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Tibetan Studies: Language, Literature, and Software |
Edited by
Dr T. Matthew
[Est.: 9 Jan 1995. Last updated: 23 Jan 2007. This
page is optimised for transmission speed, not for fancy looks.]
The purpose of this document is to provide central access point to
online resources dealing with Tibetan language, literature and publishing tools.
The document is a part of the Tibetan
Studies WWW Virtual Library. Please mail
if you know of relevant networked resource not in this page.
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Tibetan Studies - Language & Literature
- Amnye Machen Institute publications catalogue - 1995 (ANU, Australia)
[Amnye Machen Institute, Tibetan Centre for Advanced Studies P. O.
McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala, District Kangra H.P. 176 219 India Phone:
0091-1892-23703, 22441, Fax: 0091-1892-23073, E-mail:]
- Dharma Publishing (, US)
[Founded in India in 1963, reestablished in America in 1969, Dharma
Publishing offers a wide range of Buddhist teachings to the West in books for
practitioners, scholars, and general readers]
- Books on Tibetan Language - Catalogue (Snow Lion Publications, US)
[Among recent Snowlion publications which can be ordered online there are:
* Fluent Tibetan: A Proficiency-Oriented Learning System. Novice and Intermediate Levels
by William A. Magee and Elizabeth S. Napper, Jeffrey Hopkins, General Editor. In collaboration with: Ngawang Thondup Narkyid, Geshe Thupten Jinpa, Kunsang Y. King, Jules B. Levinson, Jigme Ngapo, Daniel E. Perdue, Dolma Tenpa and Steven N. Weinberger;
* How To Read Classical Tibetan: Volume 1, A Summary of the General Path
by Craig Preston;
* Learning Practical Tibetan
by Andrew Bloomfield & Yanki Tshering;
* Manual of Standard Tibetan
by Nicolas Tournadre and Sangda Dorje;
* A Tibetan Verb Lexicon: Verbs, Classes, and Syntactic Frames
by Paul G. Hackett;
* Translating Buddhism From Tibetan
by Joe Wilson, Jr.;
* A Basic Grammar of Modern Spoken Tibetan: A Practical Handbook
by Tashi;
* Buddhist Translations: Problems and Perspectives
ed. by Lama Doboom Tulku;
* Colloquial Tibetan: A Textbook of the Lhasa Dialect
by Tsetan Chonjore with Andera Abinanti]
Dharma Publishing: Yeshe De Text Preservation (, US)
[Established in 1983, the Yeshe De Project is dedicated to preserving the
texts of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, encouraging scholarly research, and
promoting translation of traditional Buddhist texts. Under its auspices, TNMC
and Dharma Publishing reprinted the entire Kanjur and Tanjur, the Tibetan
Buddhist Canon in 120 Western-style volumes, and 600 additional volumes
containing 75,000 precious texts gathered from monasteries and libraries around
the world]
- Himalayan Languages Project (Leiden U, Netherlands)
[Project Description, Individual Research Projects, Conferences & Symposia]
- Institutions that teach Tibetan in North America (U. Minnesota, US)
- Institutions that teach Tibetan-Classical in North America (U. Minnesota, US)
- Library of Tibetan Works & Archives (, US)
[Library of Tibetan Works &
Archives, Central Tibetan Secretariat, Gangchen Kyishong,
Dharamsala 176215, India, Tel: 00-91-1892-22467, e-mail:, see also a web page at]
- Manjushree Center of Tibetan Culture (, US).
[A charitable trust that was established 1988 to
help preserve the culture of the Tibetan people. Manjushree Center of
Tibetan Culture in Darjeeling, West Bengal, India is registered and approved by the Department of Education
of the Central Tibetan Administration of H.H. the Dalai Lama.
Site contents:
Intensive Tibetan Language Program (3-9 months) For Written and Spoken
Tibetan (Course Overview, Course Fees); Common Questions; Getting to
Darjeeling; How to Contact Us; A Few Photos from Manjushree Center.]
