The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
[Alphabetical || Category Subtree || WWW VL database]Edited by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek
Buddhist Studies - Other Religions
Last updated: 10 Mar 2009.
This document is a part of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
Please note that this page has been shamelessly plagiarized by a supposedly Buddhist site at
- Adidam (Free Daism) (, US)
- Aghor (, US)
[Teachings of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ramji, a modern day saint of Aghor tradition of North India. Keywords: Hinduism, yoga, spirituality, tantra ]- Alchemy Web Site (, UK)
[Offers 90MB of information on the ideas, symbolism, and texts of the alchemical tradition]- Anglicans Online Page (, Canada)
[Cyberspace for Episcopals/Anglicans]- Asian Astrology & Divination Page [China, Tibet, Vietnam] (, US)
- Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD, US)
[What is ASD, Journal - Dreaming, Educational material, Regional & International Conferences, ASD Newsletter, Who is Who, Dream Art Exhibits]- Atheism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- The Baha'i World (
- Baha'i - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) Page (, US)
- Bible Gateway (, US)
- Catholic Information Center on Internet (CICI) (
- Christianity - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- CyberMuslim Information Collective (, Malaysia)
- Dharma Central (Dharma Central, US)
[Also sometimes known as 'Hinduism', Sanatana Dharma is the world's most ancient culture and the religion of almost one billion of the earth's inhabitants. Site contents: Introduction; Sanatana Dharma FAQ; Vishishta Advaita Vedanta; Dharma Bhasha (articles); Essential Hindu Library [a brief list of recommended readings]; Global Dharma Connections; Schedule of Events]G
- General Theory of Religion Home Page (, US)
- Gnosis Archive (, US)
- Hare Krishna (
- Hinduism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Hinduism - The eBook (The Journal of Buddhist Ethics Online Books, The Pennsylvania State U. , US & Goldsmiths U. , UK)
["Hinduism - The eBook The First Comprehensive E-Text Introduction [2006] By Hillary Rodrigues. A self contained textbook, ISBN: 0-9747055-2-7, in PDF format, for a one-semester introductory course on Hinduism. Designed for undergraduate level study, it provides everything students and teachers could expect from a printed text and more. There are two main components: 1. Hinduism - The eBook. A text book with extensive links to the Internet 2. Hinduism Online. A website dovetailing with the ebook and providing a range of additional resources for students and teachers. [...]
Summary of Contents: Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Vedic Religion; Chapter 3: Karma and Cosmology; Chapter 4: Hindu Social Organization and Values; Chapter 5: Dharma and the Individual; Chapter 6: The Sanksrit Language; Chapter 7: Indian Philosophical Schools; Chapter 8: The Epics; Chapter 9: The Bhagavad Gita and the Rise of Bhakti; Chapter 10: Major Hindu Sects; Chapter 11: Hindu Deities and Puranic Mythology; Chapter 12: Hindu Art and Worship Rituals; Chapter 13: Vedanta; Chapter 14: Tantra; Chapter 15: Reform and Revitalization; Chapter 16: Hinduism Beyond India; Chapter 17: Hinduism and the West; Chapter 18: Select Themes in Hinduism; Appendix: Glossary of Deities; Glossary of Place Names; Glossary of People's Names; Glossary of Texts; General Glossary."]- Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) (, UK)
["The principal aim of the Centre, founded in 1997, is the study of Hindu culture, religion, languages, literature, philosophy, history, arts, and society, in all periods and in all parts of the world. All Hindu traditions are included. The OCHS is a Recognised Independent Centre of Oxford University and strives to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity, originality, and excellence."]- Headless Way, The (, US)
- International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) (Bonita Springs, FL, US)
[Founded in 1979, the ICSA is the leading professional organization concerned about psychological manipulation and abusive relationships, especially as they manifest in the interaction of individuals with cults, new religious movements, and related groups.]- International Meditation Society (IMS) (Vancouver, Canada)
[The IMS is dedicated to promoting World Peace through Meditation. and is loosely connected to the world wide Divine Life Society, India, founded by the great spiritual master, H.H Swami Shivananda Saraswati.]- Islam - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Jainism: Jain Principles, History, Resources, History (, US)
- Jainism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Judaism and Jewish Resources (Shamash Project, US)
[Central Services; FTP archives; Mailing lists; The State of Israel; News and Media; Usenet; SCJ FAQ & Reading Lists; Lubavitch; Jewish Learning; Products and Services; Jewish Communities; Yiddish; Hebrew; Sephardi; Arts; Museums and Exhibitions; Jewish Organizations; Archaeology; Internet Relay Chat; Libraries; Books; Jewish Studies; Calendar; Travels; Kashrut; Holocaust; Other Index Links]- Judaism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- The Koran (U Michigan, US)
[An electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by MH Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983.]- Krishnamurti Foundation of America (, US)
- Kundalini Resource Center (, US)
- Mohammed Image Archive: Depictions of Mohammed Throughout History (, US)
[Islamic Depictions of Mohammed in Full; Islamic Depictions of Mohammed with Face Hidden; European Medieval and Renaissance Images; Miscellaneous Mohammed Images; Book Illustrations; Dante's Inferno; French Book Covers; Satirical Modern Cartoons; The Jyllands-Posten Sep 2005 Cartoons; 2006 Responses to the Controversy]- Mormonism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Occult & Mysticism Resources Register (OMNet, Carnegie Mellon U, US)
- Orthodox Christianity (U. Western Australia, Australia)
- Paganism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments (Council on Spiritual Practice, US)
[Extended bibliographic information and short excerpts from over 375 books, dissertations, and topical issues of journals on the topic of entheogens. Entheogens are psychoactive plants and chemicals used in a religious context.]- Religion WWW Virtual Library (
- Shinto - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- The Sikhism Home Page (
- Sikhism - BBC - Religion & Ethics (, UK)
- Sufi Center Bookstore (, US)
[Books, Audio/Video, Music, Ordering Info, Sufi Centers Sufi-related Internet Sites, Hazrat Inayat Khan, International Sufi Movement]- Links to Academic Websites on Sufism (The Journal of the History of Sufism (JHS), France)
- Sufi-related resources on the Internet (, US)
- Taoist Alchemical Studies Center (, Belgium)
- Taoism Virtual Library (U. Florida, US)
- Theosophy World (
- TranceNet (, US)
[An archival copy of a site with independent information on Transcendental Meditation (TM). Covers: mantras, insider stories, gossips, critical research, news archive.- Transpersonal Psychology Charles T.Tart Archives (U. Cal, Davis, US)
- Transpsych-L electronic forum
Transpsych-L is a platform to discuss themes from the field of transpersonal psychology, a great scientific source of knowledge for people who are interested in themes on consciousness, meditation, psychology and new paradigms. Important (and world-known) writers in the transpersonal field are: Ken Wilber, Charles T. Tart, Stanislav Grof, Roger Walsh.
To SUBSCRIBE transpsych-l send mail to:
In the body: subscribe transpsych-l (don't write your NAME)]W
- World Wide Shamanic Web ( U, US)
- World of Traditional Zoroastrianism (
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Maintainer: Dr T. Matthew Ciolek ( ![]()
visitors to since 08 May 1997.Copyright (c) 1996-present by T. Matthew Ciolek. This Web page may be linked to any other Web pages. Contents may not be altered.