014. Assistant teacher at Greater Boston Zen Center, Cambridge, MA ( Guiding teacher of Bright Sea Zen, North Weymouth, MA ( ", Kate Sheridan, email, 7 January 2016.
[328] "Dr. Ciolek First thank you for the work you are doing on your Buddhist website. A few updates: My dharma name is: Ruzan (flowing mountain) not, Ryuzan. My title is sensei and I am the 5th dharma successor to Roshi Robert Kennedy and I am the resident teacher at the Empty Bowl Zendo. We are in the White Plum lineage. Thank you", Ray Cicetti, email, 3 April 2016
[329] "Dear Dr. Coilek [= Ciolek, tmc] May, 2015 Ben Pumphrey became an assistant teacher at New River Zen Community. Would you please list his name on your site: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers.
Note: Harada -> Yasutani -> Maezumi -> Glassman -> Kennedy -> Birx -. Pumphrey, Ben (14 July, 1978) Assistant teacher", Charles Birx, email ["->" above replaces originaly supplied tabs - tmc], 29 April 2016.
[330] "Dr. Ciolek, I was looking over your Sanbo Kyodan lineage page tonight and I have a few updates for you: First, some passings: IÕm sorry to say that Zenson (Dane) Gifford passed away suddenly in April of this year, and Albert Low passed away this past January 29. Toni Packer died in 2013. In happier news: Sensei Rafe Martin will be receiving Dharma transmission from Roshi Danan Henry at a ceremony scheduled for June 30, 2016. Taigen Henderson in Toronto has finally given in to his studentsÕ wishes and is now addressed as Roshi rather than Sensei. With metta," Rich Lafferty, email, 30 May 2016.
[331] Dane Gifford - and
[332] Tony Packer -
[333] Albert Low -
[334] Rafe Martin -
[335] Taigen Henderson -
[336] Stephan Bauberger -
[337] "Dear Dr Ciolek, Please be advise that Sue Wolter has been appointed dharma successor of Dr Cecilie Lander (GoÕen An) and Zen teacher of Sun Mountain Zen. Also, Dr Glen Wolter has been appointed a dharma successor of Dr Mervyn Lander (GoÕun Ken) and Zen teacher of Sun Mountain Zen.
Further information is available on the Sun Mountain Zen Website:
Kind regards, Arno Hess, email, 19 Jun 2016.
[338] Glen Wolter received Dharma transmission from Mervyn Lander (Go'un ken) on the 12th of June 2013 -
[339] Sue Wolter appointed an Assistant Teacher by Cecilie Lander (Go'en An ) on 8 Jun 2013 -
[340] "Greetings, We have some updates to transmissions in the Sanbo Kyodan: Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism and its Teachers
On September 5, 2015, Rose Mary Myoan Dougherty gave dharma transmission to Willam Ji An Dietrich and Robert Jin Gen Ertman.
The entries under Dougherty would be something like
Dougherty Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Roshi)
Dietrich, Wlliam Ji An Sensei (1949- ). Teacher. Received Dharma transmission 5 Sept 2015
Ertman, Robert Jin Gen Sensei (1946- ) Teacher. Received Dharma transmission 5 Sept 2015
Both Bill & I are members of the White Plum Asanga. You may verify all of this on the website of Silver Spring Zendo/One Heart Sangha
Thank you for your work on the lineages. Gassho Bob E", Robert Ertman, email, 20 Jun 2016.
[341] "James Myoun Ford Roshi asked that I write to inform you of Josh Mu'nen Bartok's Inka Shomei ceremony, which took place at the Greater Boston Zen Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, July 16, 2016. At the ceremony, James gave Josh the cloud name Jiun, 'compassionate cloud,' with the full teaching name Keido Jiyun, and Josh's title changed from Sensei to Roshi.
Also, can you please make the following correction? Josh's heir Kate Hartland is listed at the Harada Yasutani site, but is posted incorrectly under James Ford's name.
Thank you and kind regards. Gassho, [...]" Laura S. Wallace, email, 20 Jul 2016.
[342] "Greetings, Dr. Ciolek, I would appreciate it if you could add a few of my students' names to your Zen Names webpages [...] PS: If it's relevant, I'm in the Taizan Maezumi Roshi line, an heir of Susan Myoyu Andersen, Roshi.", John Gendo Wolff, email, 15 Aug 2016.
[343] (access 16 Aug 2016)
[344] "Dr. Ciolek, [...] In response to your query, I was born on December 2, 1958. John Wolff, email, 18 Aug 2016.
