In 1994 among the world's 154 hosts providing information on Asia-Pacific region some countries (i.e. Australia, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Philippines) have established significantly more hosts with A-P information than it could be expected from their overall share of the Internet systems:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 033 Share of the Internet & Asia-Pacific info. resources in 1994 Country % of all hosts* Hosts % of all hosts world-wide with A-P focus with A-P focus --------------------------------------------------------------------- USA 63% 78 51% Australia 4% 15 9% Canada 4% 9 6% Japan 2% 6 4% Singapore <1% 5 3% Germany 5% 5 3% Philippines <1% 4 3% United Kingdom 5% 3 2% Taiwan <1% 3 2% Malaysia <1% 3 2% Hong Kong <1% 3 2% China <1% 3 2% Thailand <1% 3 1% New Zealand <1% 2 1% Korea <1% 2 1% Israel <1% 2 1% Turkey <1% 2 1% Portugal <1% 1 <1% Macau <1% 1 <1% Norway 1% 1 <1% Italy 1% 1 <1% Indonesia <1% 1 <1% Austria 1% 1 <1% --------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 154 100% --------------------------------------------------------------------- North America 70% 87 57% Asia 12% 38 25% Australia & NZ 5% 17 10% Europe 13% 12 8% --------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 154 100% [Src: * Values for Jul 94 from Network Wizards (1994) Column 2 & 3 data from the Survey in Ciolek & Cathro (1995)] ---------------------------------------------------------------------