- Rinjing Dorje Personal Web page (, US)
[Rinjing Dorje is a Tibetan Author &
Folklorist. He writes books on Tibetan humor and culinary arts]
- The Samantabhadra Archives
(The Nyingma Tantras Project, University of Virgina, US)
["An electronic and collaborative project aiming at the
reproduction, analysis, interpretation, and translation (as
appropriate) of Tibetan literature. At present we are focused on
Nyingma and Bonpo literature, but plan eventually to expand to other
types of Tibetan literature as well. Or intial focus is on the
various editions of of the great canonical collection of Tibetan
Buddhist scriptures known as The Collected Tantras of the Ancients
(rnying ma rgyud 'bum)."
Site contents: Archives in Detail; Into the Archives [not yet
available - ed.]; Tibetan & Himalayan Digital Library - Digital
Tibetan Encyclopedia [not yet available - ed.]
[The Archives under construction
use SGML markup and supporting DTDs for their catalogues and text representation. A very promising future site
with digital documents - ed.]
Tibetan Collection at U. Virginia Library (U. Virginia, US)
- [The core of the research collection consists of about 3,000 pecha volumes containing about
8,000 titles of texts. Since the late 1960s, these and other Tibetan materials have been
systematically acquired, identified, marked, shelved, and circulated to Tibetan scholars.
They are in the format of single sheets, block-printed on both sides of paper, some bound, but most unbound]
- Tibetan Texts Preservation Projects (, US)
[Information about Tibetan Text Preservation Projects and other Tibetan
DataBases in US, Canada, Nepal, India. Also links to a page on Tibetan Dictionaries in Electronic Form]
- See also
Buddhist Texts Input/Translations Projects
section of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
Tibetan Studies - Online Dictionaries
- Online Sino-Tibetan Dictionaries
(, US)
[BURMESE: Burm.-Eng.-Burm. On-line Dictionary.
CHINESE: Chin. Character Dictionary Web; A Chin. Syllabary Pronounced
According to the Dialect of Canton by S. L. Wong; Chin.-Eng.-Chin.
Character Dictionary; Chin.-Eng.; Chin.-Japanese-Korean Dictionary of
Buddhist Terms; Chinlex Chin.-German Socio-Economics Dictionary;
Eng.-Chin. (gopher); Eng.-Chin. (PC-DOS download); Eng.-Chin.-Eng.
Dictionary of Commerce and Trade; Eng.-Chin.-Eng. Dictionary of
Medical Terms; Eng.-Chin. Dictionary; Guoyu Cidian Chin. Dictionary;
Marjorie Chan's Index of Chin. Online Glossaries & Dictionaries;
World Wide Web CJK-Eng. Dictionary/Database; Zhongwen Zipu Chin.
Character Genealogy; Kingsoft Chin.-Eng.-Chin. On-line Dictionary;
Dictionary of Chin. Characters; Hakka Dictionary romanized (Dylan's Sa
Tdiu Gok Hak Ga Su Dien); Hakka Pronouncing Dictionary; I Ching
Lexicon; Kanji Base Query form (50,000 chars); NEWARI: Newari On-line Dictionary;
SHERPA: Sherpa-English Dictionary, Sherpa-German Dictionary;
Taiwanese On-lineDictionary; Modern Literal Taiwanese Dictionary.
TIBETAN: Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-Eng. Dictionary (85,000 chars);
Tibetan-Eng. Dictionary of Buddhist Teaching & Practice; Jim
Valby's Tibetan-Eng. DOS dictionary (FTP download);
Zhang-Zhung/Tibetan/Eng. Dictionary.]
- Tibetan-English-Dictionary of Buddhist Teaching & Practice
(Karma Kagyu Buddhist Network, Nepal/US)
["A database of approx 5 Mb with 65,000 entries. The project is supported by Rangjung Yeshe
Translations and Publications, located in the Kathmandu valley of
Nepal. The Dharma Dictionary is a compilation of: (1) verified entries
from existing dictionaries, word-lists and glossaries selected on a
practical usage basis (2) terminology used by translators of the
present day who have received extensive teachings from living Buddhist
masters (3) selected definitions and clarifications from classical
literary works (4) information of literary personages, sacred places,
and names of scriptures." Extremely slow yet extremely rich resource -
- Tibetan to English Dictionary and Translation Tool
(, US)
A tool which uses Java applets and servlets to
automate Tibetan to English translation process. It breaks up Tibetan
phrases into component parts and displays their dictionary
Tibetan Studies - Fonts & Software
Displaying Tibetan Language
Documents on the Web (, US/ Nepal/ Malaysia)
[Now Tibetan language documents can be displayed online, quickly and easily, using freely
available web browser technology. A Nitartha International Project]
- Potala Software (, US)
[A non profit, non funded, volunteer organization dedicated to creating powerful, high quality Windows software for the Tibetan Language.
