Suggested citation format:
Jupp, David L B. 2006. "The Qinling Plank Roads to Shu" Project. David L B Jupp,
PO Box 3023, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.
"The Qinling Plank Roads to Shu" Project
Australia-China Cooperation to Enhance the Knowledge and Impacts of
Historical Culture through 3S Technologies in the Hanzhong Area of
Western China.
Dr David L B Jupp
PO Box 3023
Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
[Page est. 3 Nov 2006. Page last updated: 2 Dec 2014.]
This Australia-China Council (ACC) ( supported project will apply modern "3S"
technology, i.e. Remote Sensing (usually from satellites), Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) to
help research into Qin, Han to Tang Dynasty "Plank" Roads (= trestle
roads built along sheer cliffs and steep sides of inaccessible mountain
valleys) constructed in antiquity across the Qinling mountains for
communications, interchange, trade and traffic between the present day
Shaanxi and Sichuan regions of Central and Western China.
The Primary Objectives of the China's Qinling Plank Roads to Shu Project are:
1. To provide an introduction to 3S technology appropriate to historical
and archaeological studies at a workshop on the Shu Roads in Hanzhong;
2. To promote interactions between Hanzhong Museum and similar
Australian academic groups and Museums in applications of 3S technology
to support preservation and conservation of historical relics and
records and for the resolution of historical questions;
3. To promote the application of Australian experience in 3S technology,
historical research, conservation and preservation of history,
historical records and environment as well as tourism at the practical
level needed in China.
For details of the Project see the zipped version of January 2007 document (in English and Chinese) PDF document (Warning: zipped document size 852KB)
Update 1 Jun 2008: "3 S applications to Shu Road History" [incl. Google Earth KMZ Files for Shu Road work]
visitors to since 08 May 1997.
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