[345] Susan Myoyu Andersen - (site accessed 18 Aug 2016).
[346] "Please note that I gave Dharma Transmission to Karen Terzano (1950-) in 2014. thank you for all your efforts in continuing to maintain these records. Barry Magid (Joko Beck lineage)", email, 3 Sep 2016
[347] & (sites accessed 6 Sep 2016).
[348] "Hello, I would like to update some information on the above [i.e. HaradaYasutani] page.
Successors of. Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi (1942) are:
Hollowell, Amy. Roshi. Dharma successor. Teacher at Wild Flower Zen in Paris, France (
De Waele, Frank. Roshi. Dharma successor. Teacher at Zen Sangha in Ghent, Belgium (
Frottier, Corinne. Sensei. Dharma successor. Teacher at GenjoAn zencenter in Hamburg, Germany (
Oltheten, Michel. Sensei. Dharma successor. Teacher at Zen Heart Sangha in Den Haag, the Netherlands (
Marzena Rey sensei received dharma transmission from Nicolee Jikyo McMahon Roshi
Thank you for all your work on this very comprehensive web site.
Warm regards, Michel Oltheten", email, 4 Sep 2016.
[349] (site accessed 7 Sep 2016).
[350] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Here is an update for the Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism & its teachers. Changes for Ben Pumphrey --
    Pumphrey, Ben Mui (14 Jul 1978) Sensei, Teacher at Shenandoah Zen. Note: Ben Pumphrey received Dharma transmission from Roshi Charles Shinkai Birx on Sept. 10, 2016. [...] Thank you so much.
take care, charles birx", email, 13 Sep 2016.
[351] SZBA Women Ancestor Project Ð Presentation October 8, 2010, revised October 22, 2010 -
[352] (site accessed 22 Sep 2016).
[353] "Hello, I don't suppose your list could ever be comprehensive, but you might like to note that the name Myoan is borne by the American Zen teacher Rose Mary Dougherty (White Plum lineage). According to the website of the Silver Spring Zendo ( she has two dharma heirs, Bob Ertman (Jin-gen) and Bill Dietrich (Ji-an).
Jeremy Marshall", email, 22 Sep 2016
[354] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, This is to request an update of information in our listing under the Harada-Yasutani lineage, "Richardson line (5th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Roshi):
Please enter the following information after the entry for: Craig, Barbara Shoshin, RSM Sensei...:
"Blackman/Craig Line (6th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Roshi)
    Sullivan, Edward Sangetsu (14 Jan 1951), installed as Sensei 2014, Teacher at Clare Sangha and Red Rose Sangha"
For your information, Ed Sullivan's transmission occurred in June 2014. [...] Also so you know, Sensei Craig and I are "team teaching" an upcoming group of teachers in our lineage and thus established the "Blackman/Craig line." Thank you for helping us catch up.
Sincerely, Bruce Seiryu Blackman", email, 7 Oct 2016.
[355] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Thank you for maintaining your website on the Harada-Yasutani School. I would like to send you some updated information with regard to my Zen school Bodhi Sangha. I founded the Bodhi Sangha in 1986 when I first started accepting disciples. With my formal separation from Sanbokyodan in 2002, Bodhi Sangha became an independent Zen school. Bodhi Zendo, the Zen Center near Kodaikanal in South India where I live and teach, was opened on January 6th, 1996.
Bodhi Sangha uses the following teacher titles: Sensei, Zen master, Independent Zen Master
I have authorized the following teachers:
-Angela Pliske (b. 1937) was authorized as Sensei in 2009. She resides in the Czech Republic.
-Johannes Fischer (b. 1957) was authorized as Sensei with dharma transmission on 1-Sep-2012 in Germany. I authorized him as independent Zen master on 31-Aug-2013.
-Carl Hooper (b. 1943) was authorized as Sensei with dharma transmission on 5-Dec-2013 in Australia. I authorized him as independent Zen master on 5-Oct-2016.
-Gert LŸderitz (b. 1950) was authorized as Zen master with dharma transmission on 2-Sep-2016 in Germany.
-Stefan Bauberger (b. 1960) was authorized as Sensei in 2000 and as independent Zen master in 2004. He separated from Bodhi Sangha in July 2009 and subsequently founded his own Zen school "Schule des Herzgrundes" in Germany.
Thank you in advance for updating the information on your website", Ama Arokiasamy [Ama Samy - tmc], email, 10 Oct 2016.
[356] (site accessed 11 Oct 2016).
