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Buddhist Studies - Electronic Resources
Edited by T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek[use"@"]
Last updated: 21 May 2008.
This document is a part of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
  An Overview
- Internet, Buddhist and Christian
[Ciolek, T. Matthew. 2000. Internet, Buddhist and Christian (a 4,000 words article). pp. 650-655, In: William M. Johnston (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 2 volumes, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.]
Buddhist Educational Resources
Buddhism - The eBook (The Journal of Buddhist Ethics Online Books, JBE, The Pennsylvania State U., US & Goldsmiths U., UK)
[Buddhism - The eBook Second Edition [2006] The First Comprehensive E-Text Introduction, By Charles Prebish and Damien Keown. Extensively revised and updated, Buddhism - The eBook, Second Edition is a self contained textbook, ISBN: 0-9747055-3-5, in PDF format, for an introductory course on Buddhism. Designed for undergraduate level study, it provides everything students and teachers could expect from a printed text and more. There are two main components: 1. Buddhism - The eBook, Second Edition. A text book with extensive links to the Internet 2. Buddhism Online. A website dovetailing with the ebook and providing a range of additional resources for students and teachers.
Summary of Contents: Acknowledgements ; Pronunciation Guide; The Background to Buddhism; Part One: Foundations; 1. Karma and Cosmology; 2. The Buddha; 3. The Dharma; 4. The Buddhist Sangha; Part Two: Development; 1. Buddhism in India; 2. Mahayana; 3. Meditation; Part Three: Buddhism Beyond India; 1. Buddhism in Southeast Asia; 2. Buddhism in East Asia; 3. Buddhism in Tibet; Part Four: Modernity; 1. Buddhism in the Western World; 2. Engaged Buddhism; 3. Buddhist Ethics; 4. Reflections on the Nature and Study of Buddhism; Appendix: Chronology of Buddhist History; The Buddhist Scriptures.]Buddhist Philosophy Class online (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Tibetan Government in Exile, Dharamsala, India)
[The webpage gives free, live and downloadable access to the daily Buddhist Philosophy Class taught at the Library. The teacher for this class, Geshe Sonam Rinchen, holds the degree of Geshe Lharampa, which he received in 1980. He also holds an Acharya degree (equiv. to Master's Degree) from the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (hereinafter CIHTS) in Sarnath, Varanasi. He has taught classes at LTWA since 1978.]BodhiTree: Buddhist Education Resources for Young Students (, Sydney, NSW, Australia)
[Free to download Buddhist education books. The resources are currently used by the Buddhist Council of NSW] in the NSW Special Religious Education teaching program. Site contents: * E-books (For primary students, For secondary students, Miscellaneous, For tertiary students and teachers); * Pictures (Bodhi tree - Bodhgaya, River Ganges - Varanasi, Deer Park - Sarnath, Dhamekh stupa - Sarnath, Monastery ruins - Sarnath, Kapilavatthu, Kosambi, Pictures from the Buddha's biography); * Weblinks (Buddhist, Children, General)]Back to Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
Buddhist FTP Resources
- Buddhanet File Library [ftp] (Buddha Dhamma Meditation Association Inc., Australia)
[art, general, mahayana, meditation, Australian Buddhism, theravada, zen]- Electronic Buddhist Archives [ftp] (ANU,Australia)
[buddhism-general, buddhism-theravada, buddhism-tibetan, buddhism-vajrayana, buddhism-vietnamese, buddhism-zen]- Journal of Buddhist Ethics archives [ftp] (Pennsylvania State U.,USA)
[Pali, conference, fonts, resources, style, vol. 1-4]- Nectec mirror archives [ftp] (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand )
[Abhidhamma, Art, Dharmanet, General, Journals, Pureland, Resources, Theravada, Tibet, Vajrayana, Vinaya, Zen]- Text File Archives [ftp] (; The ETEXT Archives, University of Michigan, USA)
[abhidarma, art, dharmanet, general, journals, pureland, resources, theravada, tibet, vajrayana, vinaya, zen]- UMich Dharmanet Archive [ftp] (via University of Michigan, USA)
[abhidarma, art, dharmanet, general, journals, pureland, resources, theravada, tibet, vajrayana, vinaya, zen]- Washington University Archive (Washington University, St. Louis, USA)
[A copy of the Electronic Buddhist Archives ANU listed above: buddhism-general, buddhism-theravada, buddhism-tibetan, buddhism-vajrayana, buddhism-vietnamese, buddhism-zen]Back to Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
Buddhist Interactive Online Resources
- DharmaFlix
Buddhist & Spiritual Film Video WikiMailing lists:
- Amida[use"@"]
Jodo Shin Shu and Buddhist discussion group
[Subscription message to amida-subscribe[use"@"] no message body or subject needed;
or use web-based version at]- Buddha-L[use"@"]
Buddhist Academic Discussion Forum
(formerly at Buddha-L[use"@"]
