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Tibetan Studies - News, Electronic Newsletters & Journals |
Edited by
Dr T. Matthew
[Est.: 9 Jan 1995. Last updated: 5 Jul 2010. This
page is optimised for transmission speed, not for fancy looks.]
The purpose of this document is to provide central access point to
online resources dealing with Tibetan electronic serials.
The document is a part of the Tibetan
Studies WWW Virtual Library. Please mail tmciolek[use"@"]
if you know of relevant networked resource not in this page.
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Tibetan Studies - News, Electronic Newsletters & Journals
- China Tibet Information Service (CTIS)
(, China)
[Tibet-related news, commentaries, and propaganda from China.]
- HimoNews - Himalayan Online News Service
(, US)
[Daily news and local media headlines from the Himalayan countries of Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and Northern Indian
States including Kashmir to on-line subscribers all over the world. HimoNews updates news from Kathmandu
twice daily, during weekends and other public holidays in Nepal, the HimoNews service will be updated only once
a day. A high quality commercial site with diverse and crisp information.
Subscription rates $10 - $30 per month]
- Protests or related events in Tibet during March 2008 [Online Database]
(TibetInfoNet.Net, Germany)
[Chronological list of incidents (location [township, county], date, details of the incident, source of the information); Sort by (location, date); Select Province (All provinces,
Gansu Province,
Outside Tibetan Regions,
Qinghai Province,
Sichuan Province,
Tibet Autonomous Region,
Yunnan Province); RSS Newsfeed.]
- Tibetan 2008 Protests - What witnesses are saying (Radio Free Asia (RFA), US)
[What witnesses are saying;
Original reporting in Tibetan []
(Tibetan service home page);
Related news in English []
RFA Tibetan message board []
(Tibetan message board: Tibetan Forum, Arts and Culture, Tibetan Contemporary Music; Politics; Religion) [1485 posts on 18 Mar 2008]);
Blog: RFA Unplugged []
(RFA Unplugged on Tibet).]
- Tibet News - Live Newsfeeds (, US)
- Tibet News (Times of Tibet, US)
[Tibet News; Opinions (Interview, Book Review); Entertainment; Community (New York, California, SFT); Video News; Photo News; Organization (TYC, TWA); World News; Search.]
- Tibet Times - A Tibetan Language Newspaper (Tibet Times, Dharamsala, India)
[News (in Tibetan and English), About Us, Message, Subscription]
- Radio Free Asia (RFA) - Tibetan Service (RFA, Washington DC, US)
[Latest News in Tibetan; Schedules; Search]
- Tibet - News & Journals Register (, US)
[The Latest News, News Archives, Events:
* Recent News, from World Tibet Network News
* News Room of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile
* March 1997 edition of Tibet Monitor
* News Archives
* On Tour - Dharma Teachers, Political Figures, Music and Dance Troups
* Upcoming Events
* Sources for Tibet News]
- Tibet Current Affairs (ANU, Australia)
[Tibetan current affairs analyses and news bulletins (ISSN 1355-3313) prepared by TIN - Tibet Information
Network (www.tibetinfo.NET), UK. The archive covers the years 1988 - 1999.]
- Tibet Information Network (TIN) (www.tibetinfo.NET, London, UK)
[Publications, News Updates, Tibet File, Reports from Tibet, Search,
Links. The site has been closed down in September 2005. Archived copies of the British 'www.tibetinfo.NET" site are availalble from the Internet Archive at*/ address. Tibet-related information on the old address, i.e. www.tibetinfo.NET, is now maintained and updated by The Office of Tibet.]
- TibetInfoNet.Net (www.tibetinfoNET.NET, Germany)
["An Independent Information Service on Contemporary Tibet."
Site contents: * Output by Topic (Society and Culture, Economy and Development, Education, Environment, Outside Tibet, Policies and Leaders, Prisoners and Protest); * Tibet File (Images from Tibet, Map of Tibet, Tibet by Counties, Populations Statistics, Chronology, Glossary, Bibliography); * Links (a list under construction); * Search Site; * Updates in English; * Updates in Tibetan; * Updates in Chinese; * Tibet News Digest; * About us; * Subscribe (free); * Support us; * Contact us.
The "www.tibetinfoNET.NET" site published in: Chinese, German, English, Spanish, French, Tibetan, Italian, Japanese and Tibetan. The site was established in Aug 2005].
TibetInfoNet.Net news updates are also available via a mailing list tin@tibetinfoNET.NET. Subscriptions to the list are via web page at]
- Tibet News (Tibetan Dept of Information and International Relations (DIIR, India)
[The official journal of the Central Tibetan Administration of H.H. The Dalai Lama.
Contents: Tibetan Bulletin: Current and Past issues (in HTML and PDF formats); Index of All Articles; About DIIR;
Publications; Audio-Visual Center; Contact Information]
- Tibet Press Watch (, US)
["The Tibet Press Watch (TPW) is the largest circulated journal of its kind in the Tibet world. Primarily aimed at our members, TPW carries incisive and analytical reports on U.S policies on Tibet and China as well as on developments in Tibet and among Tibetans in exile."]
World Tibet Network (WTN) News (Canada Tibet Committee,, Canada)
[Web edition of the WTN News - World Tibet News
[wtn-l[use"@"]]. Updated weekly. The site covers the major
events and issues which concern Tibet. Editorial Board: Nima Dorjee
(tibet[use"@"], Brian Given (bgiven[use"@"], Conrad
Richter (conradr[use"@"], Thubten Samdup (cantibet[use"@"],
Tseten Samdup (tibetlondon[use"@"]]
Tibet in Crisis: The Latest Analyses from SAAG
(South Asia Analysis Group [SAAG], India)
* 24 Mar 2008 - Tibet: Lhasa Uprising: China's Actions Crossing Its Boundaries - by Bhaskar Roy
* 24 Mar 2008 - China: Lessons From Tibet - by B. Raman
* 22 Mar 2008 - Radicalisation of Tibetan Youth - by B. Raman
* 21 Mar 2008 - Tibetan Agitation: Some Larger Issues - by Col R Hariharan (retd.)
* 21 Mar 2008 - Reactions In Greater Tibet - by B. Raman
* 20 Mar 2008 - Tibetan Youth: "We Want Support & Understanding, Not Pity" - by B. Raman
* 20 Mar 2008 - Tibet Unrest: Counter-measures by Chinese in Lhasa - by D. S Rajan
* 19 Mar 2008 - US Steps up Broadcasts & Telecasts to Tibet - by B. Raman
* 18 Mar 2008 - Chinese Mount Damage Control Exercise - by B. Raman
* 18 Mar 2008 - Chinese Begin Arrests In Lhasa - by B. Raman
* 17 Mar 2008 - Suppression in Tibet, Increased Vigil in Sichuan & Xinjiang - by B. Raman
Newsletters & Journals
- Bodhibladet-on-Line (, Norway)
[Online newsletter of the Karma Tashi Ling centre, Norway]
- Le
Bulletin d'Information de l'asbl Les Amis du Tibet - Belgique (, Belgium)
[Publication trimestrielle de l'asbl 'Les Amis du Tibet']
- Bulletin of Tibetology (, Sikkim, India)
[Contents 1965-preesent of a paper journal specializing in Tibetan and Sikkimese studies and published twice a year by the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology (NIT), Gantok, Sikkim. Back-issues 1965-2002 can be ordered (via nitsikkim[use"@"] email address) at 1$ per issue plus postage. From 2003 onwards, it's $7:50 per issue, postage included. The Bulletin was upgraded to international standards in 2003, hence the price hike.]
- Clear Mind (ANU, Australia)
[Newsletter for the Sakya Losal Choe-Dzong, The Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra, Australia]
- Lalita On Line (, Australia)
[Online newsletter for the Australian students of T.G. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche]
- A Lotus - The Newsletter for Complementary Medicine (, US)
[Contents: May97 (Self-diagnosis in Ayurveda and Tibetan
Medicine); Apr97 (Tumo and the energy factor in our daily lives);
Mar97 (Human as psychic phenomenon in Tibetan Medicine); Feb97 (A
guide to seasonal nutrition in Tibetan Medicine)]
- Maitreya Magazine (, The Netherlands)
[The magazine (in Dutch) of the Maitreya Institute, Emst, Netherlands]
- Mandala (, US)
[The Newsmagazine of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition]
- The Mirror (, US)
[The Newspaper of the International Dzogchen Community]
- The Prayer Flag (, New Zealand)
[Online newsletter of the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre, Dunedin, NZ]
- The Prayer Flag (, US)
[Online newsletter of the The Kadampa Center, Raleigh, NC, US]
- Pure Land (, US)
[Newsletter of the Vajrayana Foundation Hawai'i]
- Tibet Blogs (, US)
[Tibet Blogs displays blog updates from tibetan bloggers and serves as an online directory for tibet-related weblogs. Coverage in Jun 2007: human rights watch; the secret tibet; nyamrup; tibetan studies resources; tibet the forgetting land ;sft; adventure himalaya; tibet sites bloG; boycott 2008; the soul of tibet; tibetan avenue; zikpo; tibet toons; tibetan youth uk; life on the tibetan plateau; sft canada; mark winwood; tibetan bridges; china spy; times of tibe;t tyson williams; the tibet mirrow; sft uk; tibetan alter; sft france; friends of tibet; tibetan technology; sft-uw madison; global-drokpa; tibeto-logic; travels in tibet; Jigtenmig; tibet talk.]
- The Tibet Journal (U.Virginia, US)
[A quarterly publication of the Library of Tibetan
Works and Archives (LTWA), Dharamsala, India. The web pages listed above provide tables of contents only ]
- The Tibetan Political Review (, USA)
[The journal's goal is to ensure that political debates are about issues, not personalities.
TPR [est. Jun 2010] is founded and run by an Editorial Board consisting of Wangchuk Deden Shakabpa II, Nima R.T. Binara, Bhuchung D. Sonam, and Tenzin Wangyal]
- Tibetan Review (, Germany)
[Tibetan Review [est. 1968], for 3 decades a source of informations and a free forum
for frank discussions of the so called Tibetan Question, is now on the
- Tibetan Studies Internet Newsletter (TSIN) (Case Western Reserve U., US)
["Academic news (since Oct 1998) about research and conferences dealing with all facets of Tibetan Studies." Issues published so far:
August 2003,
December 2002,
September 2002,
February 2002,
October 1999,
April 1999,
January 1999,
October 1998]
- See also Buddhism/Buddhist Electronic Newsletters & Journals (, Australia)
- See also Zen Electronic Newsletters & Journals (, Australia)
- See also Asian & Pacific Studies Electronic Journals (, Australia)
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