[357] (site accessed 11 Oct 2016).
[358] (site accessed 11 Oct 2016).
[359] AND (sites accessed 11 Oct 2016).
[360] (site accessed 11 Oct 2016).
[361] (site accessed 12 Oct 2016).
[362] "Please correct the listing for Zen Garland, Thank you, Genmitsu
* Kahn, Paul Kuzan Genki Roshi (1947). Dharma and Lineage Holder in both Dennis Genpo Merzel, and Bernie Glassman lineages [146][166][185][225]
Received Shiho (Dharma transmission) on 18 Feb 2007 and Inka on April 2, 2009. Founder and Teacher of the Zen Garland Order (, a Residential Zen Center located in Airmont, NY, US with affiliates in the US and Germany [284].
Genki Line (4th generation of teachers since YASUTANI Roshi)
* Sings-Alone, Duncan Roshi (1932-) [285] Enrolled Cherokee, Founder and Director of Red Path/Native American Zen
* Greenberg, Bill Jikai Roshi (1945-) [285]. Teacher at Zen Garland [285].
* Kahn, Monika Seiryo Genmitsu, Roshi (1964-)
* Noble, Greg Tensho Tetsuzan, Roshi (19??-) [285].
* Vardi, Eran Kyoka Junryu, Roshi (1964-) [285].
* Wagner, Ann Ankai Roshi (1940-) [285]
Founder and Director of Christian Zen [285]." , Monika Kahn, email, 15 Oct 2016.
[363] (site accessed 15 Oct 2016).
[364] (site accessed 15 Oct 2016).
[365] (site accessed 15 Oct 2016).
[366] "Dear Matthew, Just to recapitulate:
Yamahata Hōgen ordained me (tokudo) on 19 January 2008 (Master DōgenÕs 808th birthday) and at that time I was also appointed one of his dharma heirs with authority to teach and to lead retreats.
In 2009 I formally relinquished this role.
After a subsequent period of reflection, I sought to amend that relinquishment and on 5 December 2012, Hōgen-san formally confirmed his original appointment of me as one of his dharma heirs and made it clear that, whatever I chose to do, the bond between us was for life and irrevocable.
On 19 January 2013, the fifth anniversary of my ordination, he formally stated that I Òhold our proper transmission that I also was transmitted from my master Daisetsu Tangen Harada Roshi, the master in Bukkoku-ji, Japan."
Both the confirmation of appointment as dharma heir of 5 December 2012 and the confirmation of Dharma transmission of 19 January 2013 are in writing.
My journey continues!
Very kindest regards,
Nick Aalders
Nicholas Daigen Kakuji Aalders
Date of birth 10 Dec 1950", email, 29 Oct 2016.
[367] "Dear Dr. Ciolek,
I am a dharma heir of James Ford and listed on your site as such. I am writing to ask if you would include the following under my name as my first dharma heir:Ê Mary Gates (Keido Koshin) (12/5/54) received lay denkai transmission on Sept., 28, 2016.Ê She is also an episcopal priest, clinical social worker and co-guiding teacher at Empty Sky Sangha in West Cornwall, CT
If you have any questions do please let me know.Ê And, thank you very much for taking time to do this and your efforts in keeping the site up to date.
Best regards,Ê Doug Phillips (Keido Kaishin)", email, 2 Nov 2016.
[368] Morning Star Zendo - Kennedy's dharma successors - (site accessed 7 Nov 2016).
[369] Prof. Carl A. Viggiani obituary -
[370] Yokoji Zen Mountain Center - Buddhist Directory: United States of America & Canada (site accessed 8 Nov 2016) & Anne Seisen Saunders (previously Anne Seisen Fletcher) - (site accessed 8 Nov 2016).
[371] "An update for your page - :
On December 15th 2015, Bretz, Li-Yea Yang Seiun-an was granted the title of Roshi by Stone Roshi. Li-Yea is now the senior teacher at Mountain Moon Zen Society in Brisbane.
Kind regards,Ê MatthewÊBarram", email, 7 Dec 2016.
[372] "Dear Dr Ciolek, Below are two additions to the Blackman/Craig line (of the Richardson line) of the Harada-Yasutani lineage:
Falcone, Anthony Hoetsu Sensei (29 Nov 1949 - ), Dharma transmission on 3 Dec 2016 by Blackman/Craig-Senseis, assistant teacher from 2014, Baltimore, MD (
Hebb, John Joho Sensei (1 Feb 1952 - ), Dharma transmission on 3 Dec 2016 by Blackman/Craig-Senseis, assistant teacher from 2014, Baltimore, MD (
Please enter the new teachers after the Ed Sullivan entry in the Blackman/Craig line. Attached is some information ["The Zen Community of Baltimore/Clare Sangha, Dec 2016 - Announcement of Installation.docx" - tmc] about them.