Web-based information:
[Subscription message to buddha-l-request[use"@"]
subject: subscribe ]
- Buddhismo[use"@"]
Portuguese and Spanish Buddhism forum
[Subscription message to buddhismo-subscribe[use"@"]
or web-based subscription at]- Buddhist-Monastic[use"@"]
Support and the exchange of information among those who are either ordained Buddhist monastics, or who are interested in exploring the Buddhist monastic life.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Buddhist-philosophy-dialognet[use"@"]
A conversation about Buddhist Philosophy.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Bpf[use"@"] (Buddhist Peace Fellowship/International Network of Engaged Buddhists)
Discussion, questions, announcements, and urgent alerts.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Butsudo[use"@"]
a French-speaking list about Zen Buddhism.
Echanges sur l'ȴude et la pratique du Bouddhisme zen; Transmission du Zen en occident; les diffȲentes sanghas occidentales ; les diffȲentes formes de Zen. Postings in English welcome.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Chungtao[use"@"]
Portuguese-language, Brazilian Zen mailing list
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Dhamma-list[use"@"]
Friendly Theravadin discussion; a mixture of light and serious
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Dharma-Bhavana[use"@"]
Serious discussion based in sutras, open to beginners as well as scholars and teachers.
[Subscription message to Dharma-Bhavana-Request[use"@"]
body: subscribe]- Dharma-Talk[use"@"]
Discussions about Dharma (Buddhism), in English & other languages.
[Subscription message to majordomo[use"@"]
body: subscribe DHARMA-TALK your_email_address]- Dzogchen[use"@"]
For all students of Dzogchen (Tibetan Buddhism derived from the Maha Ati Tantra)
[Web-based information and subscription at]- EaBud[use"@"]
Forum on Eastern American/East Asian Buddhism
[Subscription message to listserv[use"@"]
subject: EABUD your_firstname your_lastname]- H-Buddhism (Buddhist Scholars Information Network)
A medium for the exchange of information regarding academic resources, new research projects, scholarly publications, university job listings, and so forth, for specialists in Buddhist Studies who are currently affiliated with academic institutions.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- InsightPractice[use"@"]
Forum on Theravada Buddhism and Insight Meditation
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Lesbian-Buddhist-eSangha[use"@"]
An on-line Sangha for lesbian, bisexual and trans Buddhists.
[This eSangha is especially intended for those who, due to health, location or other reasons, are not able to participate in a face-to-face Sangha.
Subscription message to Lesbian-Buddhist-eSangha-subscribe[use"@"]
If you require further information, please contact the following e-mail address: candacevan[use"@"]]- Oceanofdharma[use"@"]
[Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications, the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE Send an e-mail with subscribe in the subject line to: oceanofdharma-request[use"@"]
Go to this URL:
Listowner: Carolyn Gimian (cgimian[use"@"]]- Nalanda[use"@"]
Brazilian Sangha mailing list (in Portuguese and English)
[Subscription message to nalanda[use"@"]
In "subject" box write: #nalanda%subscribe your_name
Note: Use "#nalanda" address, or the message is sent to the Nalanda Centre (i.e. not to the Nalanda List)
Listowner: Ricardo Sasaki (rsasaki[use"@"]]- RISA-L: The Religion in South Asia Section Academic Discussion List. (U. of San Diego, US)
[The Religion in South Asia Section (RISA) is a special-interest group within the American Academy of Religion (AAR) ( Its purpose is to further the academic study of the religious traditions of South Asia, both classical and modern. The purpose of RISA-L, the email list of RISA, is to provide a forum in which the professional scholars active in RISA may exchange ideas and information on matters pertaining to their research and teaching. RISA-L subscriptions are not open to the general Internet public. Subscriptions are normally available only to AAR members with terminal degrees in related academic disciplines researching and/or teaching in the area of religion in South Asia. Guest subscriptions are available to other active scholars with such qualifications, or to graduate students currently doing work in these fields. It is assumed that subscribers are familiar with current methodologies and assumptions in academic religious studies. These eligibility criteria are enforced strictly to help ensure that the discussion remains as much as possible on an informed, professional, and academic level. Camisetas De Futbol Baratas | | | | Note: Undergraduate students in related disciplines may obtain subscriptions to RISA-L if they are sponsored by a faculty mentor who is an AAR member and a RISA-L subscriber.