* UDP: The Unicode Document Processor;
* Distribution package for the CSX+ and Tibetan Modern A Fonts;
* Distribution package for Pierre Robillard's Tibetan Fonts;
* Distribution package for Marvin Moser's ACIP to Robillard Converter;
- Tibetan Fonts Archive (U. Oregon, US)
[Download u-chan (27 k) for Macintosh;
Download u-chan (33 k) for Windows;
Download TibKey (182 k) for Windows]
- Tibetan FTP Archive (St. Petersburg U, Russia)
[Est. Aug 1995. Contains a small number of files, mainly DOS
and Windows software, including Tibetan-English dictionary (824Kb, by
Jim Valby, apparently this dictionary is also available in Mac
- Tibetan ChosGyal Sanskrit Fonts (, Denmark)
[All of the Tibetan fonts are 'dbu.can' in style.
The Five fonts delivered with the standard Tibetan Dos program:
1. The Tibetan Machine fonts with Sanskrit variations;
2. The Tibetan Calligraphic font;
3. The Tibetan Amdris font;
4. The Tibetan Newsprint font;
5. The Dzongkha Calligraphic font.]
- Tibetan Software Archive (St. Petersburg U, Russia)
[Est.Oct 95. Contains Tibetan for Batch Formatters (LaTeX Tibetan, LoutTib);
MS Windows (TibKey); MS DOS (cgatib, Mani, Tibetan-English dictionary [by Jim
Valby], ttps. Offers a convenient link to Tibetan FTP Archive
St.Petersburg U, Russia)]
- Tibetan Tools for Windows, V0.09p (ANU, Australia)
[TibKey 1.0 - A small utility that makes typing Tibetan text into your Windows
applications very easy! Automatically selects and enters the correct Tibetan
ligatures. Uses a simple Tibetan Keyboard layout]
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 20:20:57 -0400
From: "Xxxx Yyyyy"
Subject: question
Dear Dr. Ciolek,
I want to get a tattoo of the Tibetan word for hope in Tibetan but I cannot find it anywhere!
Is there any way you know this and could help me out?
Xxxx Yyyyy
SUNY University at Albany, Albany, NY, US
Dear Colleague,
You have two courses of action;
(a) go to a good university library and look up the needed word in an English-Tibetan printed dictionary.
(b) do a 3 step online operation:
(1) Search an English - Tibetan dictionary
Test case:
"Hope" (E.) = "re ba" (Tib.)
(2) Double-check the results with a Tibetan - English dictionary
Test case:
"re ba" = "re ba
hopeful; {mi re ba la sman rin len} to extort medical fees from the hopeful [ry]
re ba - hope; expectation [RB]
re ba - hope, wish, intent [IW]
re ba - hope, illusion, fantasy, wishes, coarse yak hair tent cover, goat's hair, expectation, prospect, yak fabric, yak hair, to hope for [JV]
... "
(3) View the required word in the vernacular, using a Tibetan Machine Uni font
Test case:
"re ba" = generates the following Unicode values
which, in the context of a web page, are displayed as:
That's all. Have fun. All the best,
T. Matthew Ciolek
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Updates, additions and corrections to this page have been kindly provided by:
Fred Battle,
Leigh Brasington,
S.M. Burke,
Jeff Cox,
K.H. Holt Gauthier,
Ray Kreisel,
Nathaniel Meyer,
Andres Montano Pellegrini,
McComas Taylor,
V.E. Ushakov
visitors to since 08 May 1997.
Maintainer: Dr T. Matthew Ciolek (
Copyright © 1995-present by T. Matthew Ciolek. This Web page may be linked to any
other Web pages. Contents may not be altered.
This page has been tested for full accessibility
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