Thank you. Warm wishes to you this holiday season, Seiryu/Bruce Blackman ", email, 17 Dec 2016.
[373] "Hi Matthew, I was looking at the list, and I thought IÕd mention that I have been invited to become an apprentice teacher under Susan Murphy Roshi. If you think it appropriate, IÕm happy to flesh out the list a little bit more. Susan announced my appointment in April of 2016 to the Diamond Sangha teacherÕs circle, and I was born in 1962. Let me know if you need any further details. Gassho, Kirk", email, 12 Jan 2017.
[374] "Dear Dr Ciolek, [...]Ê IÕm contacting you in my capacity as a Zen teacher in the White Plum Asanga, to say that I was given Dharma Transmission on 24th July 2016 by my teacher, Patrick Kundo Eastman Roshi, who gave me the Dharma name, Ryushin. [...] Thank you very much indeed. Best wishes, ÊThe Revd Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood", email, 29 March 2017
[375] (site accessed 5 Apr 2017).
[376] "Dr. Ciolek, Dosho Port is now at the Nebraska Zen Center in Omaha, NE. He took over as abbot and head priest in Nov, 2016, from Nonin Chowaney.", Steve Sidner, email, 28 April 2017.
[377] (site accessed 6 May 2017).
[378] (site accessed 6 May 2017).
[379] (site accessed 6 May 2017).
[380] (site accessed 6 May 2017).
[381] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I am writing to let you know that on May 13th, 2017, James Myo'un Ford gave Inka Shomei to Douglas Keido San'un Phillips, Roshi. Would you please add this completed transmission and new cloud name to your chart under James' dharma heirs. Doug is already listed as having received both Denkai and Denbo.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.
Sincerely, Sarah Malzone, Empty Sky Sangha West Cornwall, CT", email, 17 May 2017.
[382] (site accessed 25 Nov 2017).
[383] (site accessed 25 Nov 2017).
[384] (site accessed 25 Nov 2017).
[385] "Jeff Ward Kagetsu Kikai-ken (1954-) I received transmission in September 2017 from Subhana Barzhagi and Paul Maloney - both signed the transmission documents. I am not sure how you would enter this. Began Buddhist practice in 1975 and has practiced in the Zen tradition since mid-1980s in Japan and Australia. Teacher of the Canberra Zen Group.
[text of the attachment of 24 Aug 2017 - 'The Canberra Zen Group invites you to attend a Dharma transmission ceremony for Jeff Ward which will be held at the Gathering Place, 4 Bancroft St, Dickson at 4 pm on Wednesday 13th September 2017. The Canberra Zen Group is a Diamond Sangha practice group and, after many years of leading the practice of the CZG, Jeff will receive transmission as an independent zen teacher within the Diamond Sangha from Paul Maloney and Subhana Barzaghi, both whom teach at the Sydney Zen Centre.']
[...] Best wishes, " Jeff Ward, email of 12 Dec 2017 + an attachment of 24 Aug 2017.
[386] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, Please include the following under the Ford line in your Harada-Yasutani listing of Zen teachers.
Gilna, Desmond Keido Gando (26 Nov 1964 - )
Received Denkai Transmission from James MyoÕun Ford, Roshi on 11thÊMarch, 2017. He is the guiding teacher at the Sacramento Zendo. (
I have included a link to the posting by James Ford on his Monkey Mind Blog announcing the transmission.Ê
Thank-you for taking the time to maintain such a helpful list. Sincerely," William OÕNeil, email, 3 Feb 2018.
[387] "Hi Matthew.Ê I hope this email finds you well.Ê Do you still reside in Canberra? Ê We both attended a few sesshin at GorrickÕs Run in the mid 1990s before I moved to Brisbane in 1996.Ê Ê In case you hadnÕt heard, I understand that Roshi-sama [Daisetu Tangen Harada], who is mentioned on your zenpages site, died on 12 March 2018. Ê Speaking of the site, I just saw that I somehow made my way onto it.Ê If you want to add a birth year for me, itÕs 1953. Ê Peter (´óÐÐ ÐþÑó 大行 玄洋) Gallagher Open Way Zen Brisbane", email, 14 Mar 2018.
[388] "Dear Dr. Ciolek,Ê I hope all is well. Please see some updates/corrections below for your Harada-Yasutani line. [...] I included the email [of Thu, Apr 26, 2018, tmc] below that Danan Henry Roshi sent to the Old Bones Sangha about my appointment as Apprentice Teacher. Happy to provide more details if you wish.Ê Gassho, --", Holmgren Hoag, email, 5 Jul 2018.
[389] (access 2008.07.10).
[390] (access 2008.07.10).
[390] " Hi Matthew, Sorry to bother you again. Please delete what is currently there for me and replace it with:
"Hatchett, Jikai Doko (1970 - ) Ordained with Hogen Yamahata Roshi in 1994 Doko Hatchett became Hōgen Yamahata's Roshi's Dharma heir in November 2007 and a fully transmitted successor and new ancestor in the lineage in January 2009. He is the senior monastic of Open Way Zen Sangha, Abbot of Dochu-an and Shumpu-an Zen hermitages in Northern NSW, and guiding teacher of Little Zen Sangha in Mullumbimby and Hobart, Australia.", email, 15 Aug 2018.
[391] Dennis Genpo Merzel disrobes as a Zen priest - (access 2008.08.18).
[392] Dennis Genpo Merzel Resigns - "The White Plum Asanga Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of Genpo Merzel from White Plum Asanga membership as well as an Elder of the White Plum." (7 Feb 2011) (access 2008.08.18).
[393] "Hello Dr. Ciolek . . . (1) I was checking your lineage charts this evening for DharmaÊ Heirs of Charlotte Joko Beck (Harada Yasutani School) (2) She has a Dharma Heir Elihu Genmyo Smith. (3) But you show no Dharma Heirs for him. (4) I understand that he has at least one, Ed Mushin Russell: PZC Teachers", Malcolm Watt, email, 25 Sep 2018. (access 2018.10.12).
[394] ""A momentous sesshin was held in September this year in which Jack gave Jana Zeedyk full transmission as an independent teacher in the Diamond Sangha lineage of Robert Aitken Roshi. Jana began her practice in 1982 with Katagiri Roshi and studied with him up until the time of his death.Ê She then began practicing in the Diamond Sangha lineage with Pat Hawk, Roshi and became Jack's student in 1996, when Pat became ill.Ê Near the end of last week's sesshin, in a moving ceremony, she received the teaching name of Kyoku-Un, Meandering Cloud, reflecting her study with several teachers, as well as her transmission in Japan in the Soto lineage. Jana currently teaches Zen and practices as a psychologist in Anchorage, AK. "
BTW, Jana's full dharma name is Genmyo Kyoku'un Ken; the ceremony was held on 9/14, Mountain Lamp is Jack's practice community (, Jeff Jongeward, email, 25 Sep 2018.
[395] (access 2018.10.12).
[396] "Dear Dr. Ciolek, I would like to send you some updates with regard to my Zen school Bodhi Sangha.
I have authorized two more teachers:
-Mathew Cyril Antony, SJ (b. 1970) was authorized as Associate Zen Master on 4-Feb-2018 in India.
-Olaf Strelcyk, PhD (b. 1978) was authorized as Associate Zen Master on 21-Sep-2018 in the USA.
Bodhi Sangha uses the following teacher titles: Sensei, (Associate) Zen master, Independent Zen Master", Ama Arokiasamy, email, 25 Sep 2018.
[397] "I would like to add this to my website you are maintaining:
In February, 2018, I have appointed Fr. Cyril Mathew as Associate Zen Master in my school lineage of Bodhi Sangha. Cyril is a Jesuit, he is living in Bodhi Zendo.
In September 2018 I have appointed Olaf Strelcyk as Associate Zen Master; he is living in Cincinnati, OH.
Johannes Fischer has broken away from me and has left Bodhi Sangha lineage.
Dear Matthew, I will be grateful if you could kindly include these data in your website.", Ama Arokiasamy, email, 2 Oct 2018.
[398] (access 2018.10.13).
[399] (access 2018.10.13).
[400] "Dear Matt, To fill in the rest of the entry for Zeedyk, Jana Genmyo Kyoku'un Ken, [...] can you please change: Niyama [unidentified, 12 Oct 2018 - tmc] Roshi to: Niyama Shoshun Roshi (Kounji Temple, Oirase-cho, Aomori Prefecture, Japan) Thank you and a gassho, Jeffrey Jongeward", email, 15 Oct 2018.

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