RISA-L list is run by deepak.sarma[use"@"], and lnelson[use"@"]]- Sangha[use"@"]
The public list for Site Operators and Users of Dharma Ring, the Buddhist Web Ring.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Shin Forum[use"@"]
Forum on Jodo Shinshu Buddhism
[Web-based subscription and archives at
- Sotozenbuddhism[use"@"]
Soto Zen Buddhist discussion; exchange of ideas and feelings about the dharma, zazen, the role of monasteries, etc...
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Sudhamma[use"@"]
Portuguese and Spanish Theravada Buddhism forum
[Subscription message to sudhamma-subscribe[use"@"]
or web-based subscription at]- UUBF-L[use"@"]
Forum on Unitarian Universalist Buddhism
[Web-based information, archives and subscription at]- Upasika[use"@"]
Discussion list created by Upasikas of the Theravadan Forest Sangha Tradition (of northern Thailand).
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Vipassana[use"@"]
Buddhist Insight Meditation discussion forum.
[Subscription message to listserv[use"@"]
body: subscribe vipassana your_first_name your_last_name]- Zazen[use"@"]
Zazen (seated meditation) discussion forum.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Zen-dialognet[use"@"]
An ummoderated forum on anything relating to Zen Buddhism and its thoughtful understanding.
[Web-based information and subscription at]- Zen-forum[use"@"]
Mail list for German-speaking Zen Buddhists.
[Subscription message to listserv[use"@"] body: subscribe zenFORUM. See also homepage at]- Zenbuddhism[use"@"]
A low-traffic, informal discussion of Zen.
[Web-based information, archives, and subscription at]- Zendo[use"@"]
Discussion of Zen (Ch'an, Seon) Buddhist practice rather than Buddhist history or philosophy.
[Subscription message to majordomo[use"@"]
body: subscribe zendo your_email_address ]- Zsutra[use"@"]
Discussion of the Sutras for Zen practitioners
[Subscription message to majordomo[use"@"]
body: subscribe zsutra your_name]Bulletin boards:
- Buddhism Depot
[Hosted by shareware vendor Po-Han Lin; some ads]- Buddhism Discussion Forum.
[Operated by the Buddhism Depot. Discussions of subjects related to Buddhism, Dharma, and Buddhist scriptures like the Pali Canon.- AWnet Discussion Forum & Mailing List.
[Discussion based on the teachings of Alan Watts]Usenet Newsgroups:
- alt.philosophy.zen
- alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren
- alt.religion.buddhism.theravada
- alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
- alt.zen
- de.soc.weltanschauung.buddhismus (German)
- han.soc.religion.buddhism (Korean)
- talk.religion.buddhism
- tw.bbs.soc.religion.buddhism (Chinese)
- Buddhism Depot Chat Room
[Chats must be scheduled on the Buddhism Depot bulletin boards, listed above]- Kaihan Chat Room
[Hosted by the Kaihan E-Zine (Zen) website Chat must be scheduled (from same page)]- KarmaWay
[Part of Talk City's Spirituality Community [Hosted free; many ad banners. Registration required.]Back to Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
Maintainer: T. Matthew Ciolek tmciolek[use"@"] ![]()
visitors to since 08 May 1997.The World-Wide Web Virtual Library depends for its currency and its accuracy on its users. Although its maintainers do periodically check the sites listed here and their links, we also ask our users to send us relevant comments - especially when a listed site is no longer up to standards or a link is broken.
Copyright (c) Sep 1998 - Nov 2000 by Thomas Hippensteele. Sep 1995 - Aug 1998, Dec 2000 - present by T. Matthew Ciolek. This Web page may be linked to any other Web pages. Contents may not be altered.
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