Asia - A region which encompasses Levant and Caucasus in the West, Siberia and the Russian Far East in the North, Japan in the East, Indonesia (but not Melanesia or Australasia) in the South East, and, Sri Lanka and the Maldives in the South.
Asian Studies cyberspace - any online information of relevance to social sciences, arts and humanities research on Asia, her regions, territories and countries. Thus a Norwegian database on, say, the economy of Pakistan will be regarded here as a part of the Asian Studies cyberspace, whereas a Pakistani database on the Norwegian economy, will not.
Asia-related documents - online material referring to Asia in general, or to any of her countries and territories, regardless of whether these materials specialize in social sciences or not. For instance, web pages with a list of Indonesian nuclear reactors, or a directory of exporters of mining equipment to Burma will be treated here as Indonesia- or Burma-related material, in short, as Asia-related material.
Cyberspace - the global body of online information available in WWW, as well as ftp and gopher formats. Therefore, it will exclude online information distributed via email, listservs, relay-chats, telnet and other networked technologies.
Host - a computer linked to the Internet (a world-wide network of networks) South East Asian studies - the research of social, economic, cultural and political phenomena and processes unfolding in a region comprised of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. WWW, Web and the Net - the publicly accessible subsets of the Internet, which also comprise restricted access corporate or military networks and private intranets. Data collected by Network Wizards (1997) suggest that only 22% or 4.4 million of all registered computer hosts are used to form the publicly accessible parts of the Internet. The rest of the equipment is either left temporarily un-installed, or placed on isolated networks or behind firewalls.
Web-server - a specialist software produced for dishing out www-type of information Web-resource - a purposeful collection of one or more web pages or www